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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. its just math. i'll do the most expensive option first. using a Tesla Supercharger. no need to call BS. maybe just say your sceptical? i just charged my Work Tesla. i went from 40 mile range remaining and charged it to 300 miles. cost me just shy of $12. (not sure if we get a discount since we are huge). so 260 miles for $12. take my Tacoma. using an unrealistic 20mpg. 260 miles will take me 13 gallons. 13x$5.25 = $68ish. 12/68 = roughly 18% our utiltiy tracks our usage. it shows our weekly EV charging is $23 and we do about 350-400 miles. all this is for a week. i pay $50 to buy half a tank of gas for my tacoma. 10 gallons. 200 miles on a good day. i paid $500 for the charging station. you are grasping at straws. i can tell you an oil change, timing belt, coolant, etc for the TESLA is $0. i just change the oil on both of my toyota Tacomas and it was $100. every 5000 miles. you can get all nitpicky on the minutia. but why? why give a rat-ass about someone else's business? you dont like EV? there is a perfectly EASY solution. dont buy one. how much is my time worth. hahahaha..my wife and i are sleeping when our car charges. that is the exact definition of efficiency and value to using our time. i read a book once. i was shocked at the catalyst that cause us as a country, to move towards the horseless carriage, and away from Horses. trust me, there was similar pushback like there is today. i'll let you find the answer yourself. but the parallel didnt escape me. change is hard. very hard. expecially for me. but i mitigate by only doing what i want. i dont worry jackchit about what everyone else does if it doesnt affect me.
  2. please let me know if you find a BlackFriday deal on a Windbuster. i already bought a huge roll of wrapping paper, so i can have it under my tree. unless my wife cant take an obvious hint. i'll try my 2500 Vanford on it. and stay with my 20lb braid to leader. if not, i'll go with a 3000 Kage, or something.
  3. it is almost 50/50 if some dog walker doesnt walk by and asks, "so, are they biting?" hahha...it never gets old. (okay, i lied :D) i got two reels back from DVT. a Shimano 150MGL and a Garden variety Daiwa SV TW. i took both undersized reels to Brazil and took LARGE hard-charging fish with them and they came back "different"., the Daiwa made an awesome clacking noise and required a bearing be replaced. haha. it took one or two 10lb fish to damage that reel. the Shimano just needed a clean and lube. it took many many fish. DVT said the drag was A-OK! (and the winner goes to....) i typically use a west-coast dude to do my reels. no issues really. but he is retired. so i sent my reels x-country to our very own DVT. PAINLESS. there is a certain level of trust needed to send a reel out. DVT, didnt fix anything unneccesarily, and he had full transparency. i was quite literally that guy at the Mechanic's shop saying, "it's making a weird noise!" "well, sir you appear to need a new transmission, it will cost you about the same as my kids orthedontics bill..errr...$4000" Nope. DVT took care of my stuff, and he even sent me the wrecked bearing as proof. haha... back to my culdesac "fishing" both reels are SINGing. i almost ran inside the house to toast some bread, because both reels are BUTTER! and DVT didnt take all my reel settings to ZERO like my last guy. the last guy tucked in all my centrifugal brakes and turned the dial to ZERO. and loosen the heck out of the spool. my first culdesac cast last time resulted in cussing and scissor work to clear the resulting mess. i think he wanted me to pull out my reel, spin it and go..."whoaaaaa". this time i was wise enough to double check. i was plunking the basketball hoop foundation from very far away. fun. great service. fast!! really fast.
  4. I’m with @MN Fisher on thus one. digitaka is my first search. OP. I think it’s less expensive from Japan because the exchange rate is in our favor. Tears all, it not a cheaper product. Prob the opposite.
  5. AJay would throw himself out a window if he woke up one morning and found out he only owned my stuff. I like my streamlined inventory. simple, plain. for a cheap reel. my Abu REVO-X I got for free surprises me everyday. but after year3, it is starting to show signs of troubles. not sure I will ever get it serviced. I'll just drop it off at Goodwill one day. it is my only slow reel and it nice for big rubber swimbaits.
