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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Fiber. this is an enigma to me. my Dietician said a male needs 35gr per day. a stalk of celery is something like 3 grams. I eat whole grains, another 6. Chia Seed pudding, add in 7. 35 is a high ass bar.
  2. gospel!! I recently went to a Quinceanera. food was off the hook. Birria and all the fixings. I glanced around and ended up eating more cucumber salad than I have ever in my life. it worked. I went home and ate something. the Poke Bowl over brown rice and barley is my goto lunch if I have to be around good food. i just pack it in myself.
  3. 3 months ago, my doctor basically scared the crap out of me. I had to donate many many viles of blood, and endure multiple scans looking for unmentionable lumps and disease markers. She said, whatever they find: I really should trim down. I am not physically fat, but my liver is. I cut out white flours stuff. noodles, bread. no white rice. zero white rice for a Chinese guy is no small feat. :D. no RED MEAT! no sugary stuff like cookies and cakes..and yummyass pies. I eat lean stuff. egg whites, barley, lots of fish and more veggies than ever in my entire life. no fried foods. the white flour is a bummer, because I have masters making sourdough bread. I make lots of them, and don't eat them. my wife does, and I give them away. great stress relief - baking. oh, I am running. I wake up at 4:30, leash up my dog and hit the pavement. up to 3 miles everyday unless I go fishing. if I fish, I do an soul sucking mountain bike ride the next day as penance. then sit-ups, and pushup(s). (working my nerve up to try Burpees). I only have 30-45 minutes to run, because I have to shower, eat, commute to work. I think I lost 17 lbs in 3 months. I was jogging to boost Cardio for Brazil Peacocks in October, but I really took to it despite my trip on hold for a year. my doc is about to take me off my tiny dose of BP meds. once I hit my goal, I will order a cheeseburger. hahah... Thanksgiving is coming, and I even have a plan for that. piece of breast meat, big pile of Chinese broccoli. I'll let the family mack the homemade sourdough I bring. oh, Docs gave me the "all clear". phew!!!
  4. he sucks at winter fishing. mainly because he is 99% California Delta fishing. same marina, same water. I move around with my kayak and do "okay". so, this Feb we are headed to Mexico. due to the last minute spur of the moment decision we are going to Lake Picachos. Salto and the big B were booked. the lady did say the Picacho bass were younger and dumber. hahha.. I have a work meeting the made my annual Oklahoma fishing trip a non starter, so this was just the ticket.
  5. nothing skips better for me than a poop bait. to the untrained eye, I look like I can skip a bait. so my rod of choice needs a softer tip.
  6. 100%. I use the P5 FMJ. reel is a Bantam, loaded with 14lb sniper. the casting distance and accuracy is nuts. I fished it on the Delta and I would keep my kayak way back and fling it towards cover. far casts, so the fish don't see me. I was killing them. the aggressive "THUMP" and I could jam the 5/0 hook home with a hook-set worthy of a YouTube vid. so fun. my friend, "Hey give me one of those baits.." my friend earlier."what kind of ridiculous bait is that?!!!"
  7. unweighted or light t-rigs. I now like a braid that sinks a bit. I have been using Almight. it is neutral density.
  8. In my opinion. buying a kayak for $10k (all-in) and putting $10k down as a down-payment for a boat are vastly different things. i'm a kayaker thru and thru. i love how it is simply more difficult.
  9. Balut is a hard no for me. chicken feet. no problem. we call it Fung Twai. "Dragons Claw" as an international PR campaign.
  10. Nav lights, I went with the wireless version that Guardian Angel makes. I like how they are multitaskers. I take them and stick them to various things if I need light. like if I had to change a tire In the dark, no problem.
  11. Nah. It’s $90 of gas to get there and back.
  12. on paper, I would imagine they come out similar. but they couldn't be more different. I am simmering away my turkey carcass(s), and my house is perfumed by the smell of a wonderful broth!! I should end up with a lot of broth!! I'll make a rice porridge with some immediately, and freeze the rest of it for various uses. I probably like the stuff I make with the stock, almost equally as much as I enjoy the actual Thanksgiving dinner itself!! I usually grab my BIL's turkey carcass as well, but this year I didn't make it to his home to eat. and I didnt get any Hambone this year..boooo!!! no hambone beans. boo!!
  13. keep it off Bottom? didnt the OP mention "crawling" it past the fish. and he is holding a pic of an actual fish. I would deduce it works okay on the bottom as well.
  14. super easy to go to google earth pro, pull up structure, and transfer that to Navionics. no need to go back with the dog . haha..I found the stump, using historic images, and plunked it onto my phone app. I got this.
  15. hahahahhahah
  16. two words... yoga videos. learn a few back stretches. better if you watch a dude demonstrate the back stretches...the lady videos are titillating. and you'll keep getting them popping up in your YouTube feed. hahah
  17. I love the place, but am a quick visitor. I go in, blow up ("don't go in there!")the spotlessly clean bathroom, wash hands, grab a bbq pork sandwich or two, a bag of the original bucce-bites, and maybe 10 bags of ice and get the heck out of there. it is full contact sport in there, and with people wearing short shorts too small, with T-shirts too big. :D. I am a losing bet. last time I was there, I saw a help wanted sign. a store manager makes $140k a year..not bad for the area I was in.
  18. my dog is a jerk to other dogs. so he plays solo. I have been watching this story, and it really will affect if I go to Taiwan with the wife or not, this spring. I'll stay home to keep him home with me, solo.
  19. hahaha...I am positive I didnt say anything outloud!:D my wife was cool, but I tend to really try to keep her happy...Me, I can tolerate some suffering..but, you know.
  20. I wish I could do that. that is the first No-No for storing a Hobie according to the owners manual. our handles are flimsy.
  21. ohh...jogging on a muddy lake bed is cause for sore legs and sore back. oooooh. I am going back soon, before the lake fills up. there are some juicy stumps I need to waypoint. tempted to hand carry my fish finder, hahah.. that way I don't have to transfer the point from my phone to the fish finder which takes NASA level encryption skills. (apparently) my dog only this time.
  22. My wife and I wanted to hang out. So we packed up the dog and we went exploring. I tried to get to a secret spillway, but some agency apparently owns the area and their gates and signs warned us off. Mission failure trying to get to a possible free kayak beach launch. And double fail, not getting to a spillway. I took my wife to my high/dry usual launch and there were people riding horses out on the dry portion of the lake. I could see my favorite cover up on the dry lake. I cinched up my boots and jogged out there. Using my phone and my navionics app, I marked some channels. I tried to get to some stumps but it started getting wet. I was making a mess. I need to get at the stumps from the tiger side. still fun. My dog had a blast. I then headed to a small hidden lake. Totally unfishable. Fenced off. I got to the smaller spillway tho. I pitched in a Tex rigged SENKO and let it sink. A couple of cast in, I got smashed but lost the mystery fish. A few more fruitless cast and I jogged back to the truck where my wife was waiting. We trudge down the road and I check out a third lake. Big flat shallow lake. Needs more research but the lake is free. No launch fees. I was shocked where all the stumps were in lake #1. I only fished the southern end. I never knew the old cut down forest went further north. I git great intel. Literally “boots on the ground”. Fun hiking around w the family.
  23. I tried. Lady was at least polite. Haha.
  24. I bought a Newport Vessels NK180. I elected to not to with the 300, because I really am not in that big of a hurry (in life). I fin-kick/pedal @ 3.5mph fairly well, and if I can find a setting where I can go 4mph, while assisting with the pedals, I will be a happy dude. truth be told, I don't know why I went with Newport and not the Torquedo. I think I wanted to choose my own battery. it really is a hail-mary at this point. I just want to go farther, and I think I can with my pedals - but the redundancy safety can't be ignored. my pedal drive has been moving me around for 2 years. paddling back, if I have a drive failure feels so archaic and tiring.. bleechh. EDIT. just noticed it is even $50 cheaper today. ARGH!!!
  25. I just use the reels. I have never ever thought the knob felt weird or small.
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