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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Cant you attach at the battery?
  2. How old is the battery?
  3. Lake Merrit? There is the ocean. Surf perch nirvana down at ocean beach.
  4. Man I’m tired! 9 hours of kayak fishing. I did 8 miles according to my GPS watch. Wind and currents never was in my favor. I didn’t expect to fish long so I didn’t bring any food!! Starved and exhausted. Putting my gear up felt like chain gang labor. I did get into the fish. Including a 3lb smallmouth. Fun fun fun.
  5. I love the new format with the volunteer on the boat for fish documentation and quick release. Same goes for the CPR method the kayak guys use.
  6. I use this to find a sunken car. It gets me close; my down image does the rest.
  7. I probably do 10 spins. I have no issues. I do 10 because I don’t count them out so I just overkill it. When I get lazy I do get a knot that will slide apart. crazy. This is the first knot I learned as a kid. My fingers just have it memorized
  8. I did really well a few weeks ago with a Rage Tail Grub. (I think that’s what’s it called). I still trim a tiny bit off the nose to. shorten it up for a compact presentation.
  9. 10 up and I lose count down. It comes loose sometimes but I suspect I clip the tags end way to close.
  10. The weather person lied to me. 3mph according to the weather app. I think they forgot the ZERO! Huge gusts of wind - maybe 30mph. Even the message signs on the freeway said “danger - heavy wind gusts” I hesitate to say this: but I thought I was a goner. I got caught in the narrows. Had to emergency beach my kayak. Said a quick thank you prayer and HAD TO WALK TO MY TRUCK. brutal. It took some of the shine from kayak fishing. d**n. I was scared.
  11. Man I hate wind. (See Comanche thread)
  12. I’m orange with jealousy. And I have a craving for Cheetos! great kayak bud. Great kayak.
  13. I’m rigged up. I’ll be on my kayak. Looks like wind will be at a very manageable 3 mph. drop shot. Have a grey/purple zoom z-drop worm and a white Yamamoto shad shape ready. Even a tiny Hazadong shad. green pumpkin finesse jig Texas rig with a 1/0 finesse hook. Planning on a reddish large TRD and the “Hail-Mary”. A 6” rainbow trout colored mega bass magdraft. any tips would be appreciated. No honey holes please This will be my first Comanche visit. I plan on launching at the south location.
  14. Gah. We were on a bass boat and it was daunting. If I was on my kayak I would have huddled on some island crying like a baby. I did get slammed on a bigger Jig. I got a hard charging 3-lb bass. Great tug-o-war battle. i suck with a go pro. My life jacket was blocking half the image. Screenshot.
  15. The 360 is having some growing pains. (I’ve heard)
  16. Dang. If a Hobie PA us in the cards...do that.
  17. The slayer is a pedal drive kayak right? What is the original price? $2k? he added the boondox landing gear, which are the wheels. Nice! Looks like it need the fish finder. If you talk him down to original cost of boat, good deal. His gear box is nice. here us the deal. Look at the carrying capacity. That boat can hold 400 lbs. I bet your fine. I do however suspect a 12 foot kayak would be more comfy for you. Space is nice. But that slayer propel 10 is a great kayak. I would love one as a backup. Native kayaks have a huge aftermarket upgrade universe.
  18. Don’t cut the line. Break it at the lure.
  19. To be honest, the biggest drain hole in my kayak is where my pedal drive stabs thru on my kayak. The scupper hole is tiny by comparison.
  20. I haven’t even taken my scupper plugs out of the packaging. I like things to drain. A big boat wake will come into my yak if I’m not paying attention. Everything is in a dry bag. Lunch, stuff, etc. ‘anchor? I don’t use one yet. I think forego one in the meantime until you get familiar with the kayak. Dealing with the anchor line would be unpleasant when your trying to do everything right. Plus if you flip, less to tangle in. ‘’when it gets warmer. Flip the boat do you can practice self rescue. You’ll be surprised how your boat configuration can screw up your reentry.
  21. I’ll probably get one. Looks like a cool concept. I was thinking about another spinning setup anyways. That can wait.
  22. Oh I get it. Kind of. Neat concept. My luck a channel cat grabs the lure and spools me...
  23. I’ve often thought about weighing some sinkers and lured on my firearm reloading scale. But it’s always a passing thought.
  24. I messed around on a Titan 13.5. It’s stable as eff. It felt slow. my friend has the pro angler 12. He let me take it for a spin. I handed it back to him quick so I wouldn’t fall in love. It’s really stable as well. I could d**n near walk around. I could stand in the transverse direction and pee over the side if I wanted. I heard the pro angler 14 is even more stable!! I can’t imagine it. here is the deal. I was out on the Cali Delta two weeks ago. The wind was blowing with the out-going tide. My Hobie zipped back to the launch with zero hesitation. The guy briefly next to me in his Titan 12(?) was struggling. We were fighting a current and the wind. He had to crank on the peddles to get back. My Hobie is pretty quick. But I never worry about current or wind. I bet there’s a limit to that propeller. Like a running river would he off limits. Dunno. those Hobie fins move some water. Oh. The downside? Obviously weight. But I’m a wuss and I could drag one around pretty easily. I’ve put my friends pro angler in the truck for him. It’s easy. Dragging it? Maybe not down a rough 1/4mile long trail like I do with my Hobie compass. (Which is why I chose the Compass) the other downside. If you do flip: and you most likely will. These super stable kayaks will then he working against you. Flipping it back over will take effort. I would definitely PRACTICE that move. For sure. You’ll need a strategy beforehand.
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