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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I kinda love the new technology. As a kayak fisherman I can’t jam around a lake trying different spots to find fish. It would be nice to peek around my area of limited travel. Having said that, I’ve had some great fishing days with a regular FF. I like the basic depth info info it provides. I catch one, I can note the depth and look for other areas that are similar. I love casting into the unknown. The trepidation and anxiety of maybe getting bit. I don’t think I want to see it coming. maybe someday. But I’ll put a motor on my kayak before I go with updated FF. now if a buddy would get it and I can peek over his should occasionally. That would be awesome.
  2. It’s my confidence worm. By a mile.
  3. I’m using high-vis suffix 15lb. With a 8lb sunline leader. i suck at knots and my vision blows. I put on my glasses and get it done. The Alberto knot is so easy. Ive graduated to the FG knot, built in my kayak I still tie the Alberto because it’s so simple. drop shot with braid is awesome. I can feel the tiny ticks easy.
  4. I wasn’t that great at school. When I finally landed in college the final time I didn’t skip a thing. I focused on school and got it done. I had to go back a “final“ time when I begged the Dean to give me another shot. It was because I skipped school and fooled around. there’s time to have fun later. Best move I made was to go back and finish.
  5. Longer pauses. Change up the velocity of the jerk. So much fun. I get hit mostly on the pause.
  6. I’ll pass. my fish destroy the wacky rig. That fragile inurig would come apart completely I imagine. I’ll try the chicken rig Saturday. Looks like an doable rig sitting in a kayak.
  7. Tough to find!! I think my local fish would love them. you all know a secret source o can PM me?
  8. A local lake. Lake Sonoma went up almost 9 feet
  9. I’m gonna grab a few lucky craft jerks. They have great looking colors. Example. Sexy Shad is….well sexy! you save half the money I think. I recently got some jerkbait success. It’s a fun bite. Better than the hard stop you get when your crankbait gets hit. I love how you’re paused and just waiting when you feel the bass hit. So much fun. It’s exciting anticipating the slam.
  10. I’ll occasionally eat a LMB. Mostly because of accidental kill. They are okay. I do a whole steamed fish Cantonese style. My fav freshwater fish to eat is the walleye.
  11. Rain was spectacular. My two local lakes flooded out. one looks like chocolate milk. The other one flooded gently. Well it simply filled up. Interesting what this does to the bite. I imagine ph or something
  12. Sideways rain pushed by 40mph gust! Sweet. Got in some fishing in yesterday. Today it’s all about tying new knots and watching fishing videos. I’d drown outside. it is coming down big time. My local ponds/lakes will fill up significantly, but the big reservoirs will need several similar events I suppose.
  13. You should see what I think six inches look like.
  14. Fished an incoming rainstorm. (Yay! Rain!) I was just about to get skunked. I got one on the dropshot but it felt like pure luck. My buddy started in with the jerk bait. He got two for two! I grabbed my jerk bait setup and started casting and casting and casting……. Nothing he would keep catching. He loaned me a Vision110jr in the same color and I got one. I slooooowwwwed it way down. I would cast it as far as a dared (risking the bird nest) and jerk it hard to get it to dive. Then full stop. 15-30 second pause, then two gentle jerks and pick up the slack…and pause. They would smash it on the long pause! It was so exciting sitting still waiting/hoping for a bite. I tie on my own goldish- color vision 110 for the added weight so I could cast further and hit a 2lb in the rain! i need to buy one the same color as his, it was the hot pattern by a long shot. I gave him $25 to find me one at his shop in the city. Fingers crossed.
  15. All valid points. My friend uses a Nucano frontier 10 or something. He doesn’t even have a FF yet installed. ( I gave him my Garmin) me and my Hobie; I am so much faster setting up and breaking down. I like a mounted transducer simply so I didn’t have to mess with it ever again. I just plug in lake side and I’m off. There is enough stuff to move and strap down as it is. something to think about. You got a great boat bud. I love his frontier. The seat seems too heavy tho. It’s like a real chair! best of luck. Outfitting my kayak was pretty fun.
  16. Thanks bud. It’s the one item I keep forgetting to add. I’ve used a scent stick before. Easy application for sure. you just rub in some gel? crayfish?
  17. where are you located bud? I’m in Santa Rosa. im thrilled for the rain. I was smiling on my traffic jammed commute just enjoying the sounds of my wipers.
  18. I suffered badly. Grew in the southwest where the official shade tree is the fruitless mulberry. It was crippling. Move to here and it was something else that was d**n near year round. I gave up and called my doc. I dropped a few key words like “quality of life” “ affecting my sleep” and she sent me to another doctor. We tried a prescription nasal spray. It was profoundly life changing. Took about 10 days to adjust to the dosage but it has stopped it cold. 100%. Now I only have to blast my nose when I first feel the tickle. It stopped my watery eyes and itchy throat too. call your doc.
  19. Oh it’s happening. It’s raining and raining enthusiastically throughout the region. Straight 8 days of rain. There’s is a slight reprieve Saturday morning and I’m thinking about head to toe rain gear. In my kayak. fish gets frenzied in rain right?
  20. I would do a Hail-Mary first before I use a transducer arm. I would try doing that silicon install inside the hull (google it) and see if it worked. The goal is a big bubble less homogeneous glob of silicon to nestle the transducer in so it may shoot readings thru the hull.
  21. Gah. I’m loaded for bear. Gassed up and was prepped to drive 2 hours to a remote lake. Half of it on a dirt mountain road. I check weather. It was supposed to rain in the evening after I’m long gone. Nope. It moved forward. That road turns to snot. No thanks. On the bright side: no wind. Haha. oh well. We need rain badly. I’ll stay local and harass the nursery fish. I came this close to going back to bed. rain! Haha. I think I know my rain dance. Try going to a remote lake.
  22. Bigger fish seem to hit the jig for me. But I’m a worm guy all year long. But yea late winter I’m throwing a finess jig all the time.
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