As you know from my other post on this, Two and a half weeks ago my wife ruptured the cornea of her eye. She had some medical issues in that eye from when she was a child ( only had 10% sight out of it) and we guess it just let go. They glued a patch over the hole in her eye and the plan was to wait and see if it would heal.
However things did not go as planned.
My wife had massive headaches no pain reliever would touch, extreme sensitivity to light, we were living in the dark, shades drown, no lights on.
It also didn't help that all the cornea specialists we saw, were in Boston , an hour and a half away.
Last Monday we were in Boston seeing one of our specialists, he had just told us we had to be patient, these things take time. My wife was crying from the pain, lost in her misery, and something in me snapped. I told the doctor we weren't moving until something was done. A lively discussion ensued, and emergency surgery was scheduled for Tuesday P.M. at Tufts medical center in Boston.
I won't go into every last minute thing we had to do to make this happen,but we finally got the surgery done . We got home at the early hours in the AM and went to sleep.
Next morning my wife woke up and all the pain was gone! She couldn't believe how good she felt! She looked out the window in broad daylight, no pain. We saw her surgeon yesterday, the eye is healing fine, it should be fully healed in a month. My wife lost what ever vision she had in that eye but it was well worth it. If all goes well, a month from now we will be back out on the water having fun.
As before, a massive shout out to great friend and fellow member HAGGARD. He drove us down, waited 10 hours, and drove us back. We couldn't have done it with out him.