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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. im with Bama-spot. i use pliers, i am not bonking a fish with my hand.
  2. i am a lover of the 14lb line variety. i like to work the fish, but i am ham-fisting it for sure. i trust my knots and line: probably too much. yesterday, i got a good bass. it was jumping but i had hammered the hook into the roof. the fish was not getting off. but it dove under the mat, and immediately went from a 3lb fish, to a 50lb fish. i couldtnt move it. we positioned the boat, and my buddy stuck his arm up to the pits and worked it loose and i boated it. i imagined it sucked for the fish, so i quickly released it sans picture. sometimes, i pays to hork it in fast.
  3. do over? noooo.. "DOO over". hahah. thanks to this forum and @RRocket i grabbed a couple of packs last week. i fished the Delta yesterday, and my buddy was flipping a very fashionable jig. when we first pulled up to our first Delta Stop, it was magical. rip-rap peeking out behind various plant life, like a fig tree, regular shrub, bamboo. lots of skipable overhanging stuff, floating mats, etc. this place may as well be the moon, with respect to a kayak. i cant get there with my plastic boat. well, my friend laughed at my CoverScat. unlike RR, i have the 3.5" version and it is a very aerodynamic 0.50oz. it flies!! well, i flew it up against some riprap, next to tule. i watched i sink, and whup whup! i felt the bite. FIRST CAST!! i wasnt UL fishing. i am baitcasting on a Megabass FMJ rod. a heavy rod. 14lb flouro. i should go 16ish.. i got that fish in. and it was a beautifully colored 2lb delta bass. my friend said, "give me some poop dude" i had one bag with me, and we nursed those things all day. for a bass fest. he cut that jig off so fast. since this is such a limp, slack line approach, the rod matters. you need something sensitive to feel that something isnt normal at the bait. then some faster reel to pickup the line, and the backbone to drive a relatively heavy 5/0 EWG hook home. i packed my lunch today, and i am going to eat it during a meeting so i can go to the store to buy more. my buddy is going to order a bunch and put them into old Yamamoto bags to cloak them from his usual fishing partner. he said his partner has been kicking his butt the last three trips on a Senko. this will be his secret weapon. note* the baits are fragile. they almost get spongy after a few soakings. like the salt is dissolving and leaving microvoids. do not get attached to them, they dont last. proof of life
  4. i fished today. rods go in the truck with me lovingly, but i had to pick up a friend to drive us to his bass boat. no way, i make him ride in back while my rods ride shotgun , since it is his bassboat. so i took them in the back, and we drove to the water at Dark-thirty. i got there and was missing some of my cheaper, rod sleeves. the ones without the strap. DUH!!! hahahha.. lesson learned. i put a bungee strap around the entire pile on the ride home. no issues. however, i forgot all the about the loss, when i realized i lost ONE of my new Simms sun gloves. GRRRRR!!! that one hurt, and now one of my hands is brown, and the other is light tan!! DUHx2.
  5. I think so. I had to change a tire in the dark with nothing but a cell phone. had to take my kayak out of the back of my truck to get the spare lowered. a light I could magnet stick the the truck would have been AWESOME. thanks KYK....
  6. Rodmans has been high and dry for the last two years. This year was the first time I felt it was navigable. But I passed on it and stayed with my usual haunts. West of buckinghams is legit. hell, it’s where in going next! @FisherDude999 if you fish out of a kayak, I’ll fish w you. Well unless we hate each other at first sight. Haha. ‘’Clearlake is a good place. This Saturday was my first skunk. I zigged, bass zagged. I know where they might be. I’m zaggjng next.
  7. I’m not a strong swimmer. I know it, and I respect the waters accordingly. I don’t risk much.
  8. I ordered incorrectly. I have both sized in the micros. I should have gotten the bigger one up front. On the bright side, the small one stickers to my bike nicely. charging then now.
  9. I LOVE LIVESCOPE!! I don’t have it. Hell, my current FF was $300, and it’s currently suspect. I love being next to a boat fully rigged and out catching them. There is a personal joy, out fishing the geared up boats. Doesn’t always happen….At this point I hope I get a new $750 FF for the holidays. Lord knows I’ve dropped about hints!! I think side scan will be my game changer.
  10. me. punching only. i do think it casts better since it doesnt seem to bite into the spool as easily. but i dont have much time on the system. i do have to hand pull out tight spots on my reel with 30 or 40 braid. i forget what it is. i think 40.
  11. its difficult for me to tie in my kayak. i gotten to where i like to use a little tension put on the line from the rod itself. so yea, my way isnt ideal for kayak FG tying. Good on you Pogues for being so proficient at it. if am being honest, your last response is a scooch defensive sounding. and your title, "Knot in general" does open the door to discuss other knot options.
  12. wish I could post a video. my first river bass, I almost passed out from the excitement. hahha..
  13. I'm with Mobasser. I dont own any over 2/0. great hook. bent needles. seriously sharp.
  14. I need the red/green and white, as far as I can tell. beside REGS, it feels unsafe out there with a headlamp.
  15. we apparently were separated at birth. hahah
  16. Rivers are my Achilles. I have a hard time figuring them out, but I have taken a few good, very good bass. I'm almost shocked when it happens, because I am flailing around blind for the most part.
  17. i got the 20lb bag done this years. and there is no way i catch a 100 fish day. not happening. not on my waters.
  18. okay. my honest answer might be DEPS and OSP. not for the fish catching reason. because of innovation. they came up with a few baits that are kinda outside the box of thinking. i love that. total bonus that for me, at least one of them is absolutely unraveling the bass's logic and they just eat the things. it seems like it is because they dont see it regularly. it does bum me out that they get copied and pirated. not like a fake rolex or Gucci bag, but more in your face copied. hahaha.
  19. Any mention of the Rico poppers? That’s all my friend has on his boat. But I’ve never tried one.
  20. I can’t walk the dog with an XF. Ever.
  21. my A-Rig is from HogFarmer or something. i like the extra spinning blades. it casts like lawn furniture, but comes thru water looking great. my baits, are "my name is Jeff" swimbaits. my heads are too heavy, and wish i gone lighter. i think mine are 1/4th. how many fish on it? ZERO. hahahha.. i cant stand casting it.
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