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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Saturday I went fishing at my local lake. It’s a tiny lake. Crowded. i saw a guy floating around casting. I say hello and ask if he’s had any luck. “no. This is my third trip and I’m looking for my first bass”. We talked a bit and I said. Follow me. He is the slowest Hobie kayaker ever I waited and took him to a spot and said. “ throw a drop shot in there”. Not sure he knew what that meant. After figuring out each other’s vaccination status. I heel-hook his kayak and tie a drop shot on his setup. He’s a trout guy, so his gear was up to par. his first few casts into the Tules, he hooked a giant. He lost it shortly afterwards but we both cheered the successful presentation. It was awesome to watch!! He cracked me up when he asked “ tell me you just saw that!” he texted me the next day. He got the skunk off!!! Bless the drop shot!! I made a friend. Well. Not when he feels the addiction takes hold.
  2. Me too! 7’ Med Spinning. High viz yellow braid with 8 or 10 sunline flouro leader. Total game changer for me. ive always felt baitcast = bass fishing and maybe even subconsciously looked down on spinning gear. I thought it was reserved for those that can’t cast. Oops. I was wrong. Profoundly wrong. I’m getting very accurate casting my spinning rod. I’m trying to buy a new spinning reel that’s more expensive than any of my baitcast stuff. I think a second spinning setup will take me to the next level in my neighborhood.
  3. I think one of my Lowrance superpowers is the maps. I got rid of my Garmin because of the lack of maps. it’s nice to zoom out to “see” what is around the corner before I waste physical effort moving my kayak there.
  4. I (just!) got my email from TW that they are back in stock. Made a mental note, and went fishing in the evening. this morning. Sold out again! Crazy. Bunch of ballers out there shopping!!! Plus I’m slow. I like how TW keeps my receipts just in case.
  5. my last skunk I call January 2021 ? Man. Local big lake. Lake Sonoma. Windy with 20 mph gust. We were in a narrow arm of the lake so waves didn’t get choppy and it never felt scary. However holding kayak position was impossible. Drifting fast,and finesse fishing doesn’t work together. Not for me. My buddy had a clamp he could latch onto trees poking out of the water. He killed them. 20+. Me. Lost a 8” fish at the boat. Last five minutes I threaded a morning glory colored worm on my drop shot. And I caught a small keeper. No skunk. got home at 8:30. Had to scrub mud out of kayak since we launched where there is no ramp. Ate showers went to bed. What a day. wind is unpleasant
  6. I haven't cracked the entire Delta Code yet. my favorite spot so far is Clearlake. welcome aboard dude.
  7. I struck out yesterday. but that is probably more because the drop shot was on fire and it was hard to let that one go. I will try this evening in a bigger lake. if the wind doesn't swamp me and try to drown my stubborn butt.
  8. I’m gonna get the Sierra 702 to pair with a Vanford 2500. Soon. im fishing a med Phenix Maxim and it flings everything effortlessly. I can’t wait to compare the two side by side.
  9. I haven't had a sunburn since my teens. maybe early college days. I'm just chewing the fat about the fun tan lines.
  10. I have to drag my kayak down a steep hillside for about 1/4 mile today..for the evening fishing trip. the lake is very low. super low. in an hours or so. I'm hoping to film it, so my friends can see the conditions, but I will sound like a leaking air balloon. hahahah.
  11. my worst sunburn in my youth was the tops of my feet. lessoned learned! I had to wear flip-flops to school. my feet were tore up.
  12. Just a fun thread. last year my tan lines were crazy. Naked I looked like I was wearing white shorts and white socks. My arms were light but my hands looked like I dipped them in motor oil. Like a reverse Mickey Mouse hands look. Haha. I had white raccoon eyes. this year I’m staying much more covered up. Long pant only. Real shoes. Gaiter and gloves. Oh, copious use of SPF 50 anyways. pics are not necessary:)
  13. My kayak is simple. 5” Lowrance Hook Reveal. Done jump off your kayak and try to climb back aboard in deep water. You won’t make it if you have a bunch of stuff around the perimeter of the boat. I use my FF mount as one my 1 of 2 handholds to slide back in.
  14. The Boat monkeys evil uncles “GasMonkey” and “TowVehicle-monkey”, are not related to kayak-monkey. Thank goodness. ‘the bad news? Bait monkey is a very good friend.
  15. Phenix Maxim rod. Longer than you want this at 7’3”. But the thing is amazing to me. I convinced a 5lb that my kayak was the place it needed to be. Super sensitive.
  16. I had an epic back-lash on my SLX DC the other week. If I mess up bad, the DC won’t save me. Having said that; it casts like I have some added insurance. I can’t get it set up like the YouTube guys that cast sans thumb. I still use my thumb.
  17. I’m not doing a YouTube channel. Just like filming for fun wearing my chest mount. man, my voice is awful. Nasal and congested sounding. I also become a mouth breather when I catch a fish. Wheezy. Some of the stuff I say is goofy as all get out. It sounds way better in my mind.
  18. DitchP. You are a good good guy for thinking about fellow man. Thanks for the solid quarantine. the bass will be waiting for you, my friend.
  19. Morning Dawn with purple flake got it done. Putting in the work.
  20. as a civil engineer we squirt Sikaflex into some of our structural members to try to keep rust at bay. that stuff last forever, and stay pliable. it is really good stuff. I do what @Way2slow does. but honestly I bet that hole would be fine dry.
  21. here is mine. I keep baits inside in plastic bags with a sharpie label. works for me.
  22. my Daiwa Procyon AL in the 2500 makes me crack a smile even on my grumpy days. I think I bought both of mine (one is on the bottom of a lake - WAHH!) cost around $165ish. I have zero complaints. lures fly away from me, fish get dragged back to my unwillingly, its all good.
  23. this I my most major mod. I took a Milwaukee tool box and made it into my kayak box. cost me about $60, and it is easy to move around and prevents me from going overboard with carrying to many baits. I had to get creative fitting 5 rods. (I could use six rods - but my brain is tapped) can you stand up in that?
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