3 months ago, my doctor basically scared the crap out of me. I had to donate many many viles of blood, and endure multiple scans looking for unmentionable lumps and disease markers.
She said, whatever they find: I really should trim down. I am not physically fat, but my liver is. I cut out white flours stuff. noodles, bread. no white rice. zero white rice for a Chinese guy is no small feat. :D. no RED MEAT! no sugary stuff like cookies and cakes..and yummyass pies. I eat lean stuff. egg whites, barley, lots of fish and more veggies than ever in my entire life. no fried foods. the white flour is a bummer, because I have masters making sourdough bread. I make lots of them, and don't eat them. my wife does, and I give them away. great stress relief - baking.
oh, I am running. I wake up at 4:30, leash up my dog and hit the pavement. up to 3 miles everyday unless I go fishing. if I fish, I do an soul sucking mountain bike ride the next day as penance. then sit-ups, and pushup(s). (working my nerve up to try Burpees). I only have 30-45 minutes to run, because I have to shower, eat, commute to work.
I think I lost 17 lbs in 3 months. I was jogging to boost Cardio for Brazil Peacocks in October, but I really took to it despite my trip on hold for a year. my doc is about to take me off my tiny dose of BP meds.
once I hit my goal, I will order a cheeseburger. hahah... Thanksgiving is coming, and I even have a plan for that. piece of breast meat, big pile of Chinese broccoli. I'll let the family mack the homemade sourdough I bring.
oh, Docs gave me the "all clear". phew!!!