true story. how i discovered the Magic of Michelins. i didnt.
i was looking for a Tacoma. i found exactly what i was looking for in Los Angelos. had a friend go and kick the tires for me. he gave it a thumbs up. i contacted the seller ASAP and told him i would buy it. but at the end of the week. i paypaled him $1000 to hold it. i told him i dont show up, the money is his. my loss. i bought two airplane tix for saturday. he agreed.
he disappears, i kick ass. hahha..
well, i show up and buy it. my wife is with me, because i was coming off night shift. zero sleep. we drive it back to SF area, and the tires are BALD!! really bald. we make it, and i go to sleep. work day comes and i am still on night shift. while i am sleeping, my wife goes to the store and buys 4 new tires. Michelins LTX. I WAS PEESSED!! i had visions of some aggro tire in mind. coopers, toyos..something tough looking. i bite my tongue and just drive on the tire, waiting for them to wear out. well, they never wear out. at 70,000 miles i try to buy more. but they go missing due to the pandemic. they were sold out at Costco for about 4 years. they are the best tire!! i buy Coopers and it was okay. they wore out funny. cupped. made me think my bearings were bad more than once. i flatted twice.
Michelins are about a boring as sliced store bought whitebread (visually). that same tacoma just got a new set of Michelin LTX's. great MPG, quiet, smooth, tough as nails. i'll put them on my 2023 Tacoma when the time comes. 100%. if i sell the 2006, i might swap the tires around. hahaha..