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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. a 20 lb bag is 5 four pound fish?
  2. i have questioned a few mod decisions, but this forum is just for fun - and i focus on that. i literally do not have a dog in the fight. i like the info i gather here. sadly much of is some bait/lure i didnt know about, and now i MUST HAVE! i like the banter with total strangers. it helps with the day to day mundanese of it all.
  3. i like an XF for bottom contact. in my mind, it bolsters sensitivity.
  4. @FishTank windbuster? no? that one is on my list.
  5. i bet that big bass is happy to munch on new baits. to add: we had a local pond get drained for the exact same reason. the engineers dont typically put the outfall inlet at the very bottom of the lake (Lake Mead might be the exception) so they let it drop to the bitter end. and then came in and fixed the problem. it sat that way for a long time, because of our drought. but then, the skies puked rain and rain and rain. i got a small bass out of there!! some survived. i think in the long run, the bass will bounce back, hopefully healthier and BIGGER.
  6. has Mathews complete dropped the Solo Cam thing? i havent been in a bowshop in years.
  7. I can sleep in longer since the sun comes up later, and I look good in a hoodie! and fall hats. I can’t forget hats.
  8. i choose between those two hooks depending on the girth of my bait. in general, the bass hate both. they both catch fish, and gobs of them. oh, i am moving away from your EWG type. i dont like how the hook point aims directly at the hook-eye. the bass mouth has to drop between those points to get jabbed. it happens all the time, sure. but i want them not to be in the same plane to get that added clearance. for example: Owner J-hook, and Owner Haymaker respectively
  9. National Weather Service. after that one event in my life where i thought my hobby was finally gonna kill me. okay, i had my PFD on, and only had a few inexpensive rod/reel combos then, so i am being dramatic. i decided it would be wise to check the weather before EVERY fishing trip. (now i have added air conditions, via Purple Air) i use NOAA. https://www.weather.gov/ there is a tabular forecast - under Additional Forecasts and Info. (see below) if you click that link, you can scroll to the moment (date/time) you hope to launch boat, kayak, bank fish..and it will tell you the weather broken down hour by hour.
  10. that is a neat bait, and i regret knowing they exists.. they look AWESOME. lots going on. i would use a straight shank hook with a bait keeper tab. just me.
  11. didnt RB say, 98% of fisherman prefer that 83% jerkbait fishing be 19% longer casting?
  12. …..and bottom line. I don’t want a boat. I identify as a kayak fisherman. I like the challenge and the obvious handicaps.
  13. I don’t rent. Principle of mine. I do it my way and work around things
  14. i think as a last resort, go for it. i would go slow and go short. total emergency. like if i pulled up to my buddies busted tire and we had no resort but to loan him my 13". but if it could be avoided, i would get the correct one from the get go. the above car "donut" analogy was a good one. put those on the back axle and your car doenst want to pull to one side. i cant imagine a trailer doing it either. the tire is spinning to match the speed the asphalt is going by. it isnt isnt under power.
  15. i like 14lb Sunline Sniper. i get a lot of fish with the long bomb blind-cast for fish in clearer waters. the fish see me and my kayak, and they rarely bite. 14 allows me juice, and i can cast it farther. just this past week, my shop was out of 14, and i went up to 16. not bad!!! it can still cast far, and i do admit i like the added security of the stronger connection. only 2 fish so far. long run? i'll go back to 14 before next spring/summer
  16. over the day, my line will dig in if i use braid. i have 40 on a BC, and messed up cast, flips, pitches, where the spool loosens, and i do a few fake hooksets..it will dig in. i manage it fine, but i keep in in mind. i almost know the sound where i can tell, i need to cast towards the wide open and reel it back in tight. just me, you all must have better management skills than i do.
  17. I use 832, mostly. But honestly, I bet I would not know the difference. I buy my braid mostly on my stores availability. It can be all 0ver the place. go fishing friend. Only one true way to find out. What color did you go with? Can you see it?
  18. Haha. Big surprise since I told the internet!
  19. No boat storage. Sad but true.
  20. I pummeled the area with various baits and got zero sniffs. I spent way too much time there and was rewarded with my first real skunk of the year. next year, I hope they let the grass grow in..and I will try again.
  21. man, a muskie smashing that would pause my heart!
  22. I think I want to apply it to some older cork. No problem? Just to keep,it from degrading more. Looks like some cork filler came out and now I have some voids. Higher end rod, but the cork is still meh. Or it could be all the fish fighting. anyone put it on older cork?
  23. Same. Whatever. At work we call IT. Here? We go fishing.
  24. i do this all the time. i use the TW inventory as a search tool. i can type in 1.5 crankbait in the search and they all pop up. the first one i found was the LuckyCraft DRS..which is half ounce.
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