Hi all,
We had a chance to hit Mousam today and thought I'd report on what's going on there.
The weather was perfect for fishing, air temp 68, totally overcast, misty, calm to lite breeze.
The water temp was warmer than expected, 72.
we mostly fished weed lines in 2-5 ft. of water, some extended out 100 yards from shore, more than I have ever seen there before.
With these conditions I thought the topwater bite would be on, but no such luck.
I thru a Whopper Plopper everywhere and anywhere with no results. Tried running a rage tail toad across the surface, still nothing.
Went subsurface with a KVD swimn caffine shad, still zip.
Finally found tossing the rage tail toad, letting it sink, then a slow retrieve, worked, and we started catching bass. all the bass we caught were on the toad, except one my wife caught on a Senko. Nothing big, all between 1-2 lb's.
Looking for bigger bass we moved in to 7-9 ft of water, with submerged weeds up to about 3 ft below the surface. This time WP zip, toad zip, but the KVD shad caught pickerel after pickerel and nothing but pickerel.
All and all we had fun, but this was a bitter sweet trip for us . We're picking up a new boat in the spring ( our retirement boat ), And it looks like our current boat will be sold this week, so this was our last trip in it.
On a side note: we saw an around 3 ft eel swim across the bottom. I've been going to Mousam over 60 yrs now and never knew there were eel's in it.
Here's a few pic's
nice weed line
little bass
perfectly hooked pickerel
thanks for looking