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Everything posted by jbmaine

  1. I would love the ulterra but my budget is maxed out as is, plus I would give up storage space in order to fit another battery for a 24 volt system. My understanding is the terrova has lift assist so I'm hoping it won't be to bad. That being said, should we get a windfall between now and spring the Ulterra is tempting. Thanks Jim
  2. Thanks, I am lucky, my wife enjoys being on the water just as much as me and I wouldn't head out without her. The Fury comes with a 12 volt trolling motor system so I've been kinda looking at the Terrova with 55 lb of thrust. Jim
  3. Hi all, I posted some time ago about the search for our retirement boat, and as everything has been finalized I thought I'd bore you with our journey of where we are at and how we got there. To recap- My wife and I love being out on the water/fishing. She is disabled and this is about the only thing we can do together outside. Our current boat is a Lund WC Delux we bought 10 yrs ago, and it has been a great little boat, but the last couple of yrs it has been harder for us to enjoy it. One of my wife's medications makes her very sensitive to sun and wind burn, and although she has tried hats, scarves' you name it, she is hurting and feeling sick by the end of the day. As for me, I have back issues and running a tiller drive and using a anchor all day is getting harder for me. So with the idea I will be retiring in a couple of yrs ( I'm 63 ) we started window shopping for a better boat for us. We looked at used and new and got quotes on trackers and lunds. I thought all of this was suddenly moot when last month I developed foot issues that took me out of work, and may very well mean early retirement for me. However this process got kick started again when My local lund dealer called and offered some great incentives and price reductions if we bought a boat this month. We had looked at a lot of used boats, and found several that would have worked for me, or her, but not both with out a lot of work, and weren't the best fishing platforms. So we went new. My wife and I talked it over and decided we would spend the money and go Lund ( it had the best fit form, and finish of any brand we looked at) , and if we didn't we would have to spend more next year, or just give up and sit at home . So fast forward to today. Our boat is on order and we couldn't he happier. Our dealer worked very hard to give us every price break and incentive he could and gave us discounts on options we wanted. he will also store it until spring for us at no charge. I can't say enough good things about him. What did we get? We got the lund 1625 Fury XL sport with a 50 hp. Mercury and ordered the sun top with it. With a full windshield and sun top my wife will be out of the sun and wind and I get steering wheel drive and a trolling motor ( no more pulling the anchor all day). We did not order it with a trolling motor or electronics. This way we have all winter to decide what we want to get ( and look for good deals over the holidays) and our dealer will install it all for us before we pick it up in the spring. We thought we would feel buyers remorse after doing this ( given our present circumstances ) but surprisingly no, not at all, we can't wait for spring. Well, thanks for reading this long narrative and don't worry, come spring I'll bore you again with a crap load of pic's. Jim
  4. My dad and me sometime in the 1950's. Even with a toy fishing rod I had the bug. He's been gone 6 yrs now and I still miss him like crazy. Jim
  5. hi all, Thanks for all the replies, Just to clarify a couple of things, I had to go through a couple of layers of management at lund to get this resolved, but when I did they were quite reasonable. What they told me is from the Impact on up a horn is standard equipment, but they sell almost 1/2 of their fury's and rebel's in Canada and for some reason Canadians don't want horns on their boats. (true or not, I have no idea). We are in final conversations with our dealer, and he is going over and above to work with us. I have nothing but good to say about him. I'll post more on this later. As for me, Ya I'm stubborn. I wanted a horn for safety reasons ( I'll also carry a whistle ) but Lunds website said it was standard , and I thought they should honor that, and they did. So at the end of the day, no harm no foul. We'll have final news on our boat in short order , and I'll post more on this soon Thanks Jim
  6. Hi All, I have been given a gift card for BPS @ $125. and so I am thinking of adding to my small selection of rods. Quite frankly with the vast selection of choices out there I am some what confused as to what to look at, so I am asking for suggestions. I would like a general purpose spinning rod to throw baits from around 1/2-1 oz. Anything from heavier jigs to wopper ploppers, spinner baits, etc. I already have a symtre reel to go on it. If anyone could recommend a rod or rods that would adequately cast these baits for that price range I would really appreciate it. Thanks Jim
