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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. can we send them to you? I mean, lead ones. JoyFish has some decent pricing on tungsten. best I've seen, but still mild sticker shock.
  2. some Goby? and that pic looked like "frank and beans" at a quick glance.
  3. truly, I wear my oldest rattiest sweatshirt, non-matching gloves and gaiter, waterproof pants and knee high boots. I look plenty goofy enough. sometimes I catch myself in the reflection of a store window and I gasp...egads. I call it my "I already have a woman" outfit. wear what you want around me..I don't judge.
  4. Zackly! But I go shorter before I tie on a new leader. 5’ maybe. i use yellow high vis braid.
  5. You’re getting big bass to bite, so don’t change anything except the knot. im old school. Improved clinch-knot. No issues. Kudos to mastering the FG knot. For me the “F” in FG stands for ...... well we all know what it stands for. Just googled the SDJ. I like it! Easy.
  6. The Owner Down-Shot offset worm hook. a great drop shot hook. I was using a straight shank bait keeper type (still do) but the néw hook stabs the bass lips perfect. No deep gullet hookups. Not a single one yet with the offset worm. But when a bass near-swallows a hook it’s not fun. I’m good at removing them, but prefer not to have to. It rides on the line perfectly. It is slightly hanging high so the bait weight brings it down nicely.
  7. My first standing rib roast. Was easy. It got more difficult after I tried to get fancy. first unless it’s prime cut, it’s just a standing rib roast. My thoughts. Buy a BONE-IN standing rib roast. The bones offer flavor and heat protection. I buy a 3-bone usually. salt it up. You should be uncomfortable with how much salt your using. Big pinches of kosher salt. Now wrap it up with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge over night. I use a mortar and pestle and bash up some peppercorns. You can add it with the salt or the next day. I go the next day. You should tie it up to make it shaped more evenly if needed next day, pull it from the fridge. Pat it dry and let it sit to get closer to room temp If you haven’t peppered it, go crazy now. I’m a salt/pepper guy only. Simple. oven to 325-350 depending on when you want to eat. Jab in a probe thermometer set to the low med rare target. Well actually BELOW med rare. It will keep heating up when you pull it from the oven. Cook it. Cook it bone side down. it will be very good. It won’t have that super dark mahogany color if you do that final heat blast. But it will taste great. slice the entire bone cap off at once. Oh. Let the meat rest 30 minutes before slicing. Once bones are out of way, slicing is easy. easy Jus. Tablespoon of your beef fat. Can or two of beef broth. Table spoon of beef “better than bullion”. If you guest feels meat is too rare, dip it in the hot Jus.
  8. Thanks you two. (I think :)) I had a mental line of $200, but whatever. Looks like a great option. The Vanford.
  9. Phenix Maxim. For drop shooting that rear bait holder clip is the best thing. Bare minimum requirement for me. but I love love that weird looking camouflage rod. Super sensitive and easy to weird. I paired it with a Daiwa Procyon AL 2500.
  10. Looks like a nice hotel! and great kayak. Selfies from the water when you get it there.
  11. I need/want one more spinning setup. Thinking of the Dobyns Fury 702 for the rod. Second bass finesse rod mostly. Maybe a “hiking next to the Russian River casting to Pike Minnow” setup as well. ive always wanted to try that reel. I suppose I could find a gently used one right? thoughts?
  12. I’m a jig newb. I have had great success with the Keitech V2 football jig. It’s a bit snaggy, doesn’t help that I clip down the weed-guard. My local fish love chewing on them. The smaller profile fits their appetite well in my local lakes. It’s my confidence jig by far. I have bigger jigs loaded for CA Delta trips.
  13. I’m slow. if fish are not biting in an area I tend to think it’s me, not the fish. I’ll switch up things. Retrieve cadences, presentation. Swap baits. I’m always looking for “the pattern”. Once found easily repeated - in general. plus I’m in a kayak and I’m lazy. I have friends that troll all the time. I hate trolling, it’s boring to me.
  14. I bought my kayak July1 2020. I was bank fishing once a week for two months prior to buying the kayak. I think I kayaked two weeks before I brought fishing gear aboard No fishing. every week since: I’ve fished 1-3 days a week. Mostly after work and weekends. I just took a fishing break. Tired. I’ll end up going two weeks again without wetting a line. I felt I was getting a bit obsessed. Haha. Nice to know I can stop anytime I want. you?
  15. I did send them an email. I almost cut new fins from bondo putty spreaders, but I’ll wait.
  16. Any options? Know of any replacement options. ? bummed.
  17. I’m thick headed, but coming to the same conclusion. My tackle box is tiny now by comparison.
  18. Well, I’m back at work so only weekends and the occasional sick day from now on. If anyone can help me with an explanation on why my face is tanned into raccoon eyes when I “was at home - mostly vomiting “ it wouldn’t go unappreciated:) Delta Time.! I have a few secret kayak only spots, but most are the usual areas. I’ve studied maps and google earth ad nauseam Anyone hitting the delta hard now? Reports are so spotty. I want to find a new PB!
  19. I have graduated to a Lowrance. It takes more thought, but it does have the ever important “back” button should I need to reverse a bad decision. It’s more challenging than the Garmin, but not by much.
  20. As a kayaker, I’ve accidentally come across way too many people peeing/pooping on the shoreline. Not gender specific. No one hears me on the water!! Some stuff can’t be unseen. I should hang a cat-bell on my kayak.
  21. I have a few of the 6” ones. I thought a weighted 5/0 hook with the screw tip thing would work. Not so much. It appears the hook is too shallow, and affects the swim action. Not to mention the hook probably would never pierce a bass lip. It’s buried. how exactly are you all rigging this thing? I’ve have ZERO experience using a bait like this. thanks in advance. Help?
  22. Nope. Just checked. Not my feet. Yes. I’m also subjected to the occasional mussel inspection. My hull needs to be dry.
  23. My Hobie is fairly watertight. But opening the hatches will allow the occasional dribble to run in. I towel dry when I store. A few times; whoa. Darkness + moist + warm = funk Mold I suppose. i store it upside down in my garage. I drop open all the hatches now. I even insert a desk fan and move the air around for a night. No more funk. you have any tips?
  24. My Revo SX is maxed out at the brake. But it flings stuff far. Really far. I dont pretend to understand. It was given to me. My first cast almost broke my heart. I’d never buy one. I do run most of my reels heavily braked. Not maxed. I’ll use the abu until it goes away broken.
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