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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I can cast with either hand. Flip/pitch I’m better with my left. cranking the handle on a baitcast with my left? The wheels come off the wagon. Makes no sense!! I crank a spinning with my left!! Argh. i want to have a mix of reels. If I buy into BFS, I think it will be a lefty reel.
  2. Nobody would ever describe me as having a “ sunny disposition “. Im trying to change for the better. . I can’t let fishing have any pet peeves. So I’m happy to report. I have none with respect to fishing. none of the OP’s would register on my radar.
  3. Okay. I do have 3/1 oil. I don’t love sticking greasy pliers into a bass mouth tho. It’s day is awful enough. Small favors I know.
  4. Mine rusted. Some random brand from Amazon. I loved the side mounted braid cutter. I could really snip tag ends tight with this configuration. My last TW shipment I added the Gamakatsu pliers. I laughed when I got them. They are literally the exact same unit as my rusted out pair. Just a new color and badging. they will probably last the same two years with the same WD40 random wipe down. I like the Gerbers.
  5. Yea. The no-skunk company is getting free advertising. not all stickers are logos.
  6. I bought two. BOGO. I still have the heavy rod for punching. It’s on the heavy side IMHO. It works fine. I suck at punch fishing so I haven’t winched out a lot of fish. I will look for a lighter rod one day. the free rod was a spinning rod. Med. akylos, or something. I hated that rod. I did catch a lot of big bass on it tho. I couldn’t get the reel tightened down right. Fishing a fish, I could feel it clicking in the seat. It was also the nose heaviest rod I’ve ever tossed. It made my hand go numb. I gave it to a friend and he loves it. He did add ballast at the butt to make it feel more neutral with his reel. It felt like a medium heavy to me. shipping was slow the time I bought mine.
  7. Yes. I only know OSO which is no help.
  8. Thread took on more seriousness than I imagined. Here was my jumping off point. I will venture into the Pacific Ocean. I’ll put ID on my kayak. Makes perfect sense. The coast guard doesn’t cover the lakes i bass fish. The sheriff dept does. They check on me all the time.
  9. Just wondering. I put a “no-skunk” sticker on mine yesterday. I grin when I look at it. I have another one about bananas and fishing but I hesitate due to it being bigger. thoughts? Is your kayak festooned with stickers?
  10. Fantastic gesture.
  11. It happens. I saw it at Clearlake once. The area smelled so bad from the fish pushed up on shore. my local hike in place just got sterilize by nature. I hope they bounce back.
  12. d**n. I was drinking coffee! Pffffhhhttt! It burns. so funny. None of my stuff matches. Not many reels don’t clash with a D-Fury rod. I came close pairing a Kaden with a Vanford, but the rod didn’t grow on me.
  13. I got the best voicemail. We drive 2 hours to our previous resident city to get dental work done. Our dentist is THAT GOOD. We opted to keep our dentist despite the fact that we moved. (He said we were not his most distant clients) to maximize the visit, my wife and I always schedule a morning appointment back to back. That way we carpool and we get to eat at some of our old favorites for lunch. We blow off the day with respect to our jobs. So we make our appt months in advance. he left a message hoping we could come a day early (Thursday) because he wants to take every Friday off to bass fish the springtime. Haha. We both fully endorsed the reasoning. We do love swapping photos of fish. im glad he really isn’t a cold weather fisherman. We can go back to a Friday in October. But I’ll tell him he should at least hit October! to add: he only fishes Comanche lake. Shares a boat with a bud. I’m dying to get him out on a kayak with me.
  14. I’ve never even heard of the prejudices against spinning? What gives? just because taming backlash is difficult? Or is it the robust drag numbers? I’m friggen accurate with a spinning setup. And fighting a larger fish on spinning is wildly exciting.
  15. I don’t worry about my manliness while fishing. I’m pretty sure a double digit would make me cry like a girl.
  16. Are you pegging the weight? Thanks for the tips. My first attempt was a fail, but I’m waiting for spring for the real effort.
  17. The motherLode lakes all have smallies right? They are an intimidating group of lakes. On the far drive side, but I really want to try a few. New Melones and almanor for sure
  18. Come on! Ill show you around.
  19. Not me. I hate it. What I am however is easily influenced. Somebody tells me this bait is the silver bullet, I buy it to try. ifi try it and I don’t like it for whatever reason. Really try it, it goes into a donation bag. I’ll send it to a school bass club.
  20. I’ve done a few. My latest iteration has been my best effort. First I used an aluminum handle. Super light. My friend gave me a 20 foot alum tube!! i discovered that expanding foam needs air to cure. Squirting it in the end doesn’t work well. You need to drill some access to squirt into a few spots. This time I simply recycled some foam packaging cushions from our latest office computer delivery. I just cookie cuttered cylinders and stuffed them in and silicon sealed the end. My goal was 100% sealed to prevent the transfer of zebra mussels and plant-life. And it floats. Wrapped it with Winn fishing rod grip tape since it’s made to work wet. I ended up with a net with a handle thin enough to hopefully fit in one of those YakAttack cradles. oh. My end cap is one of those cups you fit over then end of one of those old school kitchen chair legs. It’s perfect!! Net.
  21. I managed to find a storage solution for two kayaks that uses the same room as one kayak. I’m not putting old faithful out in the elements just because there’s a new kid in town. Cost me $25. I may never sell my other kayak. Hehe.
  22. He says. “Maybe we can go fishing?” duh! O hell yes. He’s always wanted to see Clearlake. And I have two Hobie kayaks now. I hope to make an impression. Early March was easy 2021. Hope ‘22 is similar. I can’t wait now. I might buy a few more rod combos:).
  23. I have a paltry list in comparison. And I don’t have it memorized. I do want a better punch rod. My sixgills is too heavy. Hurts my elbow.
  24. I use one jig for SMbass. It’s the version 2 Keitech football jig. 3/8th I use either the green pumpkin or that brown one. I use tiny trailers. Some rage craw thing. this is for CA smallies. Your mileage may vary. (I’m gonna try a hula grub this year!)
  25. Roger that. My friend moved and his parting gift was his secret hike in spot on the RR. He kills them on Mepps spinners
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