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Everything posted by Spletz

  1. I’ve been hiking and fishing a lot lately and outifitted then kids too so have invested some time in the telescopic market. I’ve tested out more than a half dozen. Here’s my impressions at a glance and some notes about my favorite. Eagle claw: wet noodle Soujiliyang: stiff as a board Daiwa Megaforce: Too few guides, breaks Kastking Blackhawk 2: now were getting somewhere. Tip is flimsy and broke on me because floating guides friction fit has no gasket. Daiwa Blazon Mobile: (6106TMB) My favorite thus far. Responsive casting rod, solid construction, slick look. 8 guides. My Daiwa Triple B spinning is in the mail. Can’t wait to try it out. Should be the gold standard but the Blazon is newer and may be better. Will keep you posted.
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