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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. so we now have a boat?
  2. I am weird. I actually read the Hobie Owner's manual and the literature clearly stated that the best way to store a Hobie Kayak is inverted. in my mind, there was no other option. I want my stuff to last. (ironically, a good way to add scratches to a kayak is to flip it upside down - ha) my wife gave me my marching orders. it needs to be relatively neat and tucked to the side. you can see her Tesla charger in the back corner she needs to be able to access. but here is my solution. one saw-horse is wider because I used to have a second Hobie underneath. the sawhorses straddled the bottom boat. it was awesome. its been 3 years, and I haven't found a better option. my garage is a bit messy now, but whatever. here it is. kayak storage at Darth's place.
  3. hahhah... I just took a spool to hang balloons on at my Goddaughter's 16th B-day party. funny thing..all the guys brought spools of line we deemed unworthy. there was a lot of fishermen there.
  4. threads like this interests me. I used to put up all types of fishing line questions. then I realized fishing line isn't that expensive. it isn't cost prohibitive to simply try it. Mono? buy a spool and give it a go. if it suck, peel it off and go back. or use and and not like it much until you need to go buy a replacement spool of the next "experiement"
  5. my truck is loaded for tomorrow. hitting my secret lake was the plan. I just googled it and my entire area is 100% rain. with lightning. I just don't love bobbing around in a kayak in a downpour. with thunder and lighting? hard no. it isn't fun for me. so, I will unload my truck later today. bummed? yea. but on the bright side, the lake is getting a refresh with water, and that is awesome. this past spring, was the weirdest ever. fish patterns of past was gone. nothing was the same. brutal rains filled lakes with floating trees, brown water and junk. lakes were DEEP! I think one more gentler wet winter, and this spring is gonna be fire. that is the hope. bring the rain!! but if anyone almighty-like is listening...tuesday/wednesday rain events would be much much better for me. jus saying. maybe get some water back to my favorite launch. hahah
  6. its not the tire that requires the 30psi. it is the vehicle's recommendation that governs in my household. a tacoma is close to that. my old chevy S10 was 29 psi in back IIRC. and thermodynamics was a sick college course. super interesting.
  7. I can swim. And I wear PFD 100%. I’m not a string swimmer. I know my limits. I’m not uncomfortable. At all. I dint do dumb things.
  8. my best backlash ever was a cast in the dark. i thought i was way further from shore than i actually was. total mess. a backlash is not easy to pick out with a headlamp.
  9. my wife just called to ask me the heck did i order. nothing!! i apparently have a box waiting for me from DVT. i reserve my brain power for other stuff. spending a few bucks to get the work farmed out is an easy decision for me. its not a lot of money. i bet it is WAY more expensive to send a ziploc baggie of parts to him. hahaha...
  10. i went and checked out the Senkos. i found my color(s) and it seemed like low hanging fruit to get all i needed into my cart.
  11. not me. i am an awful swimmer. AWFUL. i describe what i do as "trying not to drown". it isnt swimming. oh... heartful wish of peace to the young man, and i hope his friends and family get thru this. sucks.
  12. asking cuz i dont know. how to you cast accurately to cover in the dark?
  13. i am right at 15lb to 17 for jigs like that.
  14. i think Tranx200. i played with one and it feels like a tank./ i plan to buy two for big things..like Amazon Peacocks, and Malaysian Snakeheads. it is the reel TWO reel repair guys suggested for my travel fishing trips.
  15. Levante!! (just to fight back all the Expride love)
  16. who drives a FORD? hahah...just kidding.
  17. i'm good with all of it. i like sleeping in to catch the morning bite. i go to sleep early anyways, so it feels better to me. i used to lay down in bad in full daylight like a weirdo. now it's all good.
  18. just how nice is his boat?
  19. i have that reel. i dont remember a bearing oil. mmmm..
  20. true story. how i discovered the Magic of Michelins. i didnt. i was looking for a Tacoma. i found exactly what i was looking for in Los Angelos. had a friend go and kick the tires for me. he gave it a thumbs up. i contacted the seller ASAP and told him i would buy it. but at the end of the week. i paypaled him $1000 to hold it. i told him i dont show up, the money is his. my loss. i bought two airplane tix for saturday. he agreed. he disappears, i kick ass. hahha.. well, i show up and buy it. my wife is with me, because i was coming off night shift. zero sleep. we drive it back to SF area, and the tires are BALD!! really bald. we make it, and i go to sleep. work day comes and i am still on night shift. while i am sleeping, my wife goes to the store and buys 4 new tires. Michelins LTX. I WAS PEESSED!! i had visions of some aggro tire in mind. coopers, toyos..something tough looking. i bite my tongue and just drive on the tire, waiting for them to wear out. well, they never wear out. at 70,000 miles i try to buy more. but they go missing due to the pandemic. they were sold out at Costco for about 4 years. they are the best tire!! i buy Coopers and it was okay. they wore out funny. cupped. made me think my bearings were bad more than once. i flatted twice. Michelins are about a boring as sliced store bought whitebread (visually). that same tacoma just got a new set of Michelin LTX's. great MPG, quiet, smooth, tough as nails. i'll put them on my 2023 Tacoma when the time comes. 100%. if i sell the 2006, i might swap the tires around. hahaha..
  21. My wife thinks I’m insane. It’s one of my favorite smells. A tire shop.
  22. you all talking about that tiny white plastic squeeze bottle of oil that comes with a Shimano reel? I think I have enough to lube anything at this point. i don't use it. i just use garden variety Lucas. mostly because I think the needle tipped squeeze bottle is cool as F.
  23. the Michelin tire is so good. one winter I went to Lake Tahoe with the wife. met some friends with their screaming babies. shared a condo!! (Bad idea). anyways, the parking lot was up a steep grade. covered with snow. my tacoma with the Michelins was the only thing that could go up the hill. I put all the luggage in and drove it up. I ended up helping like 3 families. I would just ease down for another load. ironically my wife and I are the only light packers. the tires were awesome leaving quickly, that condo with the screaming kids. screech!!! bye!!! love you, see you when you're teens!!!
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