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Dash Riprock

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Everything posted by Dash Riprock

  1. Apparently when it says "limited to buy 1" it means only one of any lb test. I tried one each of 12, 15 and 20 and it only discounted them $4 each or something at checkout. When you load only one spool in the cart it gives you the $1 price. And free shipping. So what's the catch here? I went ahead and ordered one 12lb spool because it was only $1 but I can't help wondering if this is a scam of some kind.
  2. The 6' Berkeley Lightning rod I ordered with one of the 50% off codes arrived well packaged in a tube and in perfect shape. That ought to do it for me for a long while. Can't afford any more of these "sales". Oh wait, I still need a reel for this one...
  3. My order is still in "pre-shipment" phase. Three e-mails have gone unanswered and they don't list a phone # on the website. Last time I order from these guys. Did your swimbaits come in a standard worm bag or packaged in a tray? The ones I ordered in the past came in a tray. I don't recall any being bent but, as I think I mentioned a while back, I don't have much luck with swimbaits and don't use them much. I'll try to dig them out later today and check.
  4. Oh sorry, I guess that could be confusing. I was asking about this (which Purefishing has now for $20 with the code).
  5. Is there a particular reel you'd recommend for these? I'll mainly be throwing weightless plastics (senkos, Fat Ikas), or possibly in-line spinners from the bank of a small creek.
  6. Oh great, that worked. Now...
  7. Hmmm... that's weird. Did you actually follow it all the way through and buy something? It accepted the code when I started the checkout process but when I got to the "pay" section it said "code has already been used" and adjusted everything back to regular price. Oh well, I really really really don't need any of this stuff so maybe this is a good thing.
  8. AWESOME! It won't let me use "belk50" again! I mean DARN IT! It won't let me use "belk50" again! ?
  9. Is this worth it for $20? I wouldn't mind a 6' casting rod for when the brush on the bank is thick. The pistol grip's kinda cool, too.
  10. Me too. I bought some MaxScent generals and flat worms last week that I didn't need. For grins I loaded up a cart with some more generals and pit bosses to see if the code still worked and unfortunately it's still valid. I don't need any of this stuff but I doubt I'll ever see prices like this again. NO MAS, NO MAS!
  11. Mine STILL says "pre-shipment". ? Maybe posting this will kick it in gear like it did for you.
  12. Their shop is about 45 minutes from my house. I've e-mailed them a couple of times in the past asking if I could stop by when I'm in the area and buy direct from the source but they don't answer. I dunno. I looked up my last order from them, which was in September of this year, and it took 4 days from placement to delivery.
  13. I did and I'm experiencing the same. Technically my e-mail said my order is "on the way", not "shipped" but the USPS tracking still says "pre-shipment" also. I'm not in a hurry for these but this is a bit irritating when you're already paying more for shipping than seems reasonable.
  14. All right, all right I'll do it. Dang it, I already have more worms than I'll ever use. But how do you pass up this deal?
  15. I have the Tatula SV-TW103, same system I think, with that "zero adjuster" knob. I didn't realize what that meant when I bought the reel and started monkeying around with it right out of the box. I thought it weird that the tension adjuster was so hard to access but didn't understand why at the time. At some point I started googling it and got even more confused. I had acquired a Tatula CT shortly after that which, I thought, had the same braking system but didn't have a "zero adjust" knob. I still don't understand why but oh well. I ended up readjusting it to the best of what I could tell the factory setting must have been, which is a barely perceptible side to side spool wobble, and now I just mess with the brake setting when I need to. Which isn't often, this reel is amazing. Whatever this brake system is (Magforce? Magforce Z? I dunno, again it's very confusing) is as far as I'm concerned the holy grail of brake systems.
  16. I don't know, maybe. For me it's more a matter of my left hand not being able to crank a baitcaster smoothly - it's kind of a jerky motion that I couldn't overcome. Plus my right hand could never find a natural "landing place". I constantly had to force myself to reposition my right hand up over the reel, whereby my left hand naturally lands in the palming position after casting. I have neither problem with a spinning reel. It makes no sense.
