This is what I’ve decided I want to do if I, by some crazy circumstances, become a bum. Heck I might even go this route if I don’t become a bum. Thank you all who’ve served our country!
I dislike people who're habitually lazy, I just can’t understand it. If I was a grow man living in my parents basement choosing not to make money, when I could have a job paying $21+ an hour, I don’t see how I could have any pride. I’m a sophomore high school, but I work whenever I’ve got breaks or extra days off. My boss and neighbor pays me $8 an hour to learn and help in his HVAC business. I made almost $1000 over the 19 days of Christmas break. I’m saving up for a truck(and fishing stuff), so I work as often as I can. I’ve got my parents and other people to thank for my work ethic!
Is there something he is really into? I want to make money for a truck and fishing stuff, so maybe if you find him something he wants, and only make him pay for it he might want to work for? The satisfaction and pride in know you payed for something is pretty great, if he learned this it might motive him to work a lot harder?