Thanks for the replies everyone. I wrote this in kind of a humorous slant because that's the way we took it. We are retired, so can fish whenever we want. Their buzzing around didn't bother us, it was kind of fun to watch. That part of the lake is fairly small, maybe 200+ acres, so for them to go from point A to point B,C,D etc. at full bore took them maybe 10 seconds. And even then what they did didn't make much sense. They would fish maybe 10 or 20 yards of shore line, then zip to another shore line and do the same thing. We had maybe 200 yards of water all around us so they had plenty of room to give us space, yet they didn't.
I am no expert when it comes to fishing, however I have fished this particular lake off and on since I was a little kid ( 60+ years now) and usually have it dialed in, so had they slowed down going past us, and engaged us in conversation, and not ran WOT thru no wake zones, etc.,I would have been happy to tell them the weather had changed in the last day or so, and the bass had moved from the shallows on the shore line to the submerged weeds we were fishing.
I certainly no not think they represent the vast majority of tourney fisherman, but their actions do cast a less than favorable light when it comes to tourneys on these small lakes.
I think the funniest part is in their zipping along, getting from point A to point,B,C,D, etc. they must have barreled over a section of submerged weed line 4 or 5 times, and after they finally departed to parts unkown, we fished that section and caught one of the biggest LM we've ever caught in that lake.