I took my brand new reel to the shop today, to get it loaded with line. done. I started asking about rods. the guy told me what he paired his exact reel with and it was frankly more than I wanted to $pend. he then walked me to the lineup and put my reel on one rod after the other. I am not an expert, and cannot even describe what I like. I wanted lighter, but not waif-like. there are some really light rods out there. ethereal almost. when I landed on the one that felt balance to me, it was kinda obvious. it for lack of better, felt like my other spinning setup. right or wrong it just felt correct.
I bought it. surprise!! it is the Dobyns Kaden 712SF. I was actually shocked somewhat. I thought I was targeting a lighter rod. but the palm swell, the clean cork, all traditional looking, the bait hook out back.....
headed out tomorrow if this 50mph winds do not materialize. (they will :() hope to get some bass slime on the thing.
thanks you guys. putting up with us newbs must be exhausting. hahaha.. when I am not planning on punching the weeds for bass, I feel two spinning rigs with 3 cast rigs is my sirens song. if I punch, one spinning set up stays home. (my thought process at least, for now)