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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. Like this. There’s some casting against the wind tho. I did well with this technique accidentally. They smash the lure on long pauses. Like exaggerated long pauses. The anticipation was addicting
  2. My friend got the 12v 100 amp battery. He gets a good day easy. Same troll motor I think. I know he saved a few hundred not buying a Dakota Lithium.
  3. I bought a bunch and gave them out as Christmas gifts. I love the thing. The CalCoast Donkey Leash. I’m frazzled mentally on pretty much any fish I catch. A big one? I’m way excited. I love focusing on the fish. Quick hook removal and clip on the donkeyL and put the fish back the water to stay cool and wet. THHHENNN! I gather myself. Untangle stuff, toss lure back into water, tuck rod away ,get a firm grip on my iPhone etc. Maybe even get the fish scale turned on and off metric mode. (“2lbs? That can’t be right…”) it’s a great way to take care of a fish. just a thought. My opinion only.
  4. Wise beyond your years on the last part. Haha
  5. Fishing. I’m relatively new to all of this. I fished in my youth but not seriously. Now it’s borderline obsessive level stuff. I was wondering why I show my friends pics? It’s to show off really, right? Am I a showoff? (Asking myself, not you). Even holding up a fish to show your buddy paddling around 100 yards away. Hooting and hollarring. Is it validation? Or purely to document the event? pics start some unwanted questions. “Where was that”. Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. Haha. I have more fish pics on my devices than ones of my wife. Eek. Or my dog. So interesting. Not sure I need to photograph EVERY fish I catch.
  6. I’ve never needed to contact them. They ship so quickly for me. Overnight usually. I use PayPal just in case for that perceived level of protection. I never back order but I do take advantage of their “in stock” email notifications. I keep stuff in my wish list until I can compile a $50 order. Which is surprisingly EASY. I LIKE THEM.
  7. They all look good to me. I don’t scrutinize for blemishes tho.
  8. My mom tried to kill her sons. I think was 18. Puts my brother at 15. Mom bought us an old ass boat. It was a fiberglass boat with that wand on the left you pull/push to steer. It had a 70hp motor. I towed it two hours to elephant butte lake in a 1971 bronco. Launched it off a beach. As it’s entering the water i hear a man ask, “you have the drain plug in?” “What drain plug?” he tells me to pull it back out and we let it drain and he finds the plug rummaging around and stuffs it in. I swear. That man and his co angler stayed within eye shot of us all day. Angels! we skunked but learned a lot that day. We learned a lot about boats with that thing. Such fun! mom was insane.
  9. Buy an inexpensive multimeter and see what voltage is at the battery terminals at revs. Bare minimum you eliminate a faulty gauge. you don’t want to push too much voltage at a battery. In a car, it’s the voltage regulator,s job to limit how much the battery sees. On my car. 13.4v. A boat has to be similar. good luck. I’d tow it into a car shop if I had to. With a big tip in my hand.
  10. Just asking. I think that Tyler kid used it to find whoppers to cast at. I rely on luck and prayers personally.
  11. I’m embarrassed. I’ve never caught a single fish on a spinner bait. I only own two of them, because of it. when, where and how? Summertime? I tried this winter and late fall, and it was just a casting lesson at that point. help? It’s this years “goal” bait.
  12. I’m not experienced enough to even notice the nuances between reels and their various brake styles. This is the first I’ve heard of it. I just grab a rod/reel and brrrrrrr - cast it out there and hope for the best. It’s just casting. id hold the course. Why but high (new) sell low (used) only to buy high (new) again? The real sin is to buy stuff and not use it. Don’t make it worse
  13. Today was tough. Very cold by our standards. Cold! Fishing was slow. But I managed to fool one fish. hehe. So fun. 5.2lbs. I was so lucky to bring it in. In my excitement I pushed the button and went free-spool. Minor backlash. Opps.
  14. I can’t wait for you all to make that first. We all remember the first. we don’t get that feeling of “new” here. I’m not sure which is my first an which I’d last. We never stop. In a way you are lucky. I love the feeling of “new”.
  15. I have to replace an aging bridge. this thing is in the most remote spot on the delta I have ever seen!! I was eyeballing my gas gauge the entire drive. it's FAR!! I found my bridge. I walked around and my heart-rate got faster! the place is stunning. standing on the old bridge, I could see thru the clear water into "future" bedding areas. blown down trees in the water. rip rap, tule, undercut banks..small islands. it had it all. and it is very hidden. I hope it is sheltered from the wind somewhat. I found a tiny marina with no customers. I went in and the owner was so friendly. I did notice him slip his handgun back onto the table. haha. I talked to him and the old man is asking exorbitant prices for his launch fee. whatever. I'll try it at least once. he swore the place is haunted by giant green bass. hehe. (they all say that). I LOVE the DELTA!!
  16. I avoided my usual suspects for the weekend. I am still keeping this place secret. so far so good. rigged up and ready to go!! I am hopeful.
  17. I dug a few ditches in my college days. Made me study harder.
  18. I don’t let the world revolve around me. My wife wanted to go hiking with a group to learn about local edible wild plants. I put away the fishing thoughts and strapped on my boots. It turned out fun and I learned cool things. Spent a good day with the wife holding hands. ironically, I learned what plant the indigenous people used to suffocate fish in pools. - for food. I have a lifetime to fish. I went the next day. Which was a skunk. Boo! I needed that owygen depletion plant.
  19. I noticed a trend. I seemed to fish better when I wore a button up shirt. So I bought three of them. simms shirts.
  20. I could not get past the loss of pockets I carry knife, whistle, sunscreen, phone and spare GoPro batteries. I also reserve a pocket to cram cut line and food wrappers. im set in my ways.
  21. Spotted bass beat up my thumb. I kinda like it tho. if it’s problematic, Leukatape is what you want to use. It’s an athletic tape used to wrap muscle groups. I use it for backpack blisters on my feet It will stay on my feet for weeks it’s waterproof.
  22. You summed up my life in this sentence. Haha. I complicate everything
  23. I have two kayaks. It just made sense to buy a second flotation vest. I wear the ubiquitous NRS Chinook, like 50% of the people I see wearing. It’s fine. Good storage. my brother is coming to fish and I needed to buy another vest. First- it’s not wise to wait until spring is within eyesight. They are vastly sold out! Especially in the more popular colors. (black). I opted for blue. Dare I say “sapphire blue”? I pondered a black one all winter. Now I want one - back ordered until august. Oops. I ordered from REI so I can put it on right there for fit/comfort test. If it sucks, I return it. I looked at the inflating ones. I actually bought the Mustang khimera. Which is a hybrid. You rip a cord to inflate it, but just regular it will float 7lbs. It really seemed to complicated and it vented poorly. Id sweat so much, I could grow rice. I bought the NRS Ninja. It seems like a more compact vest. I hope it works. I’m 100% PFD compliant. I’m not a super strong swimmer. I hope the compact vest is comfy enough for a day on a bassboat as well. I may buy an inflatable for the boat. I’m tired of looking at vest.
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