i thought about my reply. it might need an amendment. i dont know who i will be when i retire. 3-6 years. i might become a lazy Dick. hahahha. or health issues that slow me the heck down. dunno.
i do know this. i will finish my projects 100%. might take me longer, but i;ll get done. i wont leave headaches for whoever follows me.
that is my rub. i am taking over for a dude retiring in a month. i keep looking at what he needs to get done, and the list isnt shrinking. i have to keep my own area, that i spit shined into a shining turd happily humming along (took me 2 years to clean it up) and then take on his new brand new turd. i think i got the assignment because i got my area done! he had some stuff languishing for a year, and i made 5 phone calls, and poof!! the got fixed. 3 days, it took me 3 days.
i'm screwed. i may have to find a new position within my organization. i bet my temp area becomes my permanent area..unless i totally choke it and drop, burn, lose, the ball.
before you all label the old man lazy. he was in a horrific work accident at work. three passengers and only he survived. we lost 2 coworkers that day. i think i was just hired. the guy got surgery after surgery and a decade of PT. i think he is in daily bad pain. i get it. it is why he is retiring in the first place. chronic unescapable pain would deflate my work ethics 100%. i get it.