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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Lake County California? lower costs relative to the rest of CA. Houses have big lots, plenty of marinas, and. Ckearlake!!
  2. Yes. It’s a Milwaukee tool box. The more space; I would fill it. I wanted a small storage space.
  3. Ahhhh. Got it. My reading comprehension is suspect.
  4. I lost a rod out of my flush holes. Same kayak. Just punted it out with the paddle. im gonna not use those. out of curiosity. Can you take a pic of the double-3?
  5. I love my Dobyns. I also subscribe to, “there’s an ass for every seat”. you do you. Your title tho. Haha.
  6. All winter long, I fished with 3 rods. Crank, jig, finesse. as spring approaches. I think I need two more. Punch, frog/top water. my wife was napping today and instead of messing with her, I tinkered in the garage. (She did a 10-mike mountain hike w friends). I came up with this! It works fine. A bit cramped with reel handle pretty close together but it should work fine until I consider buying something manufactured. me. Five rods is my max. Apologize if this in the wrong section.
  7. As evaporation happens it ducks heat out (from somewhere). Remember those old military canteens? You soaked the canvas out cover and it would cool the beverage inside. but wool seems to help hold heat when wet. So. . Dunno. I’ll get back to the wine now.
  8. I let my gunsmith do it. Never had an issue. I watched a friend ruin a scope once and that was enough for me. It’s not expensive.
  9. You are off to a much better start than most! you have lures and stuff? Your head is gonna blow clean off.
  10. My boat is a kayak. Wind is what sends me scurrying for home. I can deal with rain. Being on a kayak, regular rain gear is sufficient.
  11. I feel like a crappy angler 90% of the time. 10%? I’m friggen Roland Martin. it’s like chasing a ghost. Which is hugely entertaining and highly addictive. even Greg Blanchard gets skunked on occasion. The goal? Get to 60/40!
  12. Kid said he’s been fishing there for four years. antioch? The delta! There are some shore access areas.
  13. Wear sun protection even in the cold months. It isn’t a warmth thing. ‘’skiing fried my friend.
  14. My humble opinion. I think you find big bass at lakes and ponds that the state stocks with trout. Trout is like a big protein growth powerbar for bass. Check The department for their stocking schedule.
  15. It’s a good good rule. I would love to fish chickamauga! And lake st Clair:)
  16. I caught a tiny bass fishing for bluegill as a kid. I put that thing in a 20 gallon fish tank with a proper filter system. that thing lived a long time and grew surprisingly fast. I find out later it was not legal. But we had fun. I let him go into a small reservoir. We dumped in crayfish and more bass and a crap load of shad. I really needed more parenting. Lucky I didn’t go feral.
  17. I can’t catch fish along the bank in the winter. They are much deeper.
  18. I think you should still buy used. But pay a bit up front for a pro mechanic to look the boat over first. A pre purchase inspection. there is a point where your remaining balance will be greater than the boats worth. buy used. Pay cash. Maybe save up some more to buy a newer used boat.
  19. I’m new here. ‘’Sorry for your loss friends.
  20. Medium/Fast for me. My Phenix Maxim seven foot two rod is MVP. Plenty of backbone, sensitive, lightweight. I love a bass on that rod.
  21. They are not gonna go presoawn in January. And it was a figure of speech. But daylight hours has to be a factor.
  22. Water temp and lengthening daylight hours, right? my lake is at 56, and I don’t know where the fish are. They are super confused. As am I.
  23. Burned some gas. But I drove to some rather remote spots to look for fishing spots. I hate driving about in the dark looking. I mapped out some magical looking spots. So much better spending some time finding them in the daytime. come on spring! I will need heavier duty wheels for my kayak. Haha.
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