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Everything posted by HaydenS

  1. That's a megabass vision 110 style body, might be a KO though. Hooks kinda look like the stock megabass outbarb hooks. I'm sure you could clean it up and get some use out of it, vision 110's are fish catching machines.
  2. Thank you sir!
  3. So we get discounts, and some free product donated to the team. I believe the team sells the spots on our jerseys, and the bigger the spot, the more the company pays to our team. I believe we use the sponsorship money for team food after tourneys and team meetings. Thank you! My partner's sunnies weren't polarized, so he couldn't see these huge boulders and stumps, he almost went in a few times. My balance is pretty bad in a boat so I almost fell a few times as well! ?
  4. And here is @Bluebasser86's video from the first tournament!
  5. Thanks again, I hope it wasn't too terribly boring! Fishing was tough this weekend, but it was a ton of fun! Caught one of our keepers this weekend, had several fish follow our baits right to the boat. Had a 3+ smallie follow a spinnerbait all the way to the boat, and several fish follow a ned or jig, but never commit. Finished 7 and 20 this weekend, decent showing!
  6. Awesome, that's pretty cool! A lot has changed this summer, where is the rust tape measure?!!
  7. You caught four doubles!?!! Big ones too!? In that picture I didn't catch both bass at the same time, we just threw them in the live well for pictures, and let them go after. Turned out to a really tough day, only two bites, so we left with those two decent fish.
  8. Haha, I was like dang, I was forgot quick ?
  9. A member that took a break I guess
  10. 9/10 I'm back
  11. Hey, I know that guy! Thanks for posting it, haven't had my school computer, so haven't been very active. I guess that is the one thing I can look forward to when school is back in session, bass resource 24/7!
  12. Thanks! Nope, not in a tourney. Just fun fishing, and weighing the bigger fish we were catching.
  13. C and C custom baits getting it done!
  14. Had 18-19 pounds for 5 fish last weekend, fun fishing with two buddies on our high school fishing trail. My biggest at 3.5 even. C and C custom baits micro football jig. The dinks only wanted the ned, bigguns wanted the little jig. More fish on the Micro football jig, fishing behind my two buddies: Weighed low three, high two's: PB smallie at 4.10: PB lake Largemouth, 5 even:
  15. Had to go swimmin for that lucky swim jig color
  16. That looks really, really good!
  17. Perry was on fire, caught 18-19 pounds last Saturday. My biggest was a 3.5 even smallie, buddies was a 4.10 smallie, and a 5 even largemouth. Rest of the bag was high 2's low 3's smallies. Pictures soon.
  18. Had our state tourney this week at Norton County Lake, two day event, but prefished a couple days. First day of prefishing we had 17 pounds, caught fish on almost every cast. We left good spots alone, and didn't fish them until tourney day. Big baits you threw, smaller fish you caught. First few cast: Swim Jig fish: Day two bag: @Bluebasser86 flipping jig prefishing: \ Prefishing: Culling day two: Day one was tough for us, only weighed 10 pounds. Might have culled once. Day two was much better, weighed 13. 59, culled at least 5 times. Should've done better based on prefishing, but we were happy with an 8th place finish, during state, on a lake we'd never heard of.
  19. Yeah, got really rough and loud in the cab, looked in the rear view and the tire was smoking like a chimney.
  20. Blew a tire in middle of the night, 4 hours from home, on I-70, headed to our state tourney. Thankfully our spare was good. Got to town and got all new tires.
  21. Nice little wiper from our state tourney. War Eagle Finesse jig
  22. I've caught a couple on my bat. A nice crawler bait.
  23. A Brandon Palaniuk 2 295 B Cody Huff 69 137 C Brandon Card 84 107 D Lee Livesay 1 315 E Keith Combs 59 156
  24. I looked at Basstrakk at 840, and bryan new has 2 fish for 8 pounds. Come back ten minutes later and he has 5 fish for 27 pounds!
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