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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I did state “reasonable water” in my original post. Freezing water isn’t what I’d call reasonable. Neither is a ripping current. in the hot summer. I typically jump in to cool off.
  2. For a Sassy Shad, no. Not sure I would even send down a lure knocker. (Which are now in my shopping cart) But say I borrowed a friends Huddleston? Maybe. I would at least test the water temp with my toe.
  3. Yes. No problem. I have friends that cast everything with spinning gear. They don’t baitcast ever.
  4. Yamamoto Flappin Hog.
  5. I have always thought Carp needed better PR. Now they have it. my stepdad could cook one beyond delicious.
  6. Awesome story. I’m guessing fishing from a kayak there are factors. Like a friend to babysit my kayak, and my proximity to shore.
  7. Whomever said swim baits are addictive- truth! I had in my hands today the Deps Tiny Bulldog. It would eclipse my most expensive bait to-date by a good margin. I put it back - but I’d be lying if I didn’t say “I want it!” My local bass eat bluegill big time. if I lost it in reasonable waters, I think I’d dive for it. Hell, I might put swim googles in my kayak just because of it. story time! Tell me. Who has gone full Jacque Cousteau for a beloved bait?
  8. What about a manual pole you can stab down thru a scupper hole? I might try this.
  9. My first glide-bait fish. I had zero idea how to fish the bait and was having no luck. I stopped and just played with the thing next to my kayak. I learned one thing. “Slow!” I twitched the lure back with tiny rod movements and quarter reel cranks, and pauses. Boom! my first bass of 2021.
  10. I did finally catch my first 2021 bass. On a big swimbait!
  11. I casted just as a big goose flew in. What a mess! It flew for a bit and then came down. It got about 20 feet in the air attached to me and my rod. The racket it was making brought in about 8 screaming friends. pulling a panicked goose to a kayak is almost impossible. I couldn’t do it. I could get it close but the last few feet it would pull away. Thankfully I had friends on kayaks and they could get to the bird. They untangled it, and removed the hook. Bird flew off ticked. I never thought that would happen. Now? Head on a swivel. I’m looking out for approaching waterfowl. So glad I had friends out there.
  12. Sorry, my winter brothers. you do have ice fishing which looks awesome!
  13. I’m juuuuussst getting to the point where I can almost sneak out of work early and have my kayak in the water for two hours of evening fishing. should have gone today, but I went home to check to see if I got a TW shipment. (No:() let’s go - longer days!
  14. Great fish! And in the shallows!
  15. Before I know they made Ned jig heads you could rig weedless, I used a #1 wire worm hook, finesse TRD, 3/8th worm sinker, bobber stop to fish it the same way but weedless. It’s my go to bank fishing setup. I didn’t invent a thing: realized it quickly. It’s a Texas rig.
  16. You instigator! thanks for the suggestion. I have several on the way. Order placed! Plus some hooks. Great video suggestion. I love the swim action. I should get everything on time for a weekend adventure.
  17. Nobody said anything about there being some math
  18. I’m no boat guy, but won’t a 20hp have more thrust than a trolling motor hanging off the sane boat? sounds like fun.
  19. I just bought the Bunker Hog. I’ll probably try punching, t-rig, and use it as a jig trailer. I’ll snip off a bit if it’s a jig trailer. good luck. Those are perpetually sold-out at TW.
  20. Haha. Similar story. I was also buying meat from my butcher. The lady next to me asked me how I was going to cook my purchase. I explained. She asked, “do you do all the cooking?” ”yes, I enjoy it” ”your wife cook at all?” ”my wife doesn’t cook, she experiments on me....” (and we laughed)
  21. Thanks. I just put it on my wish list. I bet the rainbow color kills them at my trout stocked lakes. Thanks. I’ll get the shad color as well. do. You have a pic of one rigged up? I’m new to this.
  22. My truck is like a “friend”. My friend’s power windows broke my last rod. nooooooo!
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