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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I’ve often thought about weighing some sinkers and lured on my firearm reloading scale. But it’s always a passing thought.
  2. I messed around on a Titan 13.5. It’s stable as eff. It felt slow. my friend has the pro angler 12. He let me take it for a spin. I handed it back to him quick so I wouldn’t fall in love. It’s really stable as well. I could d**n near walk around. I could stand in the transverse direction and pee over the side if I wanted. I heard the pro angler 14 is even more stable!! I can’t imagine it. here is the deal. I was out on the Cali Delta two weeks ago. The wind was blowing with the out-going tide. My Hobie zipped back to the launch with zero hesitation. The guy briefly next to me in his Titan 12(?) was struggling. We were fighting a current and the wind. He had to crank on the peddles to get back. My Hobie is pretty quick. But I never worry about current or wind. I bet there’s a limit to that propeller. Like a running river would he off limits. Dunno. those Hobie fins move some water. Oh. The downside? Obviously weight. But I’m a wuss and I could drag one around pretty easily. I’ve put my friends pro angler in the truck for him. It’s easy. Dragging it? Maybe not down a rough 1/4mile long trail like I do with my Hobie compass. (Which is why I chose the Compass) the other downside. If you do flip: and you most likely will. These super stable kayaks will then he working against you. Flipping it back over will take effort. I would definitely PRACTICE that move. For sure. You’ll need a strategy beforehand.
  3. I don’t know what BFS is. And girls basketball is fun to watch. Those ladies would own me on the court. Even in my best days.
  4. My wife bought me a new GP9. i have the older head mount and the chest rig. I figured out quickly my level of mountain biking is boring as hell and I put them in storage. now? Kayak fishing!! (My motorcycle rides are boring as well). What perspective do you like better? Chest view or head top view?
  5. No thanks. It’s challenging enough. I’m not a gear zealot but I’m not going back to a hand-line.
  6. I fished with a fish biologists once. He wets everything. Measuring board, net etc. He threw water on the board on top of ice chest. Just what he told me. He said to do what I can. i try. That’s all.
  7. True. Great fish nevertheless. Congrats.
  8. What a fish! honest question. Setting the fish on the boat carpet like that; don’t it jack the slime coat?
  9. Great fish. Great great fish. those needle like Ned-hooks are awesome. I don’t really set the hook either. I just reel in and lift rod.
  10. Just curious. My best effort Alberto knot taps my rod tip guide on the way by. Any thoughts?
  11. Man I wear a PFD full time.
  12. Did someone say they can cast a LV500 a football field length?1 some of you guys are bombing them! I bet I don’t get 100 yards on my salmon rod I use for surf casting a 1oz sinker. are we all using the same unit of measure?! 60 yards is a farass archery shot with a compound bow. Standing in my cul-de-sac, I can cast a 1/2 oz practice plug 40ish yards. Sine of you all don’t need boats!
  13. Money not a problem. Can’t imagine a kayak more stable than the Pro Angler from Hobie. I took my friend’s out during a fishing break and it was wild. I felt like I could step over the seat and fish from the back. You just put the seat in the high position and good to go. It’s like standing up while sitting in a lowish camp chair. You just stand up. The bad thing? It’s heavy. Not sure my future mid 60’s self is gonna want to haul that around. I got back in my own wobbly kayak crestfallen. I can stand up, but it’s an advanced yoga move. nameste!
  14. If the snags are horrific I switch to a Texas rig. It’s tough to snag a t-rig. It’s so slender and all.
  15. Thanks. I tested my Rapala against my kitchen scale. My clamp substitution worked. I’m off half an oz weighing a 5-pound dumbbell. Maybe I should source a heavier fish clamp?! (For better fish stories)
  16. Zero expectations here. I never know what’s going to happen. It’s why, despite the fact that I’m a full grown adult will still lose sleep the night before a fishing trip (or hunting trip). The excitement and nerves still get me. sone days I just hope I don’t get skunked.
  17. I lost my football jigs to underwater trees.
  18. I picked up some of these. They are neat looking. I imagine the bristles will broom up some grit underwater. I’ll try them next week in the California Delta. anyone try a puff ball jig?
  19. I feel I’m too (up)tight. Mine drag is too tight (I think). yesterday I backed off to safely strip line to re-tie a lost lure. I tightened it down but looser than usual. Then it happened, one bass saw me, saw my kayak, saw me fumbling with net; he got renewed vigor......bzzzzzzztz. It stripped line. I feathered the spool with my thumb - almost instinctively. But hot darn! If that wasn’t kinda exciting. im not fighting a marlin. But I can’t imagine some cushioning is a good thing. You adjusting mid fight? You run tight, or loose? My buddy goes tight with heavier line and he just winches them in.
  20. I picked up some hand tied jigs from a local guy. so beautiful. But the fish were not having any of it. plain Jane football green pumpkins. Game on. the tungsten head was nice. I was shocked how the material transmits more tactile feedback thru the line.
  21. That’s all I threw today. I got pretty tuned up to feeling the jig. today I did well. Using a small finesse jig I got a good pile of keepers. Water is still cold, but the fish were biting. setting the hook was a thrill. So much fun! thanks you all. You helped!
  22. I’m okay with all of it. Fishing isn’t an exclusive event. More pressure? I just need to up my game. there are kayakers galore. I’m a recent new fisherman. To find fish - I pull up my big boy pants and try to find good water. Google earth searches to simply aiming my kayak away from the crowds and burning more calories. It doesn’t always pay off, but I know I tried and didn’t take the path of least resistance.
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