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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Haha. Similar story. I was also buying meat from my butcher. The lady next to me asked me how I was going to cook my purchase. I explained. She asked, “do you do all the cooking?” ”yes, I enjoy it” ”your wife cook at all?” ”my wife doesn’t cook, she experiments on me....” (and we laughed)
  2. Thanks. I just put it on my wish list. I bet the rainbow color kills them at my trout stocked lakes. Thanks. I’ll get the shad color as well. do. You have a pic of one rigged up? I’m new to this.
  3. My truck is like a “friend”. My friend’s power windows broke my last rod. nooooooo!
  4. All nets should be rubber. Mine is. Bare minimum, it has to be easier on the fish’s protective slime coat. next benny is that hooks don’t jam up badly.
  5. I’m interested! Who is the vendor? Only downside is the bigger handle may hang up when they are all side by side in my kayak rod holders.
  6. Imagine if automobile drivers were just handed keys like boaters? It would be mayhem. No system is perfect. But the example above me is a scooch extreme. Gun safety. Yes. Hell, I took a chainsaw safety course when I bought my tool. I get a boat, I’m buying into the safety course. The lower insurance should be “the carrot”.. now if there was a mandatory parenting course....hehe, I’m joking.
  7. Just looked at swimbait rods. Oh-o. No bueno.
  8. Cooking is my jam. I love it. Works out perfectly since my wife doesn’t cook. you?
  9. I modified an inexpensive Frabil to suit my needs. I might build another one since I found a really cool fiberglass pole. it floats and I sealed it aggressively to keep water out of the crevasses. No invasive stowaways. It tucks neatly in the bow of my Hobie. I have a trampoline style net up there. what your net kayak fisher-folks? In the process
  10. New to all of this. I just ordered the Jackall Gantarel JUNIOR. I’m tired of my buddies hauling in the occasional winter toad while I’m pulling dinks while I’m stuck in my finesse stubbornness. If I even get a dink, I’m lucky on some especially brutal outings. Okay. What I ordered is a “swim bait”. what is a Glide-bait besides something I need ASAP.?
  11. To be clear. Waking up to a puddle under my refrigerator will ruin fishing plans as well. d**n.
  12. I need to buy ONE and see if the fit inside my tube-rod-holders. Hmmmm. Thx. Six months or so. I lost mine grabbing my paddle to head into a shallow cove to pee. I was in 45 feet water. Bummed.
  13. Thanks for this. I’m hitting the first lake I’ve ever fished as a teen. grown man with a kayak now!
  14. I’m a kayak fisherman. I lost a rod recently. I can figure how to leash them while they are in the rod holders. (As soon as I find a suitable clip or clamp) but while in my hands?: all bets are off. Fumbling a rod wouldn’t be unheard of. Can I float them?
  15. Jet ski. For their diminutive size the whip up quite the wake. Impressive. but I kayak with eyes in the back of my head. wake board boats. Epic tsunami wakes. I always head nose first into one of those. But I think the waves knock crayfish out if the rocks
  16. My knot (or line) failed and I flung my jackhammer into the horizon and beyond. For a brief instant I thought, “d**n! That is a far cast!” i had just caught my first chatter bait bass, and the very next cast - bye-bye. I’d rather snag it on something. Haha
  17. It’s hope for me. Every cast I anticipate a bite. Hope. im addicted to the chase.
  18. Some of the responses are so extreme. I took the spirit of the thread to be, “what normal event ruins...”. Not some catastrophic random event. ‘’like a gunshot injury. Yea. That would ruin my fishing.
  19. My tiny local lake. The water is up to the ramp!
  20. Wind. Big wind. i do not love kayaking in wind.
  21. My tiny local lake that I hike to is almost a pond. They partially drained it to fix a dam, and it never rained. Summer evaporated a lot. all my kayak lakes are crazy low. I never caught a January bass Rain for the rest of the month, so it looks like I don’t get it done. Oh well. but, come on rain! I hope we do not flood the Russian River valley, but I hope it comes close.
  22. If I can pull it off.....:)
  23. I emailed C-Map today. I really hope they have the same answer!
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