  6. I remember when I was young, I watched a mountain bike race. I raced in the slowass rookie event and lost admirably. but I stuck around to watch the fast guys. why? there was a dude absolutely owning the group wearing JEANS and a regular shirt. hahah.. he won in the end. got me thinking. is there a pro basserperson that goes out with say a 16" Tracker and cleans house? there are no boat regulations right? just curious.
  7. I use the med sized YakAttack box. 13x16. I have three rods on the 16" sides for a total of 6. usually enough. I am toying with trying some Kayak Tournaments, next year. (maybe). figured I need to get 8 on board. so on the short side, I had a problem. the box lids opens in that direction, and the hinges poke out maybe 5/8 inch. I got to thinking. SPACERS! it works. anyone needing more rods, this is a good workaround. I used 1" spacers and 2" stainless screws. BOOM.
  8. I have nothing but old SixGills (yuck) and Lews rods for punching and they are like awful. that six gills was my biggest waste of money ever.
  9. I don't roam around in tackle shops. bad habit, and it usually results in nothing but trouble. I see (bait)monkey hair on peoples clothing when they come out from the dark corners of the shops. nope. hand to my sides, and eyes forward. get what I need and leave. I got two reels respooled while I was listening in on a ZOOM meeting. I walked into a corner. oh-o. I just picked it up. no tape measure to see how long it was. I just saw the tag that said, "$7". for $7, I'll toss it if it doesn't fit. I get it home and try it. ARGH! to short? but it felt weird. so I peeked into it with a flashlight. I see something down there. I drop the snaggiest thing I have down there, a busted up topwater bait with a treble hook on the tail. and pull out a wadded up rod sock. I drop my rod piece in and it fits perfectly!! I found a cheap travel tube for my Megabass Triza Dragoon. no more plan sheets, cardboard tube. JANKY at best. tada. total luck.
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  10. yea. let me get started on my excel spreadsheet.
  11. Thanks. 7-11 is too long for my kayak I think. ‘’I think this will work. Mmm
  12. I want to fish Rosevelt one day. I'll road trip by with my kayak. maybe August
  13. I'm Chinese. I am naturally loud.
  14. I hate my punch options with my current rods. I want to do it more, and I’m looking for a physically lighter rod to do it with. thoughts?
  15. I once asked a YouTuber if he wouldn't consider wearing a PFD since he was influential in the sport. his fans lynched me. hahaha.... whatever.
  16. I'd post a pic but I hope to be the only one out there... I skunk three times in a row, I'll give GPS coordinates. dang..I didnt even consider this. nice!!
  17. name like that, he should race NASCAR. no clue who he is.
  18. This line discussion is just like one on the ANY car forum about MOTOR OILS. hahahha love it.
  19. I can kill on a Vision110 if I remember to calm the heck down. that JB needs a gentle hand. I had an awakening when I fished it in crystal clear water. it looks and acts way better if you tap it instead of jerk it. for a tiny one, I am killing on the X-Nanohan. killing!! I had one day where the trout were trying to beat the bass to my bait. I have had way less luck on the LC Pointer. mine sinks too fast in my waters. we live and fish in a fun time. there is no shortage of jerk bait options. I am going to open my wallet to buy a few bigger ones for my spring Striper trip to Oklahoma.
  20. this is a light bottom contact rod?
  21. True Story. we once allowed this high school kid to join our impromptu HOT ROD club. he had a weird 4 door ford falcon. the main guy sent him to the autoparts store to buy a CAN OF COMPRESSION. kid took the bait. it was funny, but that kid was cool!!! awkward, but cool and he built a fast fast four door falcon. hahah.. he got talented.
  22. Started with the 2023. My first time doing this vehicle. It’s wasn’t a pain, but it’s not easy either. Took me 30 minutes and about 9 shop paper towels. The fill tube is at the most ridiculous angle. then I did the 2006. 5 minutes and 2 paper towels. Maybe it’s the familiarity. it was nice to see my wife pull away in her Tesla. No oil change needed ever.
  23. This is not quite as important as upgrading to chrome-moly muffler bearings.
  24. Tapped out. It’s torrential! I bet the road is rutted galore.
  25. ^^^ that pic is awesome!!
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