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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I’d take red nail polish and paint Gill-lines on that sucker!
  2. (As a young kid) I used to read the Mepps catalog until it fell apart. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a fish on a Mepps. I had high hopes for the #3 Black Fury.
  3. I’m not a sword guy. I’ll regret that if zombies become real. but I like knives. I used to LOVE knives, but that got stupid quick. I kept a few for hunting and EDC, but I sold/gave away the rest. My latest purchase. A tiny backup folder for my PFD. It’s rust proof and scary sharp.
  4. I used the Garmin Striker (given to me) pretty much without the instructions. You can’t mess that one up.
  5. Have fun. Not a lot of bank fishing at Clearlake. But you can cast into a creek from Clearlake State Park. Fishing is on fire. I heard new melones is as well. Have fun. im going back to work Monday:( oh if you’re in the area. Lake Sonoma bank fishing is great right now. Just walk either direction from the free boat ramp. I’d go left (if you’re facing the water). Hitting small jigs and Neds hard. Mix of smallies and largies
  6. I’m running a vest pocket of batteries. I have however purchased the water resistant battery door that will alllw me to run supplemental juice from a portable power cell. I have gotten that into filming just yet. I keep mouth breathing into my videos. And apparently I mumble incoherently under my breath.
  7. Phenix Maxim is one light and sensitive rod. Kinda want to pick up a casting version soon. Not a handsome rod tho.
  8. I know COVID is a huge monkey wrench in the cogs of my idea. But: I was going to do this with turkey hunting. I have access to private land thick with turkey. I match up with a guy on the east side of the country with Easterns to trade with my Rio Grande species of birds. See where I’m going with this? We help each other get different birds! For example; bass fishing? I get a new friend on the California Delta, or Clearlake. The new friend keeps me from becoming a alligator turd in the Everglades. You gas boat owners would be the best hosts ...me I’d have to put you in a Hobie Kayak, so I would trade with another kayaker. just a thought. I’m bored sitting at home. (Not fishing today). Seeing what you guys around the country haul out - got me thinking. I have to go back to work tomorrow, after 4 weeks of vacation. I had to find my work phone this morning to charge it up.
  9. Great pics. Especially that first one. Nice nice fish.
  10. 703 Fury is my most reached for rod. I do all sorts of ridiculous things with it. But I could never color within the lines. Last week I only had that rod and a spinning; so I caught my first punch-bait bass with it. Ideal? Nope..but the bass wasn’t a fan either way. It felt wrong, but right..haha.
  11. d**n. I m following a 5-lb smallmouth?!
  12. I can’t do that. I have a decent lake 7 mins from my front door. It’s my least favorite lake. It gets so boring. I love exploring and seeing new things.
  13. My friend tows his PA14 around with his Subaru. His trailer is a Malone kayak trailer.
  14. My dream is to slip my kayak into some Florida waters.
  15. I’m loaded up. My gut tells me slow swimming my big bluegill replica will work. The Ganatrel is tied on. ‘plus my drop-shot. I’m not insane. Off to Clearlake again!!
  16. I’m wrong all the time! I’ll be chanting to myself, “oh a big one!” Then an average fish is netted. Or (better) the opposite. I’ll be casually fighting until I catch a glimpse, “wow - a big fish!”. I love the time I catch that glimpse. so much fun. At every level. Even the glimpse is fun.
  17. Me neither! the hard-baits are my Achilles!
  18. New Melones. Is that “central” CA? good luck. I’d hit Clearlake with your kayak OP.
  19. I left my GoPro filming when I peed to the side. My wife couldn’t stop laughing.
  20. I fish a dark horse spinning rod. The 7’3” Med Phenix. I don’t love the look (it’s has a goofy camo pattern going) but it’s my favorite rod in my arsenal. It makes me smile when I feel the most subtle tick.
  21. Oops. Auto correct strikes again.
  22. I tend to glam onto a technique. Right now, the flavor of the month is the Drop-Shot rig. I start there and end there. I like how I can put it on target and add life to the bait without moving it in place (much). there are times I recall where it didn’t work at all. Last week I stayed with a jig way too long because, “it worked the previous time” ive had a wacky month before. you guys just moving techniques thru the rotation? I sometime think I take confidence rig to a whole other level. maybe summer is the time to get all the rods out. Not sure. But I am eagerly writhing until “frog month”
  23. The 2/0 Covershot is sold out. I’m trying the owner Down-shot offset next. 2/0 size. It rides on the line beautifully. It’s supposed to be made for horizontal rigging. The bend in the hook eye forces the hook to ride upwards a bit. To offset the bait weight. (So the shop guy told me). I’ll try them Saturday at Clearlake.
  24. Confirmed. It floats. It really floats. Like you feel the buoyancy trying to push it underwater. and I slimed it.
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