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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. AWESOME!!!
  2. I get it. some youtuber took a box from Walmart and used it to get fish. I assume they work. heck I know they work. I will however, note that for every thread like this..there is an equal and opposite thread about the commitment to buy AMERICA . I try, but I try harder not to buy some bait built off liberties to intellectual property. I like OG baits. we all get to do ourselves...go for it. enjoy.
  3. YEa. I will order a new fish finder. I fish a off a Hobie, so I tend to stay with Lowrance since the kayak is designed to fit the transducer with zero fanfare. I will get side scan. my Hobie can drop the transducer with a pull cord. thanks. and I was talking to a bunch of boaters about the need for a Hitch Minnow swimbait. I get it. go big, to win big.
  4. they thinned out the profile on one axis saying the human hand doesn't grip round things as well? I argue the system isn't round since we palm the reel. anthropometric is a great word.
  5. it feels like wearing shoes on the wrong foot. it feels so wrong. I dont think any manufacturer tells them selves, "hmmmm we need a shorter rod in the lineup, so let us just clip off an end". i would buy a new rod and say good things about Delta customer service.
  6. I just boxed up all of them and will give them to a bud. I just dont enjoy fishing with them enough. I like the glug of the WP better. it seems deeper.
  7. ......or someone downstairs dont want you. hahah. enjoy 75!! my friend said it was way better than 76!! happy birthday, young dude. and let me be the first to point out that it is quite literally, "HAMMER TIME!"
  8. if my home had storage space for a boat, I might consider it. I can't stomach storage fees for something. and the truck. dont forget the truck. I subscribe to "overkill" w respect to torque (and almost more importantly) braking and truck leverage. I saw a guy pulling a big bass boat with a Nissan Rouge yesterday. NOPE
  9. I’m getting thru the honeymoon period. It’s a great caster. I run the drag tight. Loose enough to let a bass run and the hookset is impossible. I’m t-rigged with it, so there is a hookset requirement. So I’m tighter.
  10. I don’t enjoy a connection knot going thru a T-Wing. It’s weird and uncomfortable. It goes thru but you know it when it does.
  11. I’m in a size-slump. My PB is a 7lb fish. I can’t exceed that, much less catch a double-digit. I have good /great fisheries. Clearlake and the CA Delta. Bigger baits? Fish more? Drive to Florida :D? Please don’t say, “get Livescope”. I barely have a fish finder, and it’s kinda broken. Maybe I should buy a new fish finder as the bare minimum. Mine reads 67 deg, always.
  12. I got a limit at least.
  13. even Western basser are assers. i was long casting to tule and a bass boat just floated right on by. i got them on GoPro, but i wont show their image. no big deal. i was ready with a witty comment if they said anything, but they pretended i wasnt there. i was praying.."please bass hit me now!!" nope. i got a five right when they rounded the bend. they heard my fish for sure. ahhaha... all fun..nothing to get my panties all wadded up about.
  14. @AlabamaSpothunter thanks A.S.H.!! i crushed them. i used only one rod. NOBODY was catching, sadly this includes my friend. he got one dink. i got 5 fish for about a 19lb bag. i lost two, when they jumped and did shenanigans. 2 fivers. i'll need to wait for images to download, for proof of life. i dont think Clearlake bass understood the Free-rig.
  15. Clearlake state park. Nobody is here. talk at ya later. Good morning people.
  16. Two things. 1st I used to be into cars. Older Porsche 911’s to be exact. A small circle of dudes; we got close. Wrenching on each others cars. One guy got into real racing and we worked relentlessly on his car. He got good! 2nd; the group members started having kids. I love all the kids, but this splintered the group. People with kids stick together. It’s a natural thing. I sold my car, and pretty much stopped all weekend shade tree mechanic stuff, further distancing myself. then people moved to get into better school districts. We are scattered. We still talk and when we do get together we immediately fall back into the same comfortable groove. Nobody fishes. we all retire around the same time and we vowed to celebrate together. Strange how life marches on, huh? Cherish friends.
  17. Throw that thing either wacky style or Texas rigged weightless. dont worry so much about the hard baits at the moment. lets put some fish on the board!!
  18. I am doing some cleaning of gear. I found several packages of a bait I thought..."oh, this is gonna kill them!" but nope. I will still try occasionally, but my confidence in the bait just isn't there. the Jackall Bounty Fish. hahah.. I rig it with some 5/0 EWG hook, and I have ZERO bites. the big benefit of the experience is that I dont jump on any bandwagons anymore. any news on how the Sleeper Craw is doing? I also thought, "oh, that is gonna kill them!"
  19. no doubt. my Hail Mary in the slop like that is a Texas rigged weightless senko. I still pull salad off my rig every other cast, but every once in awhile..I get a bass.
  20. I got hooked on bass fishing as a teen. night fishing with a mentor on Pena Blanca. I was skunked but he got a good one and the fight and splashed hooked me.
  21. I accidentally discovered my Dobyns Kaden spinning rod doenst suck as a wacky worm rod. I like a more parabolic bend. but having said that, I dont fish Wacky that much anymore.
  22. I agree with @detroit1 those hook are a solution for a problem that doenst exist in my world. if I am in bigger bass waters, I use a 1/0 or 2/0 Owner Downshot hook. rigged weightless.
  23. Megabass Kanata! i am going to buy a few for my Oklahoma striper trip.
  24. I dont fish tournaments. I may one day just to see what that is about. I know my goal would be simple. not come in LAST.
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