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jbmaine last won the day on September 21 2018

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Southern Maine
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Wherever I am fishing!

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  • About Me
    Retired and loving it

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  1. The more overcast the better. Chartreuse spinnerbait is the ticket for me.
  2. I'm on my second Lund. Not a single leak in either of them. Would buy again in a heart beat.
  3. I'm in my seventies and both the missus and I have disabilities that make fishing not as comfortable as it once was. As a bit of a back story, I spent decades standing in trout rivers or in a canoe. For years the missus and I fished out of a canoe. When that got too uncomfortable we bought a skiff. That worked for a number of years but finally it got to the point that after a day of fishing it took a week for my back to stop hurting and finally we bought a multi species style boat ( Lund Fury) and that for us has worked out great. We can both sit and fish, stand up and move around, be on the water all day with out hurting. We rigged it with an Ulterra so stow and deploy is the push of a button. We have a sun top to get out of the sun as needed. Comfortable chairs to sit on. As I said, for us it is perfect. Here's a few pics.
  4. Hi all, As some of you know my wife is a recent cancer survivor. We were so lucky to have an amazing hospital with a very good cancer center near by, and her treatment was top notch. She and I were exploring ideas on how we might give back and came across an Idea that is a good fit for us. Besides fishing, my wifes main hobby is quilting and we found out the hospital could use Lap quilts for patients during infusions, chemo to help keep them warm and possibly take home. So my wife has been busy making quilts and bags to keep them in. Here's one we hung up to photograph and one of the storage bags she is making. Thanks for looking
  5. Hi all, I feel so lucky to be able to sit at my computer, look out the sliding glass door and enjoy the wildlife. Every day brings a new sight. Took these pics in the last couple of days. The red marker is to help warn birds from hitting the glass. Thanks for looking.
  6. Love it! Looks like something my dad would have read.
  7. I've trolled some. Sometimes I'm just in the mood to sit back and be lazy. I used to know an old timer who only fished for bass at night, trolling a jitterbug. He caught plenty of bass.
  8. First water craft I ever used was a home made kayak my dad built out of a kit. I was about five at the time so figure around 1959.
  9. I've been fishing the same waters most all my life so I don't need to spend much time exploring. We hit the water, try spot A,B,C with lure 1,2,3 and once we find the type of places the fish are at we hit more places just like it. On the days this doesn't work we'll keep moving. Generally speaking LM- we'll spend more time moving, like along a weed bed, because LM tend to hunker down more. SM- we'll hit a point or rock pile and stay for a while because Smallies tend to move around more and we'll wait for them to come to us.
  10. If you try hard enough and long enough or hit one of those one in a million days, almost any " gimmick" lure will catch fish. I've even seen a fish suck down a cigarette butt once my friend threw in the water.
  11. I spent many years fishing out of my Radisson canoe. Loved everything about it. Only reason I'm not still in it is my back told me it was time for a change.
  12. In a bottle and over the side. Same place the fish, turtles, and frogs go.
  13. The Greatest Era for me is all the days I could fish, from the past till now. Many fish, big fish days come and go, but for us anyway, all the days just getting out and being on the water are the real blessings.
  14. I fish for bass because I love fishing, and they are a convenient fish to catch. Honestly I would rather be standing in a northern wilderness trout river fly fishing, but at our age and stage sitting in a comfortable boat in a near by bass lake is the way to go.
  15. I love fishing cloudy overcast days. I think the fish feel safer with less visibility from above. I certainly catch more when it's overcast.
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