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Everything posted by HaydenS

  1. Sub walker!
  2. Jerk to the left, jerk to the right. If I want to throw a JB in the kayak I borrow, this is what I've got to do.
  3. The walking baits look good! A little bent, but showing fish something they haven't seen. These are examples of broken baits, no such thing as wasted tackle...?
  4. How many rods we talking? Dibs on G Loomis, Shimano, Abu Garcia and Okuma. ?? What is the crankbait? There is no such thing as wasted tackle.
  5. This is cool!
  6. Pegged for me
  7. I haven't seen a single praying mantis all summer ?
  8. Oh yeah!
  9. They sure did! https://www.zmanfishing.com/cms/chatter/official-elaztech-record/
  10. I'm not sure. We even had the door open a lot too. I'm sure he probably told us, but I can't recall.
  11. It was probably 65 degrees. We had a couple 100 degree days this summer, they were hot, but what can you do?
  12. When we were up there, it was 95 degrees. Wasn't bad at all.
  13. Getting old sounds horrible! No offense
  14. I can't believe this thread is still alive!
  15. My uncle in Wisconsin doesn't even have a heat or AC installed in his house, just a wood burning stove.
  16. This is what happens when you have a weak bait monkey. I feel this every time I spend more than $15.
  17. ? Thats good one, sounds like a fun way to catch 'em!
  18. Is this WIFA? https://ksdot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=3e0ba6a852d2479aa6e384b4f87a0c2b Check out Antioch Park. I've never gotten more than one bite a day, but there are good ones. This was last summer, on a jig. Almost 5. Lake Lenexa has okay bank access, but the fishing it fun there.
  19. Thank you! I don't see how you spend all that money, and go out for hours to kill all of your fish. If there is a fish in my box, it's getting checked on and baby every second. Thank you!
  20. ? That's what my partner put on his facebook. Figured I'd tell the whole story on here... It rained a lot, so I took my shoes off, which were soaking wet. I was wet all day long. What's really sad happened at the tournament that was going on at the same time. People were weighing in and then would come up the boat ramp and just dump their fish, no helping 'em or nothing. One guy went right up to the dock and dumped his fish and left 'em, all but one died. I spent 10 minutes on the boat ramp trying to get a two pounder to swim away with out going belly up, he ended up dying too. Really ticked me off that people wouldn't take care of/respect the fish that won them some money, just left 'em to die. ? All of the fish from our four boats swam away healthy.
  21. I'd put that on a wobble head, texas rig, or on the back of a jig. Might even work on the back of a buzzbait. From what I know the space monkey has been around a good while. I don't think I've ever seen them in stores. I've never throw one, but weightless would be the last thing I'd do. For just about every strike king soft plastic, there is a video. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Gnqt4TZTm7UP5Wvd3TkAw
  22. Caught this 4 pounder out at Pomme De Terre, during the club tourney classic. Was our only keeper that day. Won some money for big bass day. Caught 3 keepers the next day, but ended the day in last place out of 4 boats.
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