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  1. What are the best frogs to use and colors? I’m assuming by colors, the bottom of the frog color is the most important.
  2. Did you fish the frog bait? How did it go?
  3. Thanks for all of the feedback. I was thinking that type of lure would help me in attracting bass. Perhaps I need to learn where bass are in the water. I know a little about that but apparently not enough.
  4. Do these work well?
  5. Is there a lure that is battery operated or robotic on the market? Thanks
  6. I have used a weightless wacky rig (without the o-ring) and a weightless Texas rig. I think the hooks I was using were the Gammy 2/0 EWG Offset. Is that a good hook for those setups?
  7. I visited a boat ramp access this morning around 7:45 am and my car said it was 35 degrees. The high today is supposed to be around 72 degrees. Would this be a good place? What time of day should I bass fish at these boat ramps and what type of line/lures would you recommend? I haven’t caught a bass yet, but I am trying. Any tips would be really appreciated.
  8. What size worm and hook? I’ve used weightless wacky before but didn’t catch anything.
  9. I would like to try this setup. When you say PowerWorm, are you talking about Berkley PowerWorms? Sorry for the inexperienced question. I also tried to look up the GY 5” kit tail worm, and I don’t know which one to buy. Could you send me a link of what to get? I would really appreciate it. I just picked the Carolina rig because a friend of mine told me about it, and from my research it seemed like a good option at the time, but I didn’t catch anything with it yesterday. To be honest with you, it doesn’t matter to me what the setup is. All I want to do is just catch some bass no matter the size. The only thing I prefer to use is an artificial lure instead of live bait. That’s really my only preference.
  10. Hey guys, thank you, thank you, thank you so very much for all of the help and please continue to add anything that you feel will be beneficial. Well, I went fishing yesterday using the Carolina Rig from the bank. The casting was fine, but I can see now that it would probably be better to have a heavier setup. I used straight mono on everything, and I know that isn’t ideal. Can you guys recommend a rod and reel that won’t cost me an arm and a leg that would be a good option for the C-Rig?
  11. What brand and pound test mono line do y’all use for the Carolina Rig? I was at Walmart and picked up clear stren 8lb mono and also the zebco omniflex (a lot cheaper) does brand really matter? Not sure which one I should use or maybe I should take those back and get another brand?
  12. Why are swivels used on the Carolina rigs? Does the lure twist when fishing it?
  13. Does a beetle spin tie directly to the line? Do I need a swivel?
  14. Is there a certain plastic to use on the swinging hardhead?
  15. If you think a split shot rig is easier, I’m all ears. Of course I don’t know how to set it up or fish it.
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