  17. Ha, I saw that too and thought the same. I see lots of things in the Color X list that look interesting but they must sell out within minutes of posting because almost nothing is ever available by the time I get there. They used to have a Smoke Shad color (light-ish gray on top, translucent white-ish on bottom) that was a killer for me in a 4.75" rattlesnake but I guess they discontinued it because it's no longer listed. Sadly I've only got a couple left in the bag. It's a fairly common color so I don't know why it's not offered as a staple.
  18. I try, but never had much luck with them either. I think I've got one rigged up with a Rage Menace and another with a curly tail grub. I'll give a swimbait a try.
  19. I'm not really the guy to ask about swimbaits because I never have any luck with them. I force myself to throw one every so often hoping that changes but so far it hasn't. I do have a couple of bags of Grande's swimbaits and a couple of bags of Keitechs and another I can't remember (Rage Swimmers, I think). From memory the Grande's seem very comparable to the Keitechs but I haven't done a side by side. LOVE the AirTail Rattlers. I have really good luck with them T-rigged with a very light weight, and the 4.75" Rattlesnakes wacky rigged and T-rigged weightless. Great baits with great action.
  20. Some Grandebass discussion in the Latest Sale Thread. I've had particularly good luck with their Rattlesnakes and Airtail Rattlers. The Rattlesnakes do well on a wacky rig or weightless T-rig. The Airtail Rattlers are great on a weighted T-rig (they need a bit of weight due to the buoyancy of the tail). I really, really like these baits - the ribs give them great action. Their product lines get a little confusing but basically, "rattler/rattlesnake" refers to their ribbed (ringed?) baits, "airtail" means it has a bubble in the tail that keeps it buoyant. Apparently you can also insert some kind of rattle into the airtails but they've been out of rattles for a while. They make a jerkbait-style with an airtail, and a ribbed swimbait similar to Keitechs. Plus the usual assortment of craws/critters but as best as I can tell none of them incorporate the "rattle" or "airtail" features. They recently came out with what they call an Airtail Shaky Stick and an Airtail Wiggler - basically a 5" senko-ish worm and a 6.5" trick-ish worm, non-ribbed, with the bubble in the tail to give it buoyancy. I have some of those but haven't fished much with them yet. From what I've seen on-line, the Rattlesnakes look very similar to a Hag's Tornado. I haven't personally seen anything else like the Airtail's on the market but I'm probably missing something.
  21. Yeah, I've noticed the same thing, in fact I had loaded up the cart last week during the 40% sale and didn't pull the trigger because of that $12 shipping charge. Now that they've bumped the discount to 50% I'm reconsidering, but that does seem high for shipping. You weren't seeing things - the "free shipping" minimum seems to be a moving target. Sometimes it's $79, sometimes it's $59, sometimes it's $100, and they don't always list what it is - you have to load the cart and go to checkout to see for sure. It seems to be $100 right now, which means you have to buy $200 worth of baits to qualify. That's a lot of worms for somebody who's already got more worms than he'll probably use in a lifetime.
  22. They've bumped the discount to 50% off this week. Code is "CW50".
  23. I tried this last year after reading all the posts about the advantages of LH baitcasters and just could not get comfortable with it. It makes no sense why LH spinning reels feel natural to me but LH baitcasters don't, but they don't. I guess it's what I grew up with and my muscle memory is too old to change. I don't know. It just didn't work for me. My cranking was choppy and I hated having to rethink which way the drag/tension knob etc. turned every time I made an adjustment. One thing you could do before investing in a LH baitcaster is go to Bass Pro or some place similar and try reeling one of the LH displays they have. I did that and it was awkward. Of course I didn't listen to what my brain and my arm were telling me, and bought a LH baitcaster anyway because I was determined to do this. I would also advise getting a cheapie LH baitcaster if you're going to try this. I bought a really sweet LH Curado off the Flea Market here and I'm still sick about giving it up. I ended up reselling it to another user but the Monkey has been on my back ever since about replacing it with a RH Curado.
  24. Grandebass upped the discount to 40% through the weekend. Code is "blackfriday".
  25. Grandebass ( https://www.grandebass.com/ ) is running another 25% off sale. Code is "grandebass". It's on their Facebook page but I don't see it on their website. They have some unique worm designs that I've not seen anywhere else. Their website is kind of a mess, though.
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