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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. i think that is gonna work!!! congrats
  2. how is your back? i am glad that Met sold. it was causing me fits.
  3. at this point, the long shot might be finding the worms. hahah.
  4. I’m going to Clearlake tomorrow. My MN friend asks, “you ever throw a giant worm there/“. it was a great idea! So I went shopping. Nope. I’m not finding them local. I think a big juicy looking 10”+ worm would confuse a big bass just enough…. im going to my BUL today to make a dump run for him. I’ll hit the stores in his city. Fingers crossed. I neko rig a giant worm. I like it.
  5. It’s annoying in grass for sure. I feel like a gardener. Sometimes a bullet weight is then better answer. For me.
  6. This is $20 I think. I leash my phone. I hate insurance.
  7. yea. but most items are hight theft value. a Hobie drive is $1800 new. i see them for sale from dudes that dont know jack about them..
  8. by old people. back in the day, you were old if you lived to 50. a rotting tooth would kill you.
  9. right now, i just put it in the bed of my truck with a bed-extender. i have been kicking around the idea of driving around to fish some bodies of water you all talk about. my current method would work, except luggage and stuff. my truck interior is fairly packed with pedal drives, boxes, etc. not to mention my rods. game over if my plan for my wife to fly occasionally to meet me. i really wont have the space. i am thinking a trailer might be my only option? my luck, i'll be the Typhoid Mary of Zebra mussels and spread them around like johnny apples seed.
  10. for those that dont visit a doc regularly...or dentist. wow...best of luck to you.
  11. nobody? i am about to open up a ghost-credit card to order from the most suspicious japanese site ever. hahahha...
  12. is this the Diamond Anniversary? or is it the Bass Boat Anniversary? i forget, but i hope to get there one day.
  13. @RRocketshhhhush! the beaver is my bait of choice. It’s always sold out. So shhhhh.
  14. Congrats! I do however believe that Glenn want you to put one of those fancy white Suzuki motors on the back. Do you can, “get there and back”.
  15. Haha bi have 3.8” Deps gill flats on the way.
  16. Sure…. Haha. Just kidding, I believe you. Sure.
  17. Well I wouldn’t tell you all it was a private lake!
  18. they have a Bantam waiting for me to pull the trigger.
  19. "i had a fish break my heart right at the bank last night" also works as a thread title for this application. bummer dude.
  20. i have always wanted to try some. less important now, since i have weened myself off the D-shot somewhat. now it is discontinued. great. anyone have a spare spool of 19lb, and willing to sell reasonably?
  21. dang..that is a big fish!! (staring at my own size 10's)
  22. dude. you have tiny feet!! i dont love setting a bass on the ground like that. just me.
  23. i would still toss it in the garbage can. i dont have the urge or the habit to keep parts and things for "just in case". that's how it starts. it is why i decided i wasnt a shadetree mechanic hope to restore an old FJ40.
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