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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. trust me. it's my best look. followed closely by my face in a pitch dark room.
  2. @WRB i would but that is beyond the point of no return. if they say no, i am out a rod. a good rod. i would be so bummed.
  3. are there any fishing opportunities at iCast? i have always wanted to go and see it for myself, but i am not in the industry. my industry has a thing...but it's called iBoringasheck or something.
  4. thanks. love you guys. i'll try saturday or sunday. wind looks managable.
  5. how exactly did J. Caesar dress anyways. a toga?
  6. days are getting shorter. this past weekend, i had to hang back to wait for the sun to come up, while other kayakers eased out into the dimly lit lake. thanksfully they turned right, when my hopes laid left. as it was, i left earlier than i should have. well, i just ordered lights. SAFETY FIRST. i opted for the Wireless Guardian Angel products, since i can cross use them on my bicycle, and truck, and house, and dog.....
  7. yup. i am acutely aware that i have six 3/0 Haymakers left. i ordered 3/0 Ryugi infini hooks as a replacement but they are phycically smaller. i think i have a gang of 4/0 and 5/0 Gammy i will shoehorn to fit.
  8. not to hyjack, i dont understand the mechanics that causes a worm to end up 5 feet upstream of the hook after a bite and hookset. i pull the fish out of the water and the worm is way up the fishing line. perplexing for sure.
  9. i just bought two packs yesterday. right after i had a bran muffin a big cup of coffee, actually. i got the 3.5's, and i think a 3/0 Owner Haymaker may fit fine. i am going to probe underwater river channels with them.
  10. Copa as well. i'm just going to upsize the duffle bag, to get my travel rod in. and i'll ask the guide if he needs anything extra. i just need to stay under 50lb. easy. i am bringing one change of clothing for the flight home, and the rest will revolve around two fishing outfits i rotate. LIGHT!!
  11. to me extra fast, does a few things. theoretically it will transmit a bite to your hand quicker, so it is sensitive. okay..one thing. so basically bottom contact for me. i am not the best caster right off the bat, when i use an extra fast. as a righty, everything casts left of the target. sometimes, by a mile. i need a softer tip for topwater, so i can walk the dog if need be. i also like a softer tip for longer casting and accuracy. i like a softer rod for treble hooks stuff. as well. i feel i like the advantage it gives me to pin the fish, and absorb some of the exciting stuff. i dont think i have XF rods any more. actually.
  12. dang!! he's all that and a bag of chips!! :D. honored!
  13. I have a pack of the Decoy Dreams around somewhere. but not sure I could find them now. I have been using the Ryugi, Infini hook and it is a good one. word of caution, they seem to run smaller than usual. like a 3/0 seems closer to a 2/0
  14. GREAT point. it feels beyond solid. the hookset is fantastic.
  15. this place is intriguing. lot of humps and some depressions. I'm new to pre-scouting areas using charts. I love fishing off shore, and just starting to feel comfortable. but if I am being honest, my current favorite locations have been the result of blind luck and blind casting. thoughts? it is just within reach of my kayak range, if weather cooperates. coming from there in wind would be but-puckering. sorry for the posting of a phone pic. my iMac is acting up. IF YOU KNOW WHERE THIS IS, PLEASE DONT SAY. this lake gets hammered as it is.
  16. the reel is interesting. first thing, i gotta assume Japanese people all have awesome eyesight, because they use the tiniest font on their reels...and thin font. hahah.. the reel is sweet. smooth, quiet and it is a long range bomber. a 3/16 bullet sinker and adjacent soft plastic flies really well. even on a stiffer fast action rod. it aint "Zillon" quiet and smooth, tho. no way. where i love it, is the Drag. if i get a fish, i can loosen drag and it responds well. no suprises. i dial out some drag, the fish pulls some. intuitively. the other Z-reel is more sudden, and less predictable in my hands. i am running four brake weights out and the dial at 60%, and the spool on the loose side. my baits drop really quickly. i need more time with it, and it will be a great addition to my pile of stuff. i like how i can transition from it to my 150MGL without a thought. no need to recalibrate my thumb. the Bantam and i started our relationship the same as all my other Shimanos. with an epic backlash. hahah..it was pitch black and i couldnt see a thing. i should have ease on the thumb in an abudance of "Whoa". for the record, picking out a 'lash in the dark is FUUUNNN!
  17. for that price, i could guess the manufacteres international phone code.
  18. @thomas15 100%! if the Almighty is the source for happiness, then a boat should pale by comparision as a source. so, i've been told.
  19. i'd share with anyone that has stuff to share back.
  20. this is my most dangerous time of year. take yesterday for an example. the morning was 50 deg. i had a hoodie on, under my PFD. it started to warm, and like the frog in the slowly boiling pot, i dont notice. plus i am lazy. i have to take off my GoPro Chesty, my PFD, my hoodie, and put back on PFD, put on Chesty, and put hoodie into dry sack tied to the back of my kayak seat. i pushed to the end, and ended up with a headache for my troubles. duh!! cold mornings, hot afternoons.
  21. i have some Black Dolive Beavers coming, that i think will get chewed!!
  22. the OP invented the RageTail? !
  23. again, like all threads.. @Bankc sums it up beautifully. thanks.
  24. yea, i tried with my biggest bobber stop and i cant get it over the hook barb. same hook i think.
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