I'm not quite sure how to express this correctly, but here goes. When I was a kid ( 60+ yrs. ago) we had a camp on a lake. My folks gave me an old Zebco rod and reel, put on a worm and bobber, and I was fishing. Loved it from the first moment. I would sit at the end of the dock, staring at that bobber, waiting for the fish to make that bobber bounce. Couldn't be happier.
One day a family friend stopped by, came down to the end of the dock, cast out an in line spinner and caught a fish. From that moment on a worm and bobber just didn't cut it. I saved up my money and bought one, then this, and that, and so on. It's been a slippery slope ever since.
I'll never be able to afford the best of everything but I have decent stuff. Sometimes I miss the "good old days" when sitting on a dock, with a worm and bobber, satisfied me, but If I did that now I know I'd be bored in no time.