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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. you kayakers.. i have taken to bringing my water in a Camelback water bladder. it is so much easier to reach behind me and grab the hydration hose. i can keep casting if i wanted. i can certainly keep kicking my feet. i bought an insulated pack that gives me about 4 hours of ice cold water, and the remaining 4 hours is "not hot" water.,
  2. growing up i would watch the old black/white Tarzan shows. the quicksand events facinated me. it was years later when i was sitting in a soil mechanics class, and the professor explained the phenomenon to us. blew my mind. very cool. but the tarzan situations were pure hollywood. hahahha
  3. dang...how many birthdays did you have at once?!!
  4. If I was on a boat, I’d bring a camp stove! Haha.
  5. I bring a hot breakfast in an insulated food cup. I eat it when I get to a lake and unload my stuff. I can’t eat super early in the morning. So buy the time I get to the lake, yup I’m hungry. on the water, just food bars and water.
  6. I only peg a punch presentation. The rest are set free.
  7. CLEARLAKE, CA! (Just joking about the thread title. 9 fish isn’t a clinic) Today was stunning. Weather was clear and calm. Hurricane H is down the road, so I watched the sky. Lake-Water is hot, and there was a major bass tournament. The boats were ripping past like it was a race. Epic in sound and visuals. I got a fish quickly while I waited for my friend to…. “evacuate his innards” then we went straight to our point. It was surrounded by boats. 15 boats! We hung outside and I started catching. The boats heard the ruckus and moved deeper. So we went shallower. I ended with 9 good fish. When a bass bites, the wind and fish moves us off our spot. Buy the time you net the fish and look up, we’ve moved a long ways. The boats would nuzzle in. Haha. Whatever. Is it a rule that they can’t get tips while in a tournament? They never asked, and I kept my bait obscured. My last fish hit hard and I exclaimed, “oh my…what is this?” (Kinda loud). im gonna search out tournament results. I think I was a contender. Hehe.
  8. It would be Great w 1/20z plus trailer.
  9. I have the Triza Dragoon. It’s crazy good. I was casting a top water far! I battled some good stripers easily. It’s going to Brazil with me in a few months.
  10. the only limitation to a kayak is your own personal limits with respect to wind..and distance. it is a bummer to be fishing lukewarm bass waters to have a friend text you that they are on fire 25 miles south. i suppose with a powered kayak, 25 miles is okay. i am good with 14 miles out and 14 miles back, powered with simple carbs. in 3 years of kayak fishing, i have not put my boat back into my truck to move to another area. i just try to figure it out, with varied success.
  11. i have the 7'1" Heavy. it has a 200K Shimano on it. i know a MagDraft freestyle pushes the weight limit on it, but i keep at it. its a bit noodlely at the cast. fighing a fish is fun. i use it for big heavy jigs and swim jigs. this is honestly the next rod i am replacing. the reel seat allows the reel to move. i can feel it do so, when i cast heavier stuff, or fight a better fish. i know it isnt a big deal, but i feel it. the rod is perfectly fine, but for some reason i never totally warmed up to it.
  12. what is the maximum depth before we have to start thinking about hurting a bass by pulling it up from? is this only a salt water concern?
  13. Is there a similar thread about the Ned rig?
  14. @UmairF watching my friends. i have come to a conclusion that big kayaks and tiny living spaces dont mix. one guy had to rent a garage space..and another guy bought an enclosed trailer and rented a space in a contractor's yard. he had to add 30 minutes travel time every trip just to go get his kayak out of the trailer. i have seen Hobie ProAnglers on roof top racks. so i know it is doable. not sure i could, but some people get it done.
  15. thats a punch rig. i am thinking, working it like a fluke. weightless.
  16. i know you are asking about EWG, but i have gone to a 3/0 (and up to) 4/0 straight shank with the bait keeper loop thing. But EWG, i do use a 3/0 when i did.
  17. WOW. nice. just last week, i turned on my GoPro to capture a boat completely cut me off and park right where i was casting. they never faced me, i imagine because they knew what they were doing. i decided right there, it was not worth it and actually turned off my camera. they had names on their boat..i didnt want to make trouble for them..hahahha.. i was super super bummed when i caught a bass after they left.
  18. yea. the spiral wraps i knew nothing about. it was interesting. i didnt fuss with the handle.
  19. this is an interesting rod. too long for my kayak-life. i held the rod and it felt sooooo long to me. but for the length, i thought it was so light.
  20. i am surprised by the answers. i would have extra trepidation slipping out into a lake without at least one bag of #925 Yama Senko's. you never know when you find such thick grass that you will need to slip something thru it.
  21. hahha... one time a friend's pet rooster died of some foot rot thing. we put it in a bag and went to get rid of it. but in the meantime we wanted a beer first. we came out and it was stolen out of the back of his truck.
  22. i know Digitaka is legit. legit and fast!! what about the others? is there a "no-fly" list for JDM vendors? or at least a review section?
  23. i argue that round has long gone out of style.
  24. surgical tube from Amazon. i got a yard that should last me until i discover my next "best new thing". the worms will not come off.
  25. i've done it at closer hotels. i go thru the pedal drive hole with my motorcycle cable. it is about 1" thick and weighs a lot. i lock it to my hitch reciever. everything else is labor intensive. i carry it all into the hotel room. all of it. SUCKS
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