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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I saw a youtube video. I was intrigued for sure. I took some older chatter-B and took the skirt off. I stared and stared at my meager bin of soft plastics. do I go with a swim-body? a long worm? or some craw? if I had a Z-Man craw I would try that, but nope. I didn't. I threaded on some FlappinHogs. Winds are gonna whip up tomorrow something fierce, so none of the big lakes are feasible. there is a fire-watch-warning at lake Berryessa! forget that! me and my kayak HATE wind. so I am going to my local lake where I can wade back to shore I am going to commit to 3 rods. my drop-shot, a orange red crank...and this abomination. my blu/blk chatter with a flapping hog and its green pumpkin second cousin. anyone every try this? did I just waste a skirt(s)? (my friend builds his own chatters, so I could redress them fairly easy)
  2. I remember one of you saying purple gets them hooked. im gonna try. The margarita mayhem! A purple Robo worm. I can’t find the ridiculous bubble gum pink worm I was successful w last week. Sold out. gonna throw a grape at em. What a neat color and great name. Not sure I’d ever drink a margarita this color.
  3. I have one pair and they are Simms. I bought them during the pandemic so supply was almost nonexistent. I had no choice but the light gray ones. I seem to still tan a bit with the gloves. Just slightly. I do love the open palm area. Feels better when I palm my reel. im wearing them to death. The fingers are mushrooming out and they seem to catch hooks more easily. I’ll get another pair soon.
  4. I can’t feel anything unless the slack is out of my line. My kayak is drifting, current is moving my bait, the line rainbow arches to the target, etc. I never feel “touchdown”. I watch my line and pick up slack when it does. I get a tiny bit of slack everytime I let the lure drop. the feel is when I’m working the bait.
  5. twist my arm. I had a hard time finding a net that checked all the boxes. so I made a few. it was a great satisfying project. I think a wading net is an okay option, but I needed the net stored up front with a handle long enough even one of my feeble bend at the waist manuevers can reach.
  6. thanks. TRUE he does a great job. I copied him right to the two files. KML and GMX.
  7. Instead of graphing a lake. I’m gonna try using google earths historical maps, mark structure I find in drought years and transfer those to my graph. I just found out my local lake used to be two smaller lakes separated by a levee. They simply knocked down the levee but I found it and marked it! Plus some trees. I just converted the points to a GMX file and will put it on my SD card. The next challenge is to learn how to access the data. Fun stuff it I’m no tech wizard. It’s challenging for sure.
  8. Long distance. Assuming luggage and other people. I take the reels off and put everything into a travel tube. I’ll tie it to the roof. Add a cable lock. And an industrial sized zip tie. Rod socks? I finally ordered some a few days ago. I’m over the rod tangle. I have the RodMule coming as well.
  9. Maybe a batch got a bad heat treat? Mine bend, never break. Not wise, but sometimes I simply bend them back. Now it will probably break since it has been work hardened.
  10. Z-Man TRD rigged on a wormless rig. Yoga Pants (color)
  11. I searched for the perfect net. turns out I needed to make one. I keep it on the nose of my kayak, so the handle HAS to be long enough for me to lean forward and grab. I made two. first version is from a Frabil that cost me $14. I used PVC for the handle and it is okay. it floats since I filled the handle with expanding foam. I had to trim the handle down by whittling it down with a razor blade and did some final sanding. JBweld glued it in tight. it was a tight fit to begin with. I thought I lost it when I imagined it bounced out of my truck. my wife found it and put in on the hedge..where I found it right after i..... ....ordered and made another one. I knew what I liked before, so I went about improving it. I used a G2 net and used an old aluminum pole from a bent up pool cleaning wand. I cut out the unbent section and it was perfect length for me = 30". same JBweld, but the handle wasn't as tight to begin with so I counter sunk two screws for added insurance. I had leftover WINNS wrap so I just used it. that stuff isn't cheap, so buying a lime green roll was tough to stomach. the aluminum handle makes it so light!! it is awesome. narrower handle as well, so it is more comfy. here is the deal. I take pride in NOT spreading Zebra Mussels, so I sealed both nets. siliconed the holes in the handle and filled them with foam. they both float. not sure which one I like better. the black one, the frabil fits my HOBIE COMPASS better because I can stuff it under the net up front. the green one has to sit on top. I haven't had one go overboard yet, but they float anyways. I bet I spent $45 total for the first one, and the same for the second one since I already owned the glue, wrap, etc. but it would have been more since the net cost more (amazon) I love my two nets. big bass fit better in the green one.
  12. Update. shimano handles the warranty. What a pain! Thank goodness TW keeps my purchase history so I could pull up a receipt. I am not in the habit of keeping lure paperwork!
  13. Water I losing an inch a day with no relief in sight. I heard June sometime they may close the ramps to boats. anyone hearing anything?
  14. Put a life jacket on everyone and have fun. I’ve lost paper/scissor/rock and had to jump overboard to push a boat run aground in weeds and mud. (Next time ROCK!) as far as people laughing. Nobody cares. What’s really funny is what I’m wearing. Sometimes my buddy gets tired if the front position and lets me drive. I’m not entirely sure where the boat will end up sometimes.
  15. That’s if the fish is alive right? Dead they decompose quickly. Our waters are warm. in salt water, that’s shark bait
  16. as a kayak guy, I think I do pretty well sending a fish back healthy. no live well and such. no standing bass drop from a bass boat deck. having said that, I can see a drop shot hook going into the depths of a bass easily. I got one out that was deep the other day. ended up, with no blood from the bass. I stuck myself good, tho. the downside of a kayak. I never have ice to put the bass on should I kill one. I would have to paddle out and go home, getting ice along the way. not convenient at all.
  17. you my friends, were NO HELP!! well it looks like I need to buy my spinning setup AND a BFS setup. you know - to be sure
  18. I’m 100% skunked with the green pumpkin one. I switch to a zoom z-drop and it’s fish on. im an oddball. I’ll keep trying.
  19. allupurinol for gout changed my life.
  20. Do you have a multimeter? You need to make sure you’re re starting off with a full charge. Which IMHO is in the neighborhood of 12.4 volts. I had a 10ahr battery that would max out at 11.99-12.04v. It got replaced. you could put a sunshade hood over it so you can run it at a lower brightness setting.
  21. Snuck away for a few hours of fishing. I have not been to this lake for a couple of months. I was lost, no idea what the bass were doing. I got a 2.8lb, then a 1.5lb. I was good to go, no skunk! Then. Wham. I could barely move the fish. It wanted to dive I let it peel line. It wanted to zig, I try to zag. It blasted past my kayak and I saw color. WOW! Other kayakers were watching my splash-fest. It never jumped but it did the tail walk. I was thinking of playing it a bit so I loosened my drag just a touch and it dove under an overturned tree. My line went solid like a snag. It jammed me up in a tree! My hook bent out and the fish swam off. I got my rig back. I got cheap and used my pliers to bend my hook back. No more bites. I’ll never know how big it was. Looked like a six. It was exhilarating. Oh well. I’m stoked I got a good one to bite! Hers the small one bi didn’t take a pic of the bigger fish because it was a tough hook removal. No blood, but I wanted the fish in the water ASAP.
  22. I’m in the market. Thinking (spinning) 2500 Vanford with a Med Dobyns Fury. Roughly $350ish or Dobyns BFS with Curado BFS. Roughly the same investment. both ain’t happening.
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