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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. i dont think i've ever balanced a rod on my finger like that. you do it with the lure? nah..dont answer, i still wont do it. i just cast, and try it. i had a carpenter show me that his hammer balance right up near the head. it was a head scratcher for me.
  2. true. for all you that love the vintage stuff, i understand. the new stuff, wont have any extraordinary collector value. nope. those days are gone. like Coleman lanterns and stoves. there isnt a NEW lantern or stove, i imagine will carry on and have the vintage price thing. no way.
  3. no way. built in obsolescense. manufacturers today want us to upgrade to the latest and greatest. nothing will be collectable.
  4. sadly, i cant afford to even participate in this thread:D..i'll exit quietly now....
  5. @Choporoz that is a fantastic fish!!! you never forget your first!!
  6. wow!! those lakes look awesome!!
  7. there. i knew there is a reason i felt we could be friends. i agree on all counts. crazy talk but yea. i could do it with one awesome chef knife. okay, doenst need to be awesome. just sharp. a 10" chef. because: watermelons.
  8. My brother had a well trained lab. Duck huntingest dog ever. one single hike-in fishing trip ruined that dog. My brother brought his hot girlfriend and she started throwing rocks for him to fetch. Haha. He would swim down to get them. He would find the one rock! Underwater! Duck hunting he would jump in to find a rock to play with for the day. Haha.
  9. oh..good idea!! i have pink JJ's!! i am going try again, this time with a less beloved rod. it was fun getting dragged around.
  10. i'd bring my dog, but someone before me beat him with a stick or something. my dog is scared of fishing rods.
  11. two things. Hiking and Mtn Biking. there is massive self satisfaction when you lace up boots or put on day-glow skin tight lycra and go after fish. i see water that is unfished this way. just kidding about the lycra. i cant wear it. i get all self concious with my junk's profile all exposed like that. if anything, this has taught me respect to bank fisherpeople. i will not EVER fish a bank or waters reachable to a person fishing a bank. i will move on and find somewhere else to fish. it annoys me to be casting to some reachable cover only to have a kayak or bass boat nuzzle up against it and start casting.
  12. if i had a 3-bay garage, my wife would still park in the middle diagonally.
  13. for the record, i dont want the WRB gene. i like mine. i do however KNOW i have it in me to get onto a big bass..and soon. i fish often, and i fish good good waters. i just need to find a time where my trajectory in life, meets a big bass vector. it is a game of numbers and odds. you have to be in it to win it. and i am in it.
  14. back to this. in the grand scheme of things..the line is one of the least expensive portions of our activity, yet the payoff or (opposite) let down is huge. i am going to Brazil. my brother will probably show up with whatever old line is already on his reel. not me. i am traveling a billion miles, taking time off work, risking a tiny fish swimming up my pecker (:D). spending $80 on new fresh braid is a no-brainer for me. even if it means i trash it all when i get home to go back to Flouro....
  15. @casts_by_fly that's the spirit. much in the same way, that i dont really drink beer anymore (my liver belongs in a 90 year old person), when i do drink a beer...it is a very good beer. or steak. i buy a steak from a rancher that gave it a name...like Ethel. i was just thinking. if i knew what i knew then, what i know now. i think i could have pared it down to 5-6 rod/reel combo, and bought way better combos. just a thought. because if i really had the gift of time..i would buy Apple and Google stock.
  16. On bass gear I paid a kidney for? Yea. Dobyns fury? Bring it
  17. The Bantam is popular. Very difficult to find one now. I have time.
  18. we bought our cat a cat tree a long time ago. the snot decided she didnt like it darn near immediately. so it is essentially unused. we do hide dog toys in it, in it for our "contraband search dog" game. I was lifting it into my truck to put into a dumpster. it was brand new, looking so we put up a for free ad. 6 minutes and we have a line of willing recipients. WOW!! I offered to deliver, but nope. first response is on the way. crazy
  19. more protein. no joke. an old lady told me to wipe peanut butter on it and wash it normal. my first field dress deer experience was very macabre. I had it everywhere.
  20. I know there is no warranty support here, State-side. I understand that part. but any of our resident reel repair shops can fix them right? and which Shimano Bantam should I be looking at? MGL?
  21. yes. lipless needs a heavier rod, cuz when it hits grass you have to have the backbone to haul it thru with enthusiasm.
  22. Clearlake bass fishing. A catfish sucked in my jig. It dragged me out into the lake about 100 yards. So scary. I thought my new rod was going to snap. 12lbs. Big for me. I hooked two more, but they broke me off.
  23. I have a better chance of understanding the mind of a woman..a bass? no way. I bet the jig coming out of the cover, and speeding up triggered it. kinda like how a lipless coming out of grass fast, gets bit.
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