I'm trying to break my self of this bad habit, but it still happens. You fish a body of water and something's changed. A few days ago you fished it and could do no wrong. You fish it again and the temp, weather, whatever is different. The fish have moved, aren't hitting the same bait, short strikes , things are just not the same. This is normal, it happens. You change baits, fishing style, location, whatever it takes. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.
At the end of the day, your driving home, eating supper, etc. , but your mind is still replaying the day over and over. And then it all comes together, The AHH HAH moment when all the pieces fit into place, and you know why you didn't catch more fish. Things like, I should have been fishing this type of water, not that type, Why didn't I throw this bait, I certainly bought enough of them. And the list goes on.
I keep telling my self I need to be quicker to analyze, adapt to changes, try different things, but for the life of me I don't seem to be getting any better at it.
Anyone have any ideas on what I could do to improve in this area.