  7. hi all-- here's an update. I talked to a customer service manager at Lund today. I explained that I thought a horn should be included as standard equipment as per the web site, and we had a good conversation. It turns out that a horn has never been standard on the Fury's or Rebel's, and in all this time the web site was wrong, and I was the first person to ever bring it to their attention. At that point we had a good laugh and he said he would be happy to install a horn no charge. I know I've been a bit anal about this (call me a stubborn Yankee ) but this meant something to me. Thanks for listening Jim
  8. Hi All, As some of you might know from one of my previous posts, We are looking at the possibility of getting a new Lund Fury XL. I have been talking to a couple of dealers on pricing, options, etc. In both cases the dealers asked me if we wanted a horn @ $ 51. I said that per the Lund web site a horn is listed as a standard feature ( it is ). In both cases the dealers said that per their paper work it is an option. So I called Lund and talked to a gentleman there. At first he said it was an option, I told him to look at the web site, he did and then said he didn't know, he would have to call me back. He called me back and told me the web site was wrong, it was indeed an option. They would change their web site. I asked him that since I found this, couldn't I get a horn for no charge. He said no. I know this is small thing in the overall big picture, but this really bugged me. I mean the console comes with a horn button, why have a horn button and no horn. I thought about this for a while and did some more research then called Lund back and got the same gentleman. I said that per the Lund web site it says " when it comes to safety just good enough never is". I asked him if that was correct, he said of course. I asked him if the foam flotation they put in their boats met Coast Guard requirements , He said it exceeds that. I then asked him, Per Coast Guard regulations. any vessel 16 ft. or larger must have a sound producing device, AKA horn, so it seems Lund is making boats that don't meet these regulations. I said, shouldn't a horn be standard equipment for safety reasons, to meet Coast Guard regs. He told me I could get a horn, I just have to buy it. At this point I could see this was going to be a pointless conversation so I thanked him for his time, said good by and hung up. I know I need a fire extinguisher, PFD's etc. and I don't mind buying them, but for some reason the horn thing really ticked me off. As a foot note I ran this by both dealers I have been talking to. One offered me a free horn, the other did not. If everything else comes out about = guess which dealer I'll do business with. ( P.S., it's been several days and Lund still hasn't changed their web site.) So thanks for letting me get this off my chest, rant over. thanks for listening Jim
  9. hi all, This line seems to have disappeared. Is it still being made, sold? I have used 6# test in my spinning reels for years with great results, and was looking to pick up some more. If it's not available what might be a good copolymer line to replace it with? Thanks Jim
  10. Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts and encouragement. We'll let you know as our decision progresses. Jim
  11. thanks A-Jay, Thankfully my issues are non life threatening. I've been a machinist for the last 40+ yrs, and standing on cement floors all that time has taken a toll on my feet and back. I am currently out of work on short term disability, while my foot doctor tries to relieve the pain and keep me going. My wife is also disabled and being on the water with me is one of the few things she can enjoy outside. As is, with our current boat, a day on the water fishing is fun, but after a few hrs. we are both hurting and it takes us days to recover. Even though the timing sucks right now, I am tempted to order this boat. We have the $$ now, but may not later, and it would allow us to keep enjoying ourselves out side fishing, instead of staying home most days wishing we were fishing. Worst case, down the road if we had to , we could sell it and get a lot of our $$ back. Jim
  12. Hi all, My wife and I love being out on the water fishing. It's what we do, when ever we can, all during the warm weather months. Our boat for the last 10 yrs is a 14 ft. Lund WC delux with a 20 hp Honda. It's been a great little boat but as we get older (we're both in our 60's) it is not as comfortable for us to spend time in as it once was. Our game plan has been to get a bigger more comfortable boat to fish with as I near retirement. We have been window shopping boats for the last several months in anticipation of my retirement in a couple of years, and after looking at every make from every local dealer we settled on a Lund Fury XL Sport. This looks perfect for us. it will get me away from tiller steer, and will give us more room, more storage, a casting deck and trolling motor. Plus the windshield will give more protection from the wind on cold days ( a must for my wife). We got a quote from our local dealer on one with a 30hp motor and were close to ordering it when I developed medical conditions which may mean early retirement for me ( I'll know in a few months). So facing the thought of retiring 2 yrs early with less money ( we're OK but far from well to do) we put a new boat on the back burner, that is until yesterday. My lund dealer called and told me he could get me a special incentive if I ordered this boat before Oct. He offered the same boat with a 50 hp for about 1K less than the one we quoted with a 30hp. He also offered to store it for free until next spring. As crazy as it sounds we are considering it. If I can keep working all well and good if not our choices are- buy the new boat and really enjoy ourselves- hope a used boat comes up that fits our needs ( I have been looking for a long time, no luck)- Or keep using our current boat and fish less often. We have the rest of this month to decide. Jim
  13. If only I could. But the impact starts at $$ 23,095, way out of my price range. The fury starts at $$ 12,095, That I think we can swing. MICK D-- your rebel starts around $$ 4,400 more than the Fury. As a rebel owner would you mind looking at the Fury XL SPORT on the LUND site and letting me know what you think the advantages are of a Rebel over a fury. If it looks worth it I mite try to upsize that much. Thanks Jim
  14. thanks, I'm a big fan of Lunds. We have had a WC Delux lund for the last 10 yrs. I think the Fury would be a nice up grade for us, but never having been in one ( none of the dealers local have one in stock) I was hoping for feedback on this model. Things like is the casting deck big enough, does it feel roomy enough for 2 people after a full day on the water. Things like that. Thanks Jim
  15. Hi all, I have been kind of looking at a Lund 16 ft Fury XL Sport as a possible new boat in the not too distant future. From the pictures it has all the features we are looking for. But I have yet to see one in person, much less fish out of one, so I was wondering if anyone has one, or spent time on one, and could give me your thoughts on it. It would be for me and my wife to bass fish and possibly do some trolling for trout after ice out. Thanks Jim
  16. wow, very nice bass. If you don't mind sharing, what was working for you? It's been a while since I've had a dozen fish day at mousam. Jim
  17. Hi all Sorry I didn't give feed back on this sooner. I picked up a new battery and finally got out to give it a try. Problem solved. Unit stays on all the time now. Thank goodness it was a simple fix. Jim
  18. I've just got a small boat, 14ft lund WC Delux, and I don't have a trolling motor. This is my second year with the Helix. Last year it worked fine. I've just picked up a new battery and hope to get out soon and see if it fixes the issue. Thanks Jim
  19. Thanks for the replies, The Helix is wired direct to the battery, as is the motor( I have only one battery). I picked up a new battery and will see if this corrects the issue. The old battery was 5 yr's old so a new one was due any why. Thanks for the help Jim
  20. Bite-blocker Best stuff I've ever used. Jim
  21. hi all, Got out for the first time this year and had something strange happen. My helix 5 would be at times shut off , and I could not turn it on. I kept playing with it and finally found out the following things. The Helix would shut off every time I started the motor. I could not turn it back on unless I unplugged it and plugged it back in. Then I could turn it back on. If I turned it off before starting the motor I could turn it on once the motor was running. When running the motor it would charge the battery at around 14.5 volts. After shutting off the motor the battery showed a surface charge of 12.6 volts but within a minute was down to 12 volts. I am thinking I have a weak battery and starting the motor ( it started fine) would draw the battery down low enough to turn off the Helix, and the Helix has to be replugged back in to "reset it". Does this sound reasonable and has anyone else seen anything like this? I'm thinking I need a new battery. Jim
  22. Finally got out today. Found the water temp at 58 degrees. Could not get a LM bite, but the smallies were more willing. Nothing big( 2lb 8oz was the largest) but a lot of fun. Let the season begin!!!!!!! Here's a couple of pics Thanks for looking Jim
  23. I grew up in Rye and remember my great uncle taking me to the eel pond for hornpout. It was also full of white perch. I had no idea there were bass in there. I have a picture from the early 1900's of farmers harvesting salt grass from the eel pond for their cows. Jim
  24. When I was younger I knew an older gentleman who only fished at night. He would troll a jitterbug just off the shore line. I went with him a few times. We always caught bass. Jim
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