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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. 6:30 am. getting ready for a work meeting at 7:00, so i am putting on pants. its so dark out! all my house lights are on as i am putzing around my house, doing my morning ablutions. i wont largemouth bass fish (next) until mid OCT. by then it will be VERY dark around here. we got our first rainstorm last night, and it feels good. as it drizzles, the odds of a wildfire go way down. FALL is here!! i have to wear a light jacket now. this means i have to wear a jacket, pack it up, fly to the equator, and when i get home, wish i had a heavier jacket!! 2 years ago, my hobby as a bass fishing kayaker was solidified mid OCT, when i found a school of 3lb+ bass in 12 feet of water that was willing to annilate my dropshot worm. it was the funnest day in my LMB fishing memory. therefore, i love fall bass fishing. looking for a repeat of that day. i get to wear my waterproof kayak pants, since they have been too warm for the past few months, and i have to pack a jacket fishing, a beanie. it is the best time to be on the water. i love FALL. welcome to fall people. Christmas stuff is at our stores already. ridiculous. lets go fishing.
  2. rubber nets have more resistance in the water. at least for me. i am a hot mess trying to chase a fast moving fish, hoping to escape.
  3. i love this description. my friend once got his bass boat washed up on the riprap a bit, and it was proped up by his trolling motor staff. He hates the wake-boats.
  4. i had a Hobie Compass. standing up is exactly the same as the outback, except on the Compass the seat is low and not adjustable (at least mine wasnt). so standing up took more strength to come up from a squat.
  5. I ride a Hobie Outback, so i am heavily biased. i stand so easily. but i think that big Tarpon of yours, i can stand it also. i stood in an Wilderness system kayak before, but i dont recall the model. the fin drive cuts thru some grass. not all grass, but some. a prop, nope.
  6. It was breezy as heck. Bass were plentiful but dinks. I headed out against the wind and seemed to have the place to myself. When the sun came out, so did boats. All types of boats. Even Big cigarette boats. Huge, fast and loud. I can weather boat wakes with minimum management. I casted to rocks in a narrow channel, on the deep side. A finesse jig. A wake boat came in near me and I rode out his wake. I saw the same wakes batter the shoreline I had casted to. It immediately snagged me up. I paddled above the jig and tried that “pluck” the line thing to try to bounce the jig loose - nope. I was positioning myself to grab the line with my hands to break off, when another boat came shooting out between tule islands. He veered away from me and passed at around 30 yards. As a kayaker, it’s not good to be up against the riprap when a wave hits. I froze like a knucklehead and I chose to kick away from the rocks and point towards the tsunami, and my kayak surged up and over; my rod in my hand snapped. It was surreal. I should have lowered it, pushed the spool release. Something. the mental cussing was epic. I rigged up another jig setup and kept going. now? I’m trying to contact and connect with the shop in PHX to get a copy of my receipt that I misplaced. I am within the 1 year warranty, but I’m dead in the water if I can’t get a receipt. (My next rod will prob be a Dobyns). totally my fault. The breakage, (the missing receipt). I shouldn’t have gone to shore with boats in that narrow channel. Not when I was on the deeper side where the boats favored. I’m thrilled I stayed upright and didn’t lose all my gear. Thankful. This is a mere blip in my fishing history. A teachable moment. Next time I break off from the get go. interesting observation. Boaters never look back to see if I stayed upright. Haha. a bad day of fishing is better than any day at work. Nope. Not always. Haha. Try not to flame me folks. I know I messed up.
  7. The Dobyns DX744 is a nice rod for lighter t-rigs. I fished my friends rod when we traded gear fir an hour. It’s fantastic! He was using my X-bites. He didn’t like my setup. Mostly for my reel. rods feel interchangeable
  8. i'm checking it now for Manana! looks like manageable kayak winds tomorrow on the CA Delta! 6am launch, and go until the wind gets double digits. with this, i know when i have to point my kayak towards my truck. tide is kinda sucky
  9. when overnight temps start getting cooler. i think the bass go to rock for warmth. dunno.
  10. congrats!!!
  11. Me too! @king fisher me too! i wont say a thing!
  12. no better way to figure it out than to just try it. i have my way, that i have confidence in and that is what i go with. This is the only fortune cookie note I ever felt compelled to keep. Totally applicable here.
  13. that truck is a beauty. i paid cash for my new truck and it might be my last rig until i check off this mortal coil.
  14. 1 rod for medium/heavy t-rigs/jigs over 1/2oz, occasionally used for c-rigging and heavy jighead with keitechs. i would opt for the MB FMJ. totally in it's wheelhouse.
  15. nobody remembers its original common name. the yellowbelly spectulous.
  16. i heard the surrounding woods, or desert, or swamp is pretty good for Snipe hunting.
  17. huh? different actions and lengths make it not the same rod no? i have always wanted to try a tatula rod.
  18. i dont let it dangle. a dangle tangle (:D) in a kayak is miserable. no thanks.
  19. I’m using mine for my heavier jig rod. Where I fish I need a long caster to to reach bass that haven’t seem me. It pitches fine too, so it’s gonna work out.
  20. i tried to get my friends to participate in a fishing tournament where we HAD TO fish with our reels upside down. no takers. none. they actually quit taking my calls for a week.
  21. the NOAA tabular feature has been dang accurate. +/- hour for the most part. it is a fairly accurate dart.
  22. HELLO back at you. Welcome.
  23. its the layout of the info. i dont care if Saturday morning is gusty..i need to know when on Saturday morning is it gusty.
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