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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I crisscrossed a big lake once. Miles and miles. I just kept going.
  2. Lizard or salamander. Texas rigged thus far. But it’s been decades since I fished beds. But: I’m back!
  3. I don’t do tournaments but I pack a Nalgene bottle or two and a single food bar. I sometimes don’t even eat the bar. It’s odd. 8 hours and no hunger.
  4. Spinning for distance surf-fishing. spinning for bass finesse. baitcasting for everything else including line un-entanglement practice.
  5. That Hobie 14 360 is expensive , but really cool. I would get the 12. having said that; look at the Native Watercraft Titan 13.5. I saw a guy walking around on top like it was a boat. He could stand facing the side of the bait casting out. I’d would be wet. And treading water.
  6. I’m new to all of this. but I really took safety into consideration. I laid out my boat and went to great lengths to leave enough “landing area” for me to climb back aboard should I fall out by accident. For me. I have to slide on from the left and get my belly-button dead center of boat. That means I have to have room for half my torso to overhang the right side of the boat. I went with a 5” screen, but I think I could make a 7” work. 9”? Nope. Too big. In warm water, I could disconnect the ram ball. Cold water? Hell no! I’m getting back on ASAP. just something to consider.
  7. Local fishing forum had a story. Member got his down rigger snagged while fishing a lake. He said it turned his kayak hard, and then he flipped instantly. The cold (and other factors) kept him in the water. He said 45 minutes. I bet he had minutes left. another kayaker saw him and waved down a boat. They saved him! I had heard enough. I read the story to my wife, and then ordered a close out NRS dry suit. It felt like buying abrasion proof motorcycle gear. Expensive but worth it. I’m a rookie kayak fisherman. I bought my kayak in June when the water was soupy warm around here. I could only guess how slowly the waters will warm. Early spring; I expect frigid waters. when I get my suit, I’m gonna self flip my kayak in a friends unseated swimming pool. See what’s up. what is your cold water immersion clothing?
  8. For bass. I fished Lake Huetes in Mexico. Our first day, my brother and I skunked. We were young and inexperienced. The other fisherman pooled together some worms and Texas rigs for us. And showed us how to fish them. Instant 200 fish days. Upcoming? I’m gonna drive my kayak to the first lake I ever fished for bass. It’s near Tucson.
  9. Well done. For. me at least; my baitcast reels are more prone to backlash when I start running the spool low on line. Just be aware of it.
  10. I have the 3000 Battle on my 9’ salmon rod. I can cast towards the horizon. It’s my surf fish rig to target perch. My line is 20lb powerPro braid. ‘’I can got beyond the breakers about 60 yards if I had to guess.
  11. I use the Boondox bed extender. My 12 foot kayak is just at the point where it may tip out. Short trips, no. Longer trips, yea. I use it.
  12. Hauling a bass boat, maybe a down scaled kayak? what is your greatest journey? I keep looking at waters in Florida on google earth. Hauling my kayak to key bodies of waters would be mind blowing. Hell, cutting across Texas puts you in some world class lakes. stories?
  13. Hard for me to ***** about shipping times for my tackle when the shipping companies are tasked with moving much more important cargo around the world right now. It will all get better with time.
  14. I’m in CA. They use a small local shipper that gets me stuff so quickly. 1-2 days. FishUSA, all bets are off. Last time I thought I would have to sacrifice a goat or something to get my stuff on time.
  15. White Bass. Big schools of them at Elephant Butte lake.
  16. I looked at Hennessy. Neat lake. I’ll try it in the Spring. But honestly, I have my spot on Berryessa picked out on google earth. Talked to a park ranger about it and everything. come on spring!
  17. Total skunk. I visited a Greg Blanchard spot and it was ThunderDome! Homeless encampment was having a rock throwing contest into the water. They brawled over the last few cigarettes. My money was on the woman! I left before the grand finale. no bass. I must have been casting to carp on my FF. The current was whipping in both directions. I got a good kayak workout. I think I’m gonna surf fish until late February. no more Delta for the time being. It’s a far drive for skunkage.
  18. In summary; worst trip ever. I got skunked and I lost a great rod/reel setup off the side of my kayak.
  19. What the hell. I’m gonna check out a potential “secret spot” tomorrow. I’ll prob get skunked, but the trip is as much about recon (for spring) as it is fishing. On the delta, anything can happen. I hope it happens at least once.
  20. If I find myself on a lake flat as a swimming pool; I notice bass will congregate on even the tiniest structure. A tiny hump or depression, the most minuscule bush, a stick. Anything different. Look for those.
  21. I took a questionnaire at my doctors office. It was titled “how long will you live?” the first third of the questions was about my sun protection practices. Use of sunscreen, hats, etc. the rest of the questions were about, diet, booze, smoking, exercise, risky behaviors. apparently skin cancer kills a lot of us! It outweighed the other risks. I fish exclusively in long sleeve sun shirts and pants. Floppy hat and a sun gaiter. I look like I’m ready for the Sahara. I wear a hat full time since my hair follicles are nothing but a bunch of quitters.
  22. No problem. People do it all the time. They empty the boat first. Pedal drive out, all the gear, etc into the car. kayak goes on the roof rack upside down, cam strapped down. Sedans are easy because the roof line is so low.
  23. I think I will hold the fish up triumphantly, show my friends, weigh it, measure it, and let it go. I don’t need my name on the record.
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