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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. sounds like a plan. i tried casting with the foam in place and it is awkward. i play the odds at that point. i take the foam off the rod i am actively using. then put it back when it goes into storage. the rod is only in danger when i am using it.
  2. simple question. my career is nuts. crazy. my entire office and boss know i use fishing as my mental detox. i dont even hide it. i tell everyone, "i am not coming tomorrow, the Delta Tide is perfect". you all? for the record, i am detoxing tomorrow!!!!
  3. i find things i found delicious, not so much now. like a Twinkie..i loved those things. now, they are not swallowable. oh..BREAKFAST cereal. when was the last time you tried a bowl of fruitloops. YUCK!!
  4. my wife wants me to put you on my ignore list great write up. my next three rods are in your post!
  5. that is one superstition i dont subscribe to. i have taken fish on the first cast two days. i crushed them both days. then again, i have lucky fishing undewear.
  6. i am far from any expert. but in my feeble mind, ,my goal is to use the lightest weight possible in any application. what governs is what gets the bait into the strike zone. if there is current, i up my weights to try to get my bait to what i am casting at. no sense casting to a tree stump only have have tidal currents whisk it away before it drops in on a bass. even punching, i target just enough weight to penetrate the canopy.
  7. really. i take that opportunity to upplay everything. hahah.. just kidding.
  8. to be clear. this is the stuff i used. my friend thru his rods into his pool and they floated.
  9. i dont either. i tried some, and one my practice flip, i noted they really added to the excitement. i got kinda tangled. i put plumbers pipe insulation on the rods. i only need about a 6" section on the rod and it all floats. my practice flip was in a swimming poles so it was pretty harmless.
  10. I use a light rod and I’m basically slapping slack line. Anything all day, is a chore.
  11. Since I see more moving stuff. dark sleeper.
  12. i dont think anyone likes to skunk. we can all speak to the mental well being of just being out there, and having fun. that line about the worst day of fishing being better than the best day of work...hmmm, i have had some REALLY good days at work. and some BAAAADDD fishing days. but that first fish is almost magical to me. i cant even put it into words. when i push off into the water..i always whisper a prayer for a safe fishing trip, and if there is any leftover..maybe a first fish. hahah...
  13. i'm screwed. i have 3, but only one in the P5 flavor. i have 2 more P5's on the wish list. no..3. darn!! 3! that is like a million dollars!!
  14. you lost me at Quantum. but for the love of all things holy..someone please clear my browser history!!
  15. leukotape can go weeks. it gets gross, and i change it. but it lasts and lasts. i had it covering feet blisters for a 10 day backpack trip. that stuff is magic. i am headed to brazil. it was the first thing i put in my "things to pack" list. full submersion lifting and releasing fish. no issues. MAGIC!
  16. 1oz would turn a Fury 733/703 into a noodle.
  17. My reaction time is fine. I’m still have great feeling in my hands. Almost spidey senses. im Now old enough to afford some of this now. Win!!
  18. hey Neighbor. I am about to start retrofitting the Real McCoy ferry for the State soon. so I am nearby. my jam is kayak fishing. if I lived on the Delta, I would go that route for sure!!
  19. I am not so much pitching. (I pitch plenty tho) for my lightweight stuff, 1/8th weights plus creature or worm; I am casting. I like to stay away on my kayak, which is super stealthy to begin with, and casting from a longer distance. I (right or wrong) think the bass dont know I am there and I have better success. in clear water, it is super rare that I catch a bass I have seen. I think it has seen me, already. I cast to targets. submerged stumps, weed-lines, you name it.. I prefer to throw the bait a distance. I can underhand toss a bait under a canopy to the water's edge if needed.
  20. i killed on the brake/reaction test thing. i remember i angled my foot so i was poised to simply flip my ankle to hit the brake. i didnt lift my foot and move it like other people. i was superhuman, until the instructor noticed what i was doing. heel/toe. however, i feel this is a bad comparision. well, maybe it is the perfect comparision for a frog bite where it is all visual. you see the blowup, you strike. haha. but bottom contact, bad comparision because it is all tactile. the rod makes the difference.
  21. I love my Furies, but I am moving away from them for my own reasons. I have the most fish taken on my 733 to date. I own the spinning version, but my friend has the casting. Phenix Max-73H or something. it is an awesome rod. same money, kinda ugly if you dont love camo color. you dudes with camo-bedsheets and couches will love them. he loaned me the casting once when I buggered up my reel on a hike in fish trip. he carried two rods, I carried one. it is pretty fantastic and made me question the Fury. hahah..
  22. nope. I have enough stuff on my kayak. on big fishing days, I will tape a few spots on my hands with Leukatape. I see ocean guys using them, but I dont see the need at my magnitude of fishing. those guys put their backs into the knots.
  23. me and my kayak have a strange gravitational pull to jet skis.
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