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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. all my jigs are green pumpkin. well most of them. i just make them PBJ with the addition of a purple trailer. or red trailer, or blackblue trailer.
  2. i lost two dads, so yea. i get it. you dad would want you to live life. this i know is fact. as a matter of fact, i bet he found peace knowing you were going to do exactly that. we move on out of respect.
  3. i didnt have time to respond. i did make some calls. they applied a pelleted herbicide. it killed everything.
  4. no kidding?!! Banchan!!
  5. @LrgmouthShad about nailed it on #1, i had the opp to watch the presentation in gin-clear waters. a bullet weight has the entire length of the sinker providing friction on the line. a free rig only has a tiny thin wire hoop and it has LESS friction on the line. so it separates from the bait easily. it doesnt drop off the bait effortlessly, but it does drop better. the bait then gets to drift down in any direction.
  6. my travel group is scrambling to buy insurance. hahaha.
  7. Brazil has a new president. He is reinstating the need for USA travelers to get a travel Visa. the new system is green-lit on Oct 1, 2023. guess what day we are hoping to land in Brazil? yup. Oct 1, 2023. they say it takes 3 weeks to get an approved Visa, and they will not be even available to get until the 0ct 1. hahahha.. this is a classic "catch-22" scenario!! i did buy travel insurance, so if this blows up in my face, i will get credit for the airline, and get my $$ back on the guided portion. timing is truly, EVERYTHING!
  8. oh..sorry about your troubles. i'm get anxious around guides. i boner would be a step in the wrong direction. i would be more nervous. then he might judge!!! edit...a better response would be. "hey you do you, but that isnt the kind of fishing guide i am looking for".
  9. i personally cant use minoculars. they mess with my eyes..eye actually. i need two barrels.
  10. i dont know how many times i have wished a food-boat would drive by yelling, "anyone want a burrito?...$10!!!". i dont eat much. i understand the wetness thing. last time i put a pristine cup of coffee into the cup holder and a bass bled into it. hhahaha...nope! not drinking that.
  11. i guess that could be called a bird. looks like a pterodactyl.
  12. i got surpisingly good at playing a trombone with very little practicing. casting, i just went fishing. i would try a bit in my front yard to discover any wild decrepencies, between me and my gear. then off to the water. i can home in very quickly. now Skipping. i need to practice skipping, and that needs water.
  13. okay, Mr. "Paints with a wide brush".
  14. luckily, punch weights are not easily lost. i have only bought 4 in my life (fishing life = 3 years). i'm down to 3
  15. like women, i like it all. blonde brunettes, etc. i can find music of all genres that i can get behind. maybe not Jazz. nope..no jazz. new age jazz, YUCK!
  16. Music is a big part of my life. It supports good mental health for me. I’m not that old, but some of my music is. Not super old. Steely Dan. CSN, Beatles, the Who. I’m rediscovering some older music. So good! My wife is not a fan. Enter Bose noise cancellation headphones.
  17. All my usual spots are barren. Zero grass. if I find grass, it is blotchy green and brown. Last year it was choked thick. Same areas. The obvious answer is they are applying some sort of herbicide. But that boggles my mind. I can’t build a bridge over a creek without a team of environmentalists biologists crawling up my butt, yelling at me. I can’t get an answer from the locals.
  18. Kayak fishing is fairly brutal on rods and reels. They all end up looking kids tattered anyways. Performance over rides all. My combos don’t need to match. Whatever. having said that, I avoid white rods. They gets too nasty looking. Yuck.
  19. The retirement monkey is creeping on me. How ever, I think the “you need more savings “ monkey has a better argument right now.
  20. beer + fishing? i noticed a few in the food thread noted beer. i would LOVE a beer on some days, but i dont. why? one beer makes me sleepy, and the drive home shouldnt be that exciting. Plus i would pee a lot. standing on a kayak to pee shouldnt ever be taken for granted, and in this case, "less is more". my one buddy brings 4 Modelos and sips them all day. he is fine, even on the drive home. plus..warm beer. yuck. he drinks them from an ice chest with barely any ice! you all?
  21. not sure. i fish Yamamoto Senkos exclusively. both the 4" and 5". both are girthy enough to fly. the Owner Haymaker hook in 3/0 helps. my line is usually 12lb flouro. 14 if i am less feeling frisky.
  22. hahah..i just snorted coffee. black coffee. wait. they were WASPS?!
  23. Oops. I meant 14 total. Lake Sonoma. The trees are 7 out.
  24. i would like to change my answer to JAPAN.
  25. mmmm...BRAUTS!
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