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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. a garden variety Gama O'Shaughnesey in a 3/0 is also VERY good with a senko rigged weedless. i like how it is narrow and allows the bait to slip in easier.
  2. my friend had that Steez. it is such a great rod. he flipped his kayak and lost that rod combo along with a few others. that was a brutal day.
  3. i have two choices. bottom contact or reaction. i start there. i have my favorites, but i am cool with offering choices to the fish.
  4. i wear gloves when i fish, and i typically tape the hotspots. i just wrap my line around my hand and yank.
  5. today, was early AC/DC stuff. wow.
  6. and on the opposite side of that spectrum, would be my 2023 Toyota Tacoma. my 0-60 time is "eventually".
  7. my own feeble attempts wont save the planet, but i dont buy bottled water. i use a nalgene bottle and i would imagine i drink several of those thru the day.
  8. i just started punching last season. i got a few hits. and it was FUUUNNNN! i cant blend it with frogging, because i think frogging is a more of a distance game. i pitch it to the mat. punching, i am on top of the mat, and our mats are not the kind you can frog. i grows tall. i start with a 1oz. i like to use a light a weight as i need to get thru. and about getting thru. there is a weird elation when the bait goes thru. it feels like success already. i love it when it drops thru. and the anticipation. last season i set the hook so hard, my body slipped and i went full horizontal with my body. luckily i fell in my kayak.
  9. @T2DM the 22. kinda a hail mary at this point. @Hulkster it's coming from the mother-land. i assume it will have to go thru Customs. i should see it next week.
  10. I was ordering, and she asks, “what are you buying?” “a Bantam” ”a chicken?” ”no, not a chicken. A fishing reel called a Bantam” (silence) haha. Just kidding. I unloaded all my bow hunting gear, because that stuff is behind me. I’m done hunting. Figured I’ll buy something I’ll use. I can’t wait to pit it against a bottom feeding bass. the chicken:
  11. trying to read between the lines and I am coming up empty. hahahha... I am roadtriping soon. maybe next year and I am gonna literally dip a toe into some of these distant lakes.
  12. love the use of "orifice". hahah..(my brain is still in 4th grade) it is amazing that there isn't enough water pressure to blow out a bug turd.
  13. unless it is white/bone.
  14. roger that. i practice on the days the fishing sucks.
  15. hmmmm.. this is the list i found. and it feels right since 1/3 of them were surrounding me this weekend. 1. California 1,051,606 2. Michigan 1,000,337 3. Florida 922,597 4. Minnesota 834,974 5. Wisconsin 650,280 6. Texas 624,390 7. New York 529,732 8. Ohio 413,276 9. Illinois 398,431 10. South Carolina 383,971 11. Pennsylvania 357,729 12. North Carolina 353,625 13. Louisiana 327,272 14. Missouri 325,717 15. Georgia 325,135 16. Washington 266,717 17. Alabama 264,191 18. Tennessee 259,235 19. Virginia 243,590 20. Mississippi 199,037
  16. i feel presentation overides color on most of my outings. i kid you not. i almost own ALL green pumpkin in all my soft plastics.
  17. he bought it for the Texas shoreline and took it to OK for a dry run.
  18. my friend bought a Van Staal reel and took it to Oklahoma last year. it was heavy, and awful. you had to manually flip the bail open and closed. it wasnt smooth at all.
  19. i can only skip on one reel of mine. my Daiwa SV TW. i think it is the SV spool that is helping me. i tried on my Curado MGL 150, and it was a big NOPE.
  20. i remember from high school biology that plants produce oxygen and animals breath oxygen. this cant be a good idea.
  21. okay..honest answer. i want all my rods to look like MegaBass P5 Destroyers. too bad all my currency looks like 10's and 20's.
  22. my friend has since moved to Oregon, but he used to always stop at this Tamale place in my city. he buys bags of them to hand out on our kayaks. the place opens at 4:30 AM to load all their food trucks and carts (that head out into neighboring cities). all the Wine workers line up at 5:00 am to buy food. i always tell myself to decline a tamale, or two..but i cant. and there is nothing messier than eating a tamale on a kayak, without utensils. and there is the husks everywhere. i just toss them in the back and at end of day, they are dry. haha... my PFD is stained from tamale.
  23. Dwight, i just want it noted for the record that you are a friggen genius for really thinking outside the box. i didnt consider maybe flying into a more touristy place like RIO a few days early just to get my foot in the door. hahahha.. i should send my travel agent an email.
  24. we thought about it, but the flight and hotel was problematic. the flight costs were kinda nuts.
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