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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. I have a chinook and a Ninja. The ninja is more comfy. It rides perfectly for my kayak seat. I wore it a few times but it’s my loaner vest. It’s very new. I use the chinook mainly because I’m too lazy to move all my stuff over to the Ninja. Knife, whistle, etc. if I bought one, I’d go with the ninja. It’s less intuitive putting it on since you have to slip your head thru and snap it on the side.
  2. I have friends that don’t wear them. Most are ex surfers that think they are Aquaman. I wear mine. I have issues of approaching a panicked person in the water with my kayak. I think the danger of them sending me in the water is real. If they don’t have a pfd and they are panicking. Yikes. Cuidado! in addition I have friends that won’t wear harnesses in tree stands. At least that’s a solo event that won’t risk me when I rescue them.
  3. Around here showing up later may just cost you some top water action but that’s it. Everything else is fair game.
  4. I thought the resins eventually succumb to UV rays from the sun? Dunno.I can barely afford aluminum reels. CF? Ouch.
  5. Yup. I promised my wife…no exceptions. that pop singer Naya Rivera drowned after she pushed her kid on the boat only to realize she couldn’t climb back on herself. She went under. Her kid watching I presume. no thanks.
  6. I just have to have one onboard. Within reach. I put mine on/off at the truck. I’ll die if I get separated from the kayak. Unless I’m near shore.
  7. Did that bait monkey send you.? I’m gonna try a couple. Blaze and stealth minnow.
  8. Just to be clear. Hobie Turbo Fins are the juice.
  9. 3.2 mph all day long. Same effort as walking. if I’m keeping up with my buddy with his Motorguide powered PA12, I can stay neck in neck at 4.4mph. If I want to race his ass for a 1/4 mile, I can top 5 mph, but that’s a lot of effort I can’t stay long with.
  10. Funny. I actually AGREE with you. I wear plastic Oakleys bass fishing. And as a heavy construction engineer I wear plastic safety glasses 100% in the field. I never debated you. I ordered the glasses, the new ones for something else besides bass fishing. Another poster may have questioned you. Not me. I get your point.
  11. We get it. Truly we do. but the spirit of the question was really, “any one wear Bajio’s? You like them?” but in all honesty, every thread ends in a debate. You can almost say, “every thread has a “mastdebater”,, haha. Yea, i gots jokes.
  12. My friend just debated me about this last week. On kayaks. He wasn’t wearing a PFD. Haha. i appreciate all insight. I assume most fisherfolks are not yanking on weights. Like ocean folks. I have a lot of eyewear. Lots. I have choices. Pretty sure I’ll be okay jigging a lure 100 feet down in the ocean for rockfish. Not all fishing is the same.
  13. Noted! I found there is such thing as “too much” tension. The knot won’t start stringing out properly if it’s too tight.
  14. I have Oakleys I wear for punching etc. but good point. I have never been hit by a weight. Lucky I suppose. But I rarely if ever yank on a weight. Except for punching. As a kayaker I get pulled towards the snag.
  15. Last time I was in Japan I dragged my wife around to look for Hattori Hanzo’s final resting place. We found it, and the best Tonkatsu spot ever. We had to order by pointing out other patrons dishes. We were not in a tourist spot at all. ‘’I really hope the fishing store is near a good restaurant. Haha.
  16. Thanks for inputs. I ordered them! Should get them before my lake Texoma striper slug-fest!
  17. “Oh heck yes! I’m gonna find a Japanese fishing store!!” Never yell this…ever. No fist pumping the sky. haha. We are planning a trip to Taipei. Just waiting to see if their government relaxes Covid protocols. They had 80 active cases in the entire country last week. (We have that many at my company alone - haha). anyways if they do and Japan has the same restrictions, we may go. My wife’s grandma is getting very old and my wife should go. I love grandma. She’s been wonderful to me. Even though we can’t exchange a single word. back to the fishing store. Maybe not after the side-eye my wife shot at me. Haha. I seriously doubt both countries will favor us traipsing around but we shall see. Long shot.
  18. Roger that bud. Just waiting for my wife to end an online meeting to touch bases. Juuuussstttt in case.
  19. I get it. Safe route. im more edgy, hehe. I’ll report back if I get the nerve to drop the coin.
  20. Says it all! Yup.
  21. Totally polarized. You simply missed it. Thanks for the input. Always appreciated. I am definitely buying into glass lenses.
  22. I was pleasantly surprised that my local fishing store carried Bajio Sunglasses. I’ve been curiously interested in them since I seen them mentioned here on the Bass-Forum. I often wondered about glass lenses. They had the pair I was interested in. And they fit fantastic. The lens was so clear. From what I understand, they are an off-shoot of Costas. anyone wearing Bajio’s? Real world reviews? btw, the Bales Beach seem to be the ones I test fit. I read the return policy and it seems cut/dry. No surprises there.
  23. Mine are not that great looking either. But I clip the tag ends tight. I actually took a pic for my brother. (Getting ready for Texoma Striper trip!). 20lb braid to 12lb flouro, so the resulting knot is a schooch larger - but not by much.
  24. I want to hook a frog on my frog, AND THEN have giant bass hit it all. That would be epic.
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