Bass fishing is a puzzle. One day this works, the next day or even in the next few hours it changes. I love changing a technique or a bait offering and getting that first bite.,,,luck? No, there’s a second bite. Coincidence? Mmmmm. Let me try again. THIRD BITE!
I love figuring out the pattern. It’s what getting that first “at least I’m not going to skunk” fish in the kayak means to me.
they were hard fighting today. One fish was I undetectable. I just sat still and I heard my line playing against the tule like a fiddle. The line was moving! Moving slow. Set hook and out popped a 2.85. Netted and fist pumped the sky!
the third fish: I saw it swipe at something on the surface. I pitched in my bait. HARD TICK! Wham. He dragged me, my lure, my kayak into the tule. Haha. 2.70.
‘’then my wife called, dinner time.
‘no skunk people! No skunk. Just a quick 1.5 hour trip after a tough day at the office.
fish #2 and #3