So I've been lurking here for a few months, picking up on the latest and greatest equipment and techniques. I went a little crazy during the Black Friday sales and bought, among other things I didn't need, a Daiwa Tatula SV TW103 and a Tatula CT. I paired the SV to a St. Croix Triumph 6'6" with Suffix 832 20lb braid, and the CT to a Dobyns Sierra Series 703 with Seaguar Smackdown 50lb. I intended the SV to be for lighter finesse type stuff and the CT for heavier rigs and lures.
I've only had a chance to take these out a couple of times. First time was about a month ago. I couldn't get the CT dialed in and finally gave up after several bird's nests on various lures. I got the SV dialed in almost immediately. It was money.
Took them both out today and while the SV was still money, I continue to struggle with the CT. I got better, but still have an occasional birds nest. I'm not sure what, if anything, I'm doing wrong.
My understanding from reading various posts here and elsewhere is that the Tatula braking system is a little different than others. I understand that rather than adjusting the tension knob until the lure falls gently without a backlash, you only tighten it enough to where the spool has just the slightest of play back and forth, then rely on the brake adjustment dial. Start at 10 and go from there, but it's intended to be a "set it and forget it" deal.
I did that with the SV and man, it works. It works on light ned rigs, it works on heavier bladed jigs with a trailer. It truly has been "set it and forget it" thus far. I've gotten to where I don't much worry about thumbing it, it's that good. I really, really like this reel.
Unfortunately the CT is a different story. I tried the "spool back and forth" setting with brakes on 10. Disaster. I started monkeying with the tension adjustment and finally got to where it was usable, but I have no confidence from cast to cast that I'm not going to get a backlash, so I end up riding my thumb the whole time. Plus every lure I put on requires me to fiddle with it, which is something I thought this braking system was supposed to avoid.
Am I doing something wrong? Did I misundertand how this system works, or is the CT different from the SV? Does the extra length of the rod I have the CT mounted to have anything to do with this? Or the heavier line? Is there something I need to check on the CT spool to make sure it's not malfunctioning?