i LOVE my net. just some random net, i extended the handle on with a piece of scrap aluminum tubing.
it has saved me a few fish, boatside. it has lost a few as well, when i inadvertently get all goofy sideways with net and knock lure loose. on a kayak, it allows me to settle my mind and breathing by letting the fish sit in the net, in the water. just that few seconds is good for me. and the fish stays wet.
here: right or wrong. i think if i had hook in my mouth/jaw. some giant pulling me up into the air would hurt like a B!! i dont know how the fish is hooked. gullet? dunno. i just think FOR ME, lifting it to me in a net is better for everything involved. plus i seem to use the net to fish my cap out of the water more often than what i might consider normal.
I was standing in line at Costco staring at my gallon of ketchup and stack of eggs when I looked up; there it was. A seat cushion for office or car. It was $15 I think. I fished 9 hours straight last week and my butt was happy. Zero soreness. No hotspots or swamp-butt. It’s a memory foam thing that I tied into place with paracord. It never moves. I added a lumbar support and my kayak seat is like a throne.
No problem. People do it all the time. They empty the boat first. Pedal drive out, all the gear, etc into the car. kayak goes on the roof rack upside down, cam strapped down. Sedans are easy because the roof line is so low.
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