HOBIE Outback if you can swing it. to stay closer to your budget, Hobie Compass.
I have done 14 miles days in each..(more days in the Compass, I think). wind, current? pfft. the Hobie drive is the best leg power on the water. it has a "holeshot". you kick and it immediately moves. none of that brrrrrr..droning sound I hear from my friend's propeller drives. I have been in tidal currents going against wind and had to offer my assistance to tow some big prop-pedal kayaks to shore.
I have taken both kayaks to tiny bodies of water where I needed to portage from one tiny lake to another. (super secret location!). to the gargantuan bodies like Clearlake and the California Delta. (soon the Pacific Ocean!)
there is NO PERFECT kayak. I have been known to curse the bulk of my boat while lifting it over a fence to reach a launch, or hauling it up a hillside, or wishing it was bigger as I looked at whitecaps between me and my truck..but for the most part, I opted for a something in the MIDDLE with respect to my uses. I have buddies on both sides with lighter paddle boats and buds with HUGE pedal boats. I am in the middle. everyone will complain once in a while. I wanted a multi-taster kayak. one in the middle.
Outback. more fish friendly ready out of the box, awesome storage and organization. heavier.
Compass, needs a few mods to make it more fish ready, lighter, I say faster by a nose, tighter turn radius.
both I can stand up and paddle like a stand-up paddle board to look for beds/fish. casting and setting the hook standing is a confidence thing. I was puckered early on, but now I just pop up and I dont have to look at my feet.