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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I dont really pay attention to the Director.
  2. I have to agree with IB. the 733 actually does jerk baits awesome. I can't catch a cold with a spinnerbait, so moot point.
  3. First cast. ‘Bbbbrrrrrrzzzpppt”. My drag got to work. I thought I was gonna be posting up a DD pic. The fish came up fast and hard and I thought it was going to jump. Nope. It just swirled huge. Swirled? Bass don’t normally swirl. I work it towards my kayak and my hook popped out. I run my bait back down the line and reset it. I lost the next 6 bass! Haha. I looked at my hook, and I didn’t notice the first mystery fish tweaked my hook a bit. It was too dimly lit for me to notice. I put on fresh stuff and went back to work. I got three modest bass. im fishing thin wire hooks. I was unwise not to closely check my hook. Duh! I then hooked another cat. This time I recognized the pull without head shakes. I played it into my lap. 12lb! I let it clamp down on my thumb hard while I tried to take a pic. It squirmed free and I think we both got a laugh out of it. The cats were crazy today. My poor rod they wouldn’t leave me alone. I never redeemed a five bass limit. Grrrr bass pics later if they don’t suck.
  4. Next time I see you, remind me. I have a jar of pickles I can’t get open.
  5. the drag is friction. very similar to a car clutch. we dont have to push the clutch in for long periods of non-op.
  6. I’d fish the edge of that submerged river channel. Go deep.
  7. I’m gonna remember that one !!! Thanks.
  8. I love light gear. Light in mass. Not light in backbone.
  9. All good. I’m fully armed for tomorrow
  10. you described my early days. i just fished with an UL rod with a 1000 series reel. had a blast, but weak hooksets. i switched to Braid and it was GAME ON!! i would go with a longer rod if you have open areas to cast.
  11. so interesting. I once fished with a pro-guide. he was super sarcastic and was a total S-talker. you blow a cast, and he would reward you with, "well, you just S'd the bed". hahah..maybe I have anxiety from that. haha. anyways, every time I am out with a guide, I tend to backlash his gear. or any casting accuracy I built up over the year, just vanishes. "I swear, I typically cast way better than this!" I am going out on a big trip in Oct. I am bringing my own reels and will use guide rods. I'll bring several, just in case I "s the bed". my friend joked at me. he KNOWS I backlash guide gear. he has seen it 3x. one time fishing for Walleye in Oregon, the guide yelled at me. tried to tell me how to fight a fish into his net. dude!! I gave him a look that indicated his gratuity was in peril. My last Clearlake guide was a 17 year old kid. super cool, super hardworking. my first cast..yes. you know it. total bird nest. he quickly handed me a new combo, and picked out my disaster. no lip. I did bring a few of my own setups, tho. but first cast!! gah. it was a lefty reel and felt really odd. I seriously have performance issues with guides. great.
  12. net already in the water, then fish comes to the net. I dont want no troubles.
  13. yup. if you never watched a 5" Yama Senko, with a heavier 3/0 hook rigged weightless T-style: it dives at a 45 deg. in any direction, it happens to land in. the tail gently undulates and wags. It looks so good. if my hook is too light, I add a 1/32 splitshot crimped right up next to the hook knot.
  14. Found some. 9” Reaction Innovation. Green pumpkin because I’m boring. go time!
  15. my garden pathetically produced 7 tomatoes so far. 7. but they are huge.
  16. we are of the same mindset. I dont like going over 1/4 either. the worm itself is already so heavy.
  17. I looked into my fishing box and noted I was woefully low on some sinkers. I searched locally and failed. I ordered them from TW with a few other things tossed in..for science. I should get them today, rip the box open, restock terminal tackle box and go fishing tomorrow. this is cutting it close!! I would hate to splay out that line clamp on a clip on regular dropshot weight to make it a free-rig weight!!
  18. when I wade-fish. I bring one rod. my light bottom contact and just go for it. to be clear. I hope to only own 5 rods after all is said and done. maybe a few more. .but in general, only own 5 or so. I am not talking about how many few I can bring on a trip.
  19. i once hooked (but didnt land) a very good bass when i put a 10" worm on a regular football head jig. that big Zoom worm, on a jig. it looked ridiculous, but it worked. i was so unprepared for the hit, i just sat there like a dumbstruck knucklehead. by the time my brain caught up, i put the worst hookset of my life into that bass. it shook it easily on the first jump.
  20. on big worms, are you upsizing the sinker?
  21. i think i am going to target 5 rod/reel combos. i was asked this same question about kitchen knives a long time ago. i said, three to that question. chef knife, paring knife, bread knife. i have a few more than three currently, but i could if i was being honest with myself get it down to three and not live horribly. i imagine the same fate with fishing rods..target 5, end up with 8. i can live with that. as a kayaker, i would like to fish with mininum gear. 5. lighter bottom contact, heavier bottom contact, reaction bait rod, spinning, and a punch/frog combo. my list is based on how i fish. my own thing. heck..i see a flaw already!! i need a few travel rods and i can see myself falling in love with big swimbaits.
  22. i think there are worse things we can do to a caught bass. laying it on a hot dry surface, or grass. keeping it out of water too long. i had a friend catch a 5lb fish and he was alone. his friend were not around. he carried that fish, and kicked his kayak to find them..while holding the beast. everyone was cheering him on, and i said, "let the fish go". it didnt survive. i saw him coming from ways out, holding that thing.
  23. let me know if you start parting out that kayak of yours. trying hard not to be vulturous.
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