I have one of those! And it’s my most successful rod. It’s brand new and in about a month - five trips, I have about 20 good bass on it. I just got off the water. It happened again. My hand went numb. I think the rod is a bit heavy for finesse fishing. It’s a spinning rod and I would constantly need to change hand positions to try to minimize the tingle. One finger in front of reel seat, move two fingers in front, three fingers, switch hands, etc. the grip at the reel seat was to thin for me. Compounded by the heavy weight forward rod.
as I was fishing I got a shipping notification. My new rod was at the house! If my wife was home I would have begged her to bring it to me. Her eye rolling would have been worth it.
I just casted a lot in the front yard. No more hand numbness. The rod is much lighter. (Both are MEDIUM action). The rod seat has a hump in the back that my palm rests on. I love it already. I might need to go fishing tomorrow to slime the new rod! Bonus! The shorter handle is more comfortable in my kayak. I’m finally homing in on the type of rods I like. And understanding my own body and limitations and how I like to fish.
sucks I had to buy the wrong rod (for me) to learn the lesson. Btw, my buddy has the sane rod and he loves it. I’ll turn mine into an ocean halibut and lingcod rod where it isn’t so much about finesse.
the